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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Be confused

You were still disoriented from the sudden flash of memory, but now it seemed they all wanted to take it away.


You plead/demand, continually attacking the barrier.

Hummingbird: Be silent

You stay quiet, and ignore everyone around you. This. Was. Pointless.
Amanda: Pry Into The Mind Player

She sighed. This was pointless. She'd try the Mind players thoughts first, see if there really was no way. She kept her eyes on Aura but reached out to the Mind players thoughts. Hopefully she wasn't suspicious....or thinking anything stupid. But, just in case, she had to check. Okay Mind player, what were you thinking?

Theo sweat a little bit, how was she supposed to do this! Fechner never explained jack about her powers before he decided to go completely MIA! maybe it wasnt too difficult, maybe she just needed to talk.

"Aura, please calm down."

"That memory is false, we would never hurt or abandon you!"


"R-remember that one time, we..uh"

"We bought each other games and, uh..."

"The next day your version accidentally got flung out the window"

"so i gave you mine?"

"That me, that is the same me now"

"sure we are a little older, and less stupid"

"But its the same."

"same with everyone here."

"the good times, those people you once knew are still here!"

Theo desperately hoped this was working.

Ken: Facepalm

Great. Freaking great. There goes one of your last hopes.

"Wonderful! This is great! Everything is falling apart around us, and there's not a god damn thing we can do to stop it!"

@Kurai Okami
Aura: Blink

You stare at Theo, confused.


Hummingbird: Think of random thoughts

'What would be hilarious? ... If they brought me back to when I was 14. Ahaha...'


'That would be horrible. Back then, I would have removed that girl's troubles. I would have been a able to do a lot more! But I won't. Because I don't care enough to try. Why would I? None of these people need her! Hmph...'


'That Mind player... Is she..?'

You stare at Amanda, scowling. She better not be reading your thoughts.
Amanda: Be Confused

Um...okay then...she didn't want to know and she wasn't going to ask. Next would be Ken because he was being a little too mean here. Sorry that your girlfriend wants to kill everyone and everything and you can't do anything to save her. Shocker, right? Like no one knew that was going to happen.

Amanda: Pry Into Ken

She continued to stare at Aura but this time she focused on Ken. What was the mad little prince thinking about?

Theo turned to Aura.



she pointed to humming bird

"you have to remember what we were like in ANY other memory!"

"we would never betray you!"

"Aura you are my best friend!"

"Your Kens girlfriend!"

"You love each other, and no matter what happens"

"we will always be on your side!"

Theo had begun to cry, the truth, everyone would do anything to keep the whole of the team alive. She was sure of it

Amanda: Shake Head

She just shook her head at Deust. She would not admit to having already done that in front of the person. She seemed crazy enough as is.

@Midnight Phantom

Amanda: Pry Into Aura

Now for Aura. The mind player was unless, Ken was trying to pull the noble act. What was Aura thinking about....besides killing everyone, that is.


'Useless. That's what I am.'


'Nobody cares. Nobody should care.'


'... I deserve to die.'


Aura: Be busy

You were too busy thinking to suddenly start listening to everyone else.
Amanda: Flinch

Okay, that was loud. But....there was something there.....

Amanda: Think Through Everything

Okay, start with Aura. She was seriously mad over whatever this memory was. But, underneath it, she felt like no one cared. That she was worthless. They could play to that....if she'd only listen. That would be the hard part. She never listened to anyone but Ken, and even that wasn't working because of that stupid Mind player. Thinking of, she was creepy and didn't care about what seemed to be anything. But, she also felt like no one cared either. But....how do they make her care? That didn't seem all that easy either.

Amanda: Think

She had to talk to the noble prince and Deust about this, but she didn't want to in front of them both. She'd pull them away if Ken wasn't so fucking protective, so what...her glove shone a bit and she would have smacked herself. Due.

Amanda: Message Ken And Deust

Amanda started a group chat as she liked to call it, screw that memo crap. Too boring sounding. And messaged Ken and Deust.

JF: Okay, so, I've gone through both of their minds. Sorry Deust, but I couldn't have the Mind player know I did. She was close to figuring it out and I didn't want to push it.

JF: Aura is extremely mad about whatever it was that was put into her head, but she also feels worthless and like no one needs her. It'd be easy to convince her....if she didn't have the habit of ignoring everyone but Ken when she's like this. And now, she's not even doing that.

JF: The mind player is just not caring. We have to find a way to make her care. There was also something about a girl and would've helped her, but no one really needed her, but I got confused there.

JF: Oh, wait, never mind, thought of something. Deust, bring the Mind player back to when she was 14.....if that was possible. She hated that time because of she didn't help the girl....at least that's what I'm getting. Not completely confident on that theory though.

JF: So, any suggestions on what to do?

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
Hummingbird: Remember

You shiver. With that thought of 14 year old you, you remember HIM. That... COWARD. You were about to die from that giant Underling. It grabbed you, while HE stood there and did NOTHING. HE RAN. Your... BROTHER abandoned you. You suddenly feel really strange. You see the Heir... No.

Hummingbird: STOP HIM!

Before you can do anything, you feel the change rapidly. NO NO NO NO!!! No no.. ! No... You feel light headed, and faint. Your hair shortened to about shoulder length, and you got a little younger...
????: Wake up

You open your eyes slowly, blinking and holding your hand above your eyes to get adjusted to the light. You sit upwards, and immediately gasp. Where's Cove?! Where WERE you!? Who were these people? You look around, and notice one who looks extremely angry. You flinch back, but were still curious.

"Hi? Where am I? Who are you people?"

You look between them, then down at your outfit. Oh! What was this? You inspect the outfit while waiting for a response. Seems like something you could have made.

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