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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

kersin stopped staring into space at the sound of a notification.

Yes yes, I will do so right away!

kersin then sent his grist over.


Theo headed over to where most of the trolls gathered almost tripping over leon who stood close to her feet due to being a bit scared of the new place. she stood not knowing who was who awkwardly hoping someone would come over and talk... 'yep the worst way to go, rip me' she thought

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Amanda was almost beaming as she let go to look around at the remaining trolls. Now...where was Vriska? She was pretty sure she was the last one she needed to meet face-to-face....oh, no, wait. There was still Karkat as well. Okay, she had to find those two. "Question. Where are Vriska and Karkat? I still have to find them." She said, looking between the two.

"K.K. went over to talk to Aura. Don't know where Vriska is."

"I saw Vris somew-where in that direction. I think that's w-where Kar is, too."



Tavros: Introduce

You walk over to Theo and try to strike up a conversation.

"Uh... Hey."

@Kurai Okami




she asked quizzically ' god did i make that a good question, i hope that was a good question cause god that would be awkward, ._." ' theo thought awkwardly

Aura: Be disgruntled

You really wanted to see Ken right now... You feel your face fall at the thought of being alone. Stupid emotions, why do you suck?!

Sophie: Investigate

You walk around the planet, then notice a guy on a computer... You walk over to him.

"Hi! What are you playing, if you don't mind me asking?"

@Kurai Okami
Duke: Think

You seem to do a lot of that, now a days. Though that may be due to the lack of your ability to verbally communicate with others. You're okay with it, but still meh over the use of your voice. Kind of a bummer to hear what it was used for. Frickin' scale polish, really? Ugh!
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???: look up

you look up at the girl that walked up to you, she looked about... 14? whatever...



Oh, I'm Theo...

if you hadn't known already...


Certified nerd...


she twisted her dress around awkwardly 'god can i talk about nerd stuff? should I? God i dont think that would be a good idea... i do have an entire pile of pokemon stuffed animals by my drawers... which i was just in... MAN AM I AN IDIOT, not really i didnt know this would happen' she thought

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
"Cool! Seems like a neat game."

You watch over his shoulder, smiling.


No! You were not lonely! You were just... Er...

Okay, fine. Maybe you were a bit lonely. But Ken would be back soon! Hopefully! You become a little anxious in wait.
Ken: Send message

You feel a little lonely, and worried that Aura's feeling the same. You write a quick message.

ES: Hey Aura

ES: Were almost done here

ES: Ill be there in a little bit

ES: See you soon <3

Yep, also a certified page...

im self certified in many things...


Kersin looked at the crowd, everyone was at least two feet shorter than him. It was slightly weird being the tallest there, then again thats how it was most of the time.


Yeah, its pretty fun.

its better with people though.

All the servers i can find on the internet are down though.

Which sucks a lot

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning

Duke: Sit and watch

You plop to the ground a just sit there. Might as well give your legs a rest. You don't really feel like engaging in conversation anyway, not you could if you wanted to. Besides, you weren't much of a socialite to begin with. You watch as the other trolls interact with your group. Now if only you had popcorn.
Afrien : Hijack

You quickly hack into Ken's inventory and press a button, and all of his innumerable hoarde plummets into the Volcano.

Afrien : Wait For It


Afrien :
Wait For It...


Afrien : Now!

You pull the lever that triggers a spark in the Forge, and a blast of Magma envelops the Grist. The Magma flows Gold and soars out of the Forge, leaving the core of Ken's land empty.

The Nutritional Magma hurtles through the galaxy to Skaia, spiraling around the blue planet, before trickling into the Genesis Frog. The small creature grows to a massive size and its skin becomes an endless abyss of reddish gold spacey shit.



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