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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Iguana : Get Annoyed

You whip out your dagger and prick your finger, summoning a hail of meteors that pellet Gamzee.


Iguana : Retrieve Bird

You fly over to the Muse of Mind and snag her by the hair, pouting.

"You are really letting them deceive you Birdbrain? Let them lie to you? Act like they are your friends?"

"Who... Is he talking to?"

You feel like your missing something. Next thing you know, he's pulling you up by your hair. You scream, tears brim your eyes as the pain is excruciating. You didn't really hear him, but you tried struggling out of his grip.

"What are you talking about? Pl-please let me go!"

Aura: Stop

You hold yourself back, as much as you wanted to hurl yourself at the... WHAT WAS HE DOING?!!?!? You are about ready to tackle him..!
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Duke: Examine this motherfucker

Judging by the dark-green clothes and the black symbol on his chest, you guess he's the doom player that was prophesied to have killed all of you in another timeline...You're questioning if that's true or not, he kind of just comes of as a punk trying to raise some trouble.
Iguana : Retaliate

You throw your dagger in the air and slap Ken as the blade Crosses back into your range. The pommel smashes into Ken's face with more than enough force to shatter his nose, and the point stabs straight through your hand, triggering a second meteor strike. Foxtrot and the others better haul ass before you get all the fun.


"You really can't remember? How you slaughtered your team mates in your session, to gain more power? How we formed our little Hex Society and made this Universe to rule an ruin?"

Ken: Be in pain

Not only is your nose quite broken, but you just got hit with a flying Muse. Needless to say, you're really hurt.



Charlotte: Remember

You message Duke.

EL: duke, the treasure!

EL: now would be a great time to use it!

Duke: Converse

...This joke got pretty old, pretty quick. You just stare at this guy, intensely! Though you're wearing your COSMIC SPECS so you really doubt that he could even tell that you were doing so. However, you do see that Charlotte's speaking to you.

Duke: Answer Charlotte

QA: You sure?

QA: Um, okay.

QA: Just let me figure out how this treasure thing even works.

QA: ...

QA: Ah screw it, I'll figure it out later.

Duke: Do the treasure thing!

Using your DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG as a shield, you block against the hailstorm of meteors and run up to this doom guy. You're so focused on this guy, just wanting to shut him up! As you focused on him more, your void symbol began to glow, followed by the rest of you. Something was happening. You stopped in place as you noticed this strange thing happening. The treasure was activating.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
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Iguana : Feel Change

You feel your powers change somewhat...

You can no longer destroy your own death. You are now mortal.




Iguana : Laugh





You draw your dagger and throw it in the air. You catch the hilt behind your head and swing your arms forwards, stabbing the blade through your stomach.


The entire Incisphere shakes as your Final Gambit begins.

@electroShogun @Nawmoo @ShadowHuntress @MoltenLightning @Kurai Okami
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"What the hell is going on?!"

"Oh, shit... K.K., he's building energy in the Green Sun! He's gonna make it go supernova!"

"That'll destroy the entire universe! Is he insane?!"



NF: This is not part of the plan!

@Midnight Phantom
NF: Do you even realize what you're doing?!

NF: You're ruining everything we've worked for, you lunatic!

You slam your fist on your desk. That fucking psycho! You never should have trusted him!

Fox: Help

Though it pains you to do so, you channel your luck to the players. If they can't stop Iguana... everything is doomed.
"Aaaaaaalright! We have 15 minutes before the Green Sun goes..."

You snap your fingers and set off an explosion at the Trolls feet.

"Boom! Who wants to play until then!?"
"I don't know what you're talking about! Just... Please! It... It hurts!"

You keep struggling, feeling your eyes become a little more watery.

"I just-!"

Suddenly, you smash into Ken and black out.

Aura: ?

Ken? No, he didn't just get hurt! Ken wouldn't... He's... He's fine... Ken..? You feel a queasy feeling in your stomach as you realize...

He's not fine.

You glare at the Lord before you, clenching your fists. Seeing the meteor hurtle towards you, you smash your fist into it and watch it shatter around you.


You get out your weapon, then face him down.

"How DARE you do that to Ken? Do you even know what your doing?! HURTING PEOPLE."

You keep at a ready position.

"And that's not okay."

You sprint at him, seething.
Shadow ran to where the Hex member was and noticed Ken and Sophie lying there. Ken's nose was bleeding...she healed his nose before glancing up at the boy who was causing this. Didn't he need them for the time being? She got her double sword out and prepared to fight, though, as she made sure everyone else would be fine.....she hoped.


Amanda looked around at the chaos brought by this one boy. This was insane! She drew her bow and quiver from her Sylladex and, after drawing an arrow into it, aimed it at him. She was guessing this was the insane one....

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
Fox: Hack

You hack your way into the players' group and send them a message.

NF: Iguana is not acting under my orders.

NF: He has gone rogue, and plans to destroy everything.

NF: You have to stop him.


Ken: Get up

You gently roll Sophie off of you and wipe the blood away from your now-healed nose. He's strong... But you can't let him win! You take out the Nova Cannon and fire a stream of blazing star matter at Iguana.

@Midnight Phantom
Duke: Aggrieve

You're not sure how you feel about someone trying to destroy existence, but you're sure as hell not going to stand by and just let this guy do so! You worked too hard to get up to this point just to see it all get wiped out in an instant. With your DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG in hand, it was time to join in the strife.

In the middle of you weapon was a big pink smiley face or rather there was. The smiley face split into two, sliding into the disc like one of those sci-fi doors. There was now a big enough hole that you could put the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG around your body. You held it at a diagonal angle, around your right shoulder and your lower left torso. On both sides of the disc, around the rim were multi-colored piano keys. You thought it was time to play something.


You had been wondering how mixing a battlepiano and your previous weapon would play out. As you play, short bursts of black-and-white energy spout out from the DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG. You saw this mix on your FURTHEST DISC's laser beam, just in a more minimal use. Not bad, not at all. They home in towards the doom player at a quick paste.

@Midnight Phantom

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