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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

QA: Hey.

QA: If I wanted sass, I would have asked.

QA: I think I am fairly sure I know what is a proper amount of alien stuff.

QA: Especially when it's needed to stop a possessed person.

QA: Now, watch and learn.

QA: ...

QA: ...

QA: ...

QA: In one moment.

Duke: Abscond

You get out of there and over to Ken Aura, Kura, Auen, Kera? Whatever, you go over to THEM and hand them the JAR OF SOPOR SLIME.

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Duke: Examine Jar

Jesus fuck, this this is large! It's nearly have your size, how the heck you suppose to pick this up? You suppose you could use your FURTHEST DISC'S TRACTOR BEAM, but then it be an easy target for grimdark Afrien to hit.

Duke: Ask for assistance

You try, without verbal communication, asking Ken/Aura for help with this baby.

Duke: Examine Ken+Aura

This amalgamation on Ken and Aura seemed to be having some sort of issue. You can't help but wonder what's up. You raise an eyebrow, as a sign of "You are confuse of what's up" with Ken^Aura's situation.

Duke: Think

The harmony is disrupted? What is that even suppose to- Oh, their fraymotif! Something must have went wrong and now they're having a hard time sticking together!...How do you even fix something like that?...You have an idea, but it seems pretty stupid to you.


You whip out your BATTLEPIANO OF ZILLYONG and start playing a little ditty. You think if you play something, it'll help them harmonize...somehow. Yeah, this seems fucking stupid to you, but it's all you got. Maybe somehow they'll just fix it themselves or something, while you play on.

Duke: Stop playing!

You put away your BATTLEPIANO OF ZILLYONG and get back to the matter at hand. Since the JAR OF SOPOR SLIME was too large for you to carry by hand, you took the risk and use your FURTHEST DISC'S TRACTOR BEAM to carry it.

Duke: Examine situation

Afrien seemed busy battling Charlotte at the moment, maybe you could "get the drop on him".

Duke: Sneak attack

Trying your best not to be noticed, you use your FURTHEST DISC to get high above. You position yourself over Afrien, hoping he doesn't see you while you're setting up for this sopor bombing.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
A͟FRIE̴N?͢?̢?͘ ͝:͞ WH̀A̸T̡





Afrien : Return To... Normal?

Your body returns to its normal state, albeit your clothes a bit roughed up. But something is...


Rainbows fill your vision instantly.


@Nawmoo @electroShogun
Auren: Fade

You disappear in a flash of light, leaving Ken and Aura lying on the ground.



Charlotte: ...

Afrien has been pacified. You put away your staff and look over to Duke.

"Karz dleuska cjeos de ficls enekwa?"


You stand over Ken, smiling wickedly. A faint symbol emblazons itself on you forehead very faintly... It looked like the Mind symbol. You lean down right in his face, suddenly scowling with murderous intent.

"I don't care."

A memory unlocks itself instantly, causing you to buckle over in confusion. What-?!


Aura: Wake up

You do, waking up in the dream world.

Aura: Look around

You seem to be... On a beach. Why were you on a beach? And, wait, was that Ken?

Aura: Walk over

You walk over, reaching to tap his shoulder...





And its a dummy. You jump backward, half mortified by how accurate it is, half confused by why it was there. Looking around, you notice the other dummies scattered around. They were all your friends. Suddenly, a person materializes in front of you.

"Helloooo there! It seems your boyfriend is already annoying me!"

"What? Who are you?!"

"That doesn't matter. What matters, is that my patience isn't eteeeeeernal. And, well, hes not making anything better. If he doesn't stop, I'll have to show you something you don't like."

"Wait... What?!"

You take a step back, baffled. Who was this person? And why was she spewing out nonsense?! She takes a step towards you, smiling broadly.

"You know what? Never mind! Let's go for it! See thiiiiiiis?"

She points at the Ken doll. Or... Wait. That was actually Ken now. He looked at you with pleading eyes.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Nothiiiing! At least, not yeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!"

"What do you mean?! Don't touch him!"

"Alright, fine..."

She walks over to a different doll, this one happens to look like Duke. No... It was Duke...


Hummingbird: Smile

This was all an illusion. It wouldn't do anything to her friends, but these looked like her friends. To her, at least. You had warned Ken. You glance down at the Duke doll.

"Do you caaaaaare about your friends?"

"Wait... D-don't..!-"

"You really shooouuullldn't! They'll hurt you! Like THIIIIIS!"

You slash your whip at the doll, feeling the fabric tear and the sand fly in different directions. The sand, to her, looked like blood. Some went onto Aura' face, and she screamed. Her face was struck with horror, becoming pale. You smile, teeth showing viciously. She pulled away from you, eyes quivering in absolute terror.

"How was that? How do you feel?"

"D-duke... Hes.. Why..? What did he do to you..?!"

"Ooooooh no, it wasn't Duke! It was Ken!"


"Yup! Oooooh look, a cute troll!"

You face the doll of Shadow. Holding your whip into the air, you look at Aura with wide, deadly eyes. A quick slash, and Aura again screams. She collapses onto the ground, crying and shaking. You tap your chin, imitating a person thinking.

"Ah! And now, Ken! Hes the one who did this, you know."

There was crying in response, but it seemed muffled. As if she was trying to hear you correctly. Hehe... You turn to face her, nodding.

"Yeah, hes doing this right now. Can you believe it? Its all his fault!"

Her crying quiets even more, but the trembling almost doubles. You walk over to Theo this time, shaking your head as if disappointed.

"Yeah, its a shame really. If he hadn't ruined everything, no one would have diiiiiiied."

"That's... That's not t-true..."

"Oh, really? You think I'm lying?"


"Here's a fact: Hes been holding you back Aura. You could be so much more powerful if he wasn't there. Who needs fusion? Heck, Sharil wouldn't have died if it weren't for him!"

"St-stop it! Ken wouldn't do that... On purpose..!"

She clenches her fists, and you smile aggressively.

"Really? Ooooooooor... Would he?"

The Ken dummy gets up, a sword appearing in his hand.

"Try him."

Aura gets out of her crouched position, walking over to the Ken doll with trembling legs. It seemed this whole 'being logical' thing is new to her.

"Ken... Hey, theres no need for thi-"

Stab. He stabs Theo's dummy directly between the eyes, his stitched face moving into a smile. A stream of sand flows like liquid down Theo's face, mimicking blood. Aura falters, arm lowering in uncertainty and fear.

"Ken. D-don't do this. It isn't right!"

He turns to face Aura, stitched smile getting eerily wider.

"... Please... Ken..!-"

He lunges, and stabs her right through the stomach. She loses her voice, her mouth agape. Suddenly, her face shadows over. A singular tear rolls down her cheek. The grounds starts trembling, and you say one last thing before disappearing.

"Trust takes months to build, and seconds to break... Am I correct?"



You smear the tear from your cheek, gaze hardening as you stare Ken dead in the eyes. You feel every doubt, every fear, every frustration, culminate into one big pool of negative emotion to kick start your real Rage. The biggest component was none of the listed. It had just been added however. Betrayal... It made all of the others amplify in volume and negativity, forming an amount great enough to spark a storm inside you. You pull the sword out viciously, feeling no pain. You make the most feral and savage roar you can muster at Ken, then shred his head clean off. You feel the world shatter around you, but it seemed too real to fake...



Aura: Feel something

A wave of a certain emotion drowns you 30 times over...


But... You felt something even worse.


You collapse onto the ground, curling up into a ball. It seemed the world did hate you... You start crying. Nobody... Nobody enjoyed your presence. You should just die...
Shadow flew back over to Afrien and looked him over. "Afrien? Are you alright?"

@Midnight Phantom


Amanda watched as Afrien returned to normal. Oh thank god. She had let Shadow go to go to him as she leaned against the wall, sliding down so she could sit. This was tiring. But what had the Hex done to make him go dark and ugly?
Aura: Ignore

You ignore him in your thoughts, not really noticing it was Ken, just being too preoccupied to listen to ANYTHING.

"Useless... That's what I am. NOBODY needs me..."
Aura: Notice

You look behind you, then a flash of the memory becomes all too real in your head. You start to pull away from him. Your eyes looked scared, and yet furious.

Aura: Back away

You do, backing away until your back presses against a wall. All the while, you stare at Ken with anger and fear.


'He's going to KILL you someday, Aura.'


'Might as well GET RID OF HIM.'


Hummingbird": F*@$

You feel Aura using the memory... No! You get out of bed hastily, making your way to the door. You run out to the main room, limping.

"Crap crap crap crap CRAP!"

You screech, then lean back against the wall in fear of what he might do in response.


"That doesn't matter!"
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Aura: Sit

You sit down on the ground, looking up at Ken.

"If you come near me, I'll KILL you. Just... Just leave me alone!"

You close your eyes and tears start falling down your face again.


Hummingbird: Ignore

"No! I haaaaaave to fix something, somehow! Or else EVERYTHING will go horribly wrong! She'll... She'll kill him!"

You didn't care about Ken's life. But you did care about this new universe, and without their Knight of Space... Well, that wouldn't work out.

You silently sulk against the wall


Hummingbird: Sigh

You sigh in frustration.

"The Witch of Raaaaaaaage is going to berserk. Is thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat CLEAR enough for you?!"

You stare at him, expecting him to understand.

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