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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Hummingbird: Facepalm

"Becaaaaaaaaaause! Think about all of the times shes goooooooooooooooone 'berserk'. Her boyfriend has been able to stop her, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight? Well, thaaaaaaaat's not going to work this time. And its just going to get worse and worse as time goes oooooooooon."

You hoped he didn't suspect that you did this. That, might get you killed.
TC: Oh i mAy hAvE FoRgOt tO TeLl yOu

TC: tHaT MuCh sOpOr iS GoNnA HaVe hIm tRiPpInG ThE FuCk oUt fOr a wHiLe

TC: BuT At lEaSt hE IsN'T TrYiNg tO KiLl yOu
"I'M NOT A LORD! I caaaaaaaaaaaan't remove memories! I can only... Place them."

You suddenly realize the full impact of your mistake. You decide to pester Ken, just to warn him. Hopefully he wouldn't be an absolute moron about this.

~ disregardingHummingbird [DH] started listening to electroShogun [ES] ~

DH: I recommend you do something about heeeeeeeeeeeer.

DH: Or she might not be lyyyyyyyyyying.
Duke: Examine

The grimdark Afrien has been stopped, drugged-up to be more accurate, but it seems though conflict still lingers elsewhere. You float down to Charlotte and see what's up. This would be the part when you strike up casual conversation, but you can't so you just gesture your hand over to Aura and Ken while you give Charlotte a confused look.

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DH: Why is thaaaaaaaaaaaat always the assumption?

DH: Maaaaaaybe, I didn't do anything!

DH: ...

DH: Okay, that's not true.

DH: Yes, I did do something...

DH: Oh.

DH: Oh god, she does not look happy.


Aura: Glare

You glare at the back of Ken's head furiously, contemplating whether you should do the same thing as in the memory.





Hummingbird: Be 'worried'

DH: Yeah, uh...

DH: Shes contemplating killing you right noooooooow...

DH: You should proooooooooobably restrain her. Soon.

DH: Unless you wanna die, but that wouldn't be gooooooooooooood for anyone.
DH: Weeeeelllllllll,

DH: She has a meeeeeeeeeemory that I accidentally put in her head that has unlocked itself.

DH: Which features yoooooooooou,

DH: Betraying her.

DH: And in the dreeeeeeam

DH: She quiet literally exploded

DH: Aaaaaaand slashed your head off

DH: Then looooooooooooked about ready to do the same to everyone else...

DH: But no hard feeeeeelings of course, right?

DH: It was really inevitable!


Aura: Jump into action

As you were about to tackle Ken, you smashed your face against a barrier.


You scream, pounding on the barrier. After a few moments of this, you sigh, then sit back down.


DH: Its going to get worse and worse

DH: Eventually, she woooooooon't stop like that.

DH: Aaaaaaand she'll do something else

DH: She'll enter Berserk Mode.

DH: With no restraints.

DH: Buuuuuuuuut it was inevitable, like I saaaaiiiiid!

DH: So don't freak oooouuuuut!
DH: Look, sugar pea. I can't. Okay?

DH: That's not how my powers work. Sorry.

DH: This is just how it is.

DH: I TRIED keeping her from seeing things that would activate her memory.

DH: Like that doll thing that appeared.

DH: But you were all SO persistent on showing her things.

DH: It's your own damn fault.

DH: Sugar pea.


Lyssa: Notice

Something's up. Ken looks very disgruntled, Aura even more so. Oh. OH NO. You feel your skin pale. Did she find that... Memory?!? Oh please no! You walk up to Ken, glancing between him and Aura.

"Ken. Whats going on? Please don't tell me its... Some kind of memory..? Right?!"
ES: No

ES: Youre the one that put the memory there in the first place

ES: So its your fault

ES: And youre gonna figure out how to fix this

ES: Or so help me God I will hunt you down and destroy you

You clench your fist and turn to Lyssa.

"Yes. And it's all that damn Hummingbird's fault."

DH: Does it look

DH: Like


DH: Care?

DH: No.

DH: Shes still disoriented, but she'll get worse fast.

DH: So, Sugar pea.

DH: Either you figure out a way to fix her yourself,

DH: Or you dispose of her.

DH: ...

DH: You know what I mean.

DH: ...

DH: Have a nice daaaaaaaaaaay~!

~ disregardingHummingbird has disregarded electroShogun ~


Aura: Try again

You jump back up to your feet, then try and smash the wall with your fist. Nothing. You punch again, then again, then again, before sitting back down in defeat.

Lyssa: Facepalm

"Well, fu-"

You notice Aura staring directly at you both.

"Fudge. What do we do about it!? I've seen what'll happen. And we need to fix it soon."
Ken: Teleport

"...wait here."

You locate the Hummingbird and teleport to her.

"You. Do
not. Disregard me."

You grab her shoulder and teleport back to Prospit. You create a second invisible prison and throw her in.

Hummingbird: ?!?!

OH COME ON?! REALLY!? You get shoved into an invisible box, slamming back into the invisible wall behind you as you are taken by surprise. You totally forgot he could do that. Dang. You get up, dusting yourself off.

"I can do whatever I want, Ken."

You spat, then crossed your arms. You roll your eyes.

"This isn't gonna solve anything."

Aura: Notice

You've... You've SEEN her before. She... SHE WAS IN THAT MEMORY! You punch at the wall again, this time more ferociously.


"Just.. Shut up."
Hummingbird: Psh

"Why would you do that? You'd just be stranding aaaaaaall of your friends here. Seriously, don't you EVER think?"
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Duke: Watch

You watch as Ken teleported away and grabbed one of the members of the Hex Society. You're not sure what's going on, but you figure it has to do with Aura's attitude.

Duke: Gasp

Oh my, Ken is using the dangerous strife technique of all! The Empty Suicide Threat! Not many people have used it, for obvious reasons, but you've read that they're a sight to behold. Truly one of the most dangerous maneuvers ever attempted by man!
"But you're not heartless, are you? You'd just be leaving you're friends here to be torn to 'blood bits' as well. Ken, this is the stupidest thing I've ever talked about. Why are we having this conversation again? Because I CAN'T do something?"

You yawn, as if you were already bored.
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