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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Duke: Embrace

You weren't expecting a hug...It's rather nice. You comply with the hug by hugging back, ensuring that both parties were hugging...Yeah, that sums it up.

You cry on Duke's shoulder, letting out all the emotion that your two transformations had built up inside you.

"Th-This is gonna be over soon... Right? No more fighting, no more danger...?"

Duke: Don't converse

You cannot say if this is or isn't going to end soon, you really can't say anything at all given your current state. You just stand there, silently, embracing Charlotte.

Afrien : Get Bored

The thousands of pretty colors were nice and all, but this is boring! You stand up and begin to wander, before seeing something amazing!

"GIAnt mOTHerfUCKing BARkbeAST!"

You lunge at the giant animal and tackle hug it.

Chryom : ...

Did Afrien just start screaming and tackle hug Ken?

"YOU can TALk!? moTHErfuCKIng sWEEt! im GONna kEEP him!"

"Afrien, you cannot keep Ken."

"SHUt up NAGginG OWl! i cAN Do whAT I motHERfucKINg waNT!"

"Do you even know what an Owl is?"

"FUCk yoU!"

Deust : Remove Afrien

You grab Afrien's shoulders and pry him off of Ken.

"Ken, I am so sorry."

Chryom : Patch Wound

You place a hand on Ken's arm and the cut begins to mend.

"Sorry I let an idiot get my genes."


"GO Fuck YOUrseLF TalkING owl!"

"Why did Gamzee think this was a good idea?"

"MY StonED Ass bROTher IS A motHERfucKINg geNIUs! thATS why!"


Deust : Speed Him Up

You throw Afrien on the ground and speed up time around him. In extreme speeds, he seems to eat some grass, stare at the sky, puke, eat some more grass, and take a nap. Finally after about 12 hours of super speed, you return him to normal.

"Ohhhh my fucking head... And my stomach-"

Afrien : Hurl

You roll over and puke on the ground. Disgusting.

"What in the fuck happened to me?"

"Of course it was the stoner. Do you know why trolls don't eat this shit?"


"Its... Its... Uhhh... What were we talking about?"

"Oh lord. He is getting memory loss. I didnt expect it to kill THAT many cells in his think pan. We may need Shadow's medical assistance."

@electroShogun @ShadowHuntress
Shadow sighed as she walked over. She wrapped Afrien's head in wind and pushed it as deep as she could to heal his memory loss. He wasn't allowed to have any more of that. Gamzee seemed sweet and all, but Afrien didn't need it as much as he did.

@Midnight Phantom
"Wait, so that slime causes brain damage?"

"In large doses, yes. And we gave him an extremely large dose."

Afrien : Be Healed

You scattered thoughts come back together as your dead thinkpan cells are revived.

"Thanks. My thoughts are much more clear now."


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