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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

'Whoa! That's a cool looking symbol! Maybe I did make this, and I just can't remember? Or maybe Cove made it? Huh! I'll have to ask him about it! But who are these people? Are these his friends? They look nice! Except for... Well, her. She looks kinda angry. But I won't judge! I don't know for sure on anything, so I'll just wait!'

You smile, then lift your head to look at the other people in the room.

"Oh, how rude of me! My name is Sophie Erikson! I hope I'm not intruding or anything, because that just wouldn't do!"
Ken: Sigh

You sigh with relief and lower the barrier around... Sophie.

"Nice to meet you, Sophie. My name's Ken. Umm... I hate to ask this of you so soon after meeting you, but... could you help us out?"

Afrien : Add to Conversation

You faintly hear someone introducing themselves. You shoot up and shout over.

"WELcomE TO the MOTherFUCkinG PArty GIRl!"

You then fall back over and stare into space.


Deust : Think

'By god that actually worked. I didn't know if that would actually work. Thank god.'
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"Sure! I'll help out any way I can!"

You smile, then stand up. You were surprisingly taller than that mad girl, but not taller than anyone here. Well, except maybe the floating black magic girl.

"And hello Amanda, Deust, Ken, and... Party Guy! It is great to make your acquaintance!"

You decided to call him that, as that's what he said... Something about a party.

"So, the party he speaks of... Is it a costume party? He has some really nice horns on for it, so that's why I would assume such things. Do correct me if I'm wrong though."

You observe his horns. They were either beautifully crafted from some marble substance, or maybe even wax! So very respectable! A craftsman like yourself could respect that. Well, other than the fact that he was kinda crazy. You wouldn't let that get in the way though, he seemed nice enough! You eye the girl who seemed to be acting like a mime and banging against an invisible wall. You glance at the small clustered group.

"If I may ask: Who's that?"
"Powers? Oh, do mean by game standards? I think I remember my brother telling me about that! He was... The... Hm. I can't seem to remember. But, I'll try doing what you need me to do! Oh, wait! Maybe I can ask my sprite!"

You remember vaguely YarnSprite, who you still had in that amulet Cove gave you! Cove knew everything about the game! Getting out the amulet, you summon Yarn... Huh?!

????Sprite: Be surprised

Wow. So she actually decided to let you out. You bore into her eyes.

"Hello, Sophie. Or, should I call you HUMMINGBIRD now?!"

She looked confused, and then you double back. She looked... Young again. Like before the INCIDENT young.

Sophie: Be confused

"Huh? Cove? What are you doing in my sprite? And why... Are you made of yarn?"


He glanced over at the others with confused eyes.

"I protoyped myself into your sprite so I could guide you! Isn't that cool?"

He smiled painfully, though you didn't notice.

"Really? You did that for me? You're so cool Cove!"

He keeps smiling as you run over to him. You hug him.

CoveSprite: Stare

You stare at the people around you. What had happened? Why wasn't she bragging in your face that she was alive and you weren't? You raised an eyebrow at the other people.
Alisprite: Explain

You explain telepathically to Covesprite.

"Sophie has been de-aged to 14. We need her at that age to help us save one of our friends. You see, the older version of her planted a false memory within our friend Aura, and it's causing her to go berserk. We need her to remove that memory."

Amanda watched with trained eyes. She wanted to make sure that nothing bad happened while they were doing this. Cove was made of yarn so that didn't help. There went the play that they knew him. Or....he could play along? Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. Sophie was so cute, though, at this age. Hopefully the other Hexes didn't notice that she was gone....that would be bad....oh well. They seemed stupid as is. Nothing to worry about.
Fox: Be watching

You've been watching the whole thing through your viewport. You feel that Bird deserves this. Serves her right for causing this mess to begin with. But, you know that once she fixes everything, you'll have to take her back. She's too important to your plans, and besides, the Pent Society doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
"Well! You'd better help them then, Sophie!"

"Oh, of course! So, what am I able to do?"

"You've got to take a memory out that isn't hers. You'll know when you see it, trust me."

"I'll definitely try! Oh yeah, Cove! I completely forgot, what was your godtier again?"

"Knight of Space."

"Ahah! Thank you for telling me! Just wanted to remember. Now, I'll try out my 'powers'!"

She giggled, and you smile. It was really good to see the old her back...
"Knight of Space? Just like me..."

You shake your head.

"Never mind that. There's some sort of memory of me betraying us in her mind. Please get rid of it. And try to hurry... my barrier isn't gonna last forever.

"Huh. Weird. Anyway, you got this Soph, k?"

"Yeah! Alright, now just gotta focus."

The mind symbol glows faintly on her head, just like the girl's. She seemed to look a little scared, and started to panic. She started try to escape even more, out of fear. Sophie concentrates harder, and the girl's movements slow. Suddenly, the Mind symbol pops off her head, and into Sophie's palm.

"Oh! I did it, I think!"

"Good job Soph! High Five!"

You both clap hands together, laughing at your own goofiness. She looks down at the symbol floating in her hand.

"So, what should I do with this?"

"Just throw it? Maybe?"


She reels back, then throws it like a pitcher in baseball. It soars away, then fades into the sky.

"Alrighty, got that taken care of! Is she okay now?"

"I don't know how she normally acts, we'll just have to see."


She waits patiently next to you, grinning ear to ear. She was so great like this...


Aura: Stop dazing

Huh? You snap out of your daze, feeling really happy. You felt like a burden had been lifted. As you were about to get up and leave, you hit your nose against a wall. You hold it, cringing. You look over at Ken in confusion.

"Fudge! Ow, why the heck? Hey, Ken? Kinda confused."

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