The whole sky turns a blinding white and a sonic boom pierces the sky. Only a second later, the entire Incisphere save for Skaia and the bodies orbiting it is gone. Well, except for the Hexagon Society's Lair.
You jump out the window and shatter the sound barrier, arriving on Skaia in seconds. Residual light reflects off of your Sunglasses as you hover high above the planet.
You barely heard Afrien by the time the light came on, and the person next to you had pretty much saved you. You feel a slight blush as he presses against you.
Aura: Be saved
Ken, just in time, pulled his cape around you just as the light came on. You hug him as he does, pulling closer to him. THANK GOD HE WAS SAFE!
trying to adjust your eyes, after that blinding, blinded, you get into a strife stance. Wasn't hard, you already had your weapon out...But seriously, your eyes hurt like a motherfucker.