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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Notice

As you finally touch down with Sophie in tow, you notice the group of people flying down towards you. Oh god. Panic seized you for a moment, making you eyes widen. You run over to Theo carefully with Sophie in tow. You stop her slap fight.

"Hey, uh... Who are they? They aren't intruders, right?! DO I HAVE TO BEAT SOMEONE UP!?"

You have no clue why you suddenly assumed this.
Afrien : Listen





"Yes! We did it!"

Afrien : Realize



The frog would be able to make a new universe, but it would be infected and corrupt.

after aura stopped the slap fight Theo punched her brother once more.

That is for being an idiot

then she quickly flew out of his reach


he screeched loudly
Aura: Jump

You glance behind you, then jump backward. Your eyes widen in panic, but waver when he introduces himself.

"Oh. I think Afrien's talked about you..."

You quietly glare at him. You didn't much appreciate being surprised...

Sophie: Greet

Another person with horns, except his were tiny! You approach him, smiling.

"Hello! My name is Sophie."

You notice Aura and him having a conversation.

"Oh my! I'm not intruding, right? I'm sorry if I am. I just wanted to say hello."

You feel a bit ashamed for intruding.
Amanda stood up and stretched. She wasn't used to getting tackled. It was definitely new. But...she didn't find it bad...

"So, what are you doing here? I may have missed it since I haven't looked in who knows how long at the memo, but I am honestly surpurrised here." She said with a giggle.

Amanda looked at Equius before tackle-hugging him "Your turn!" She giggled. She was going to give every single one of them a hug...if she talked to them, of course. She didn't want to seem like a hugging freak.

Theo watched as her brother went to grab a computer and sat in the corner to play games. Theo sighed, all of his friends where probably dead now so he decides to just play games instead of being social. What a debbie downer... never again will that sentence ever be mentioned. She suddenly noticed all the new trolls that had appeared, wowie she should have made friends with them more... 'OH WELL SOCIAL OUTCASTS CANT ALWAYS COMMUNE WELL!' theo yelled in her mind.
Amanda smiled as she let go to look at him. "It's nice to finally meet you Equius." She said with a genuine smile before she turned to look at Nepeta. "Where are the otfurs at? I wanna meet them too!" She said with an excited giggle.

"What, don't you trust us to handle this? I don't even know who most of you are and suddenly I'm supposed to just trust you. I don't entirely like that idea."

You turn away from him, looking back at the sky.

Sophie: Feel awkward
Duke: Examine Trolls

Like a sheep herder with a flock, you lead your consorts onward...You got tired not hitting your head against something and decided to just go meet up with the others. Jesus, more trolls, looks like a dozen in total. Guessing by how everyone's being chummy with one-another, these must be the other session trolls. You're not sure how they pulled it off, but you guess you shouldn't be complaining. This probably meant that they were here to help.
"They're... somewhere around here."

You spot two of them.

"Hey, there's Sollux and Eridan!"



"Look, I'm just trying to help. If you don't want us to help, we can leave. But we've been helping you for the whole fucking game. And if we're not here to help... some of you won't be making it out alive."



You seek out an Alternian frog and Appearify its slime, then combine it with a Sburbian frog.

@Midnight Phantom
Amanda smiled as she ran over and threw her arms around Eridan, covering his eyes in the process. Let's see how long it took him...though it probably wouldn't take long. Meh, she didn't care. It was still fun!


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