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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Because you're going to figure it out. You created this mess. You clean it up.


Charlotte: GET ANGRY

You slam your staff against the side of the Hex girl's prison.


Afrien : Get Hungry

The munchies begin to set in and you stand up, staggering around.

"IMMa go GETs me A MOtheRFUckiNG SandWHIch!"

You stumble off in no particular direction, before faceplanting.


Deust : Arrive

You carried Chryom to the scene of the action...

"I give up. I honestly give up."

"What in the hell is wrong with him?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. I give up."
She giggled as she stood up. "Come on, I'll help." She said as she went to help him up. "But...no more sopor slime from now on, okay?" She suggested with a smile. As cute as this was, they were probably doomed if one of their fighters weren't able to fight anymore.

@Midnight Phantom
Hummingbird: Sigh

As the staff slammed into the side, you sigh.

"I already tooooold yooooou. I CAN'T."

You hear several more rapid attacks, seeing Aura relentlessly struggle against the barrier. She bore her eyes into both you and Ken.

"That's not going to hold her for long either. Especially if half the supply is going to my prison."

You shake your head.

"Might as well just let me go and stop trying so hard to save her. I mean, seriously. Why does it matter so much?"


Slam, slam, slam. She kept at the attacks.
"I don't expect you to understand it. You clearly don't have the capacity to love. Charlotte?"

Charlotte looks at you.

"'Convince' her."

Charlotte: Convince her

You raise your staff and conjure a dozen blades of darkness within the prison, pointed at the Hex girl.


"Okay...." She pulled him away from the dead bird and looked around. "How about we go to the kitchen and make you your own sandwich? You wouldn't want to take someone else's right?" She asked, holding him in place. She spotted Deust and smiled. "Mr. Deust, could you find the kitchen please? I don't want Afrien to keep attacking that poor dead bird's leg." She said with a nervous giggle.

@Midnight Phantom
"You'll get your sandwich Afrien. I promise." She said, comforting Afrien as she looked at the two of them. "Can you please look? He's high on sopor slime and I don't want to know what might happen if we keep delaying him of what he wants. He already began biting that poor bird." She said, gesturing to the dead bird carcass in front of her.

@Midnight Phantom
"Well, if you kill me, what'll you do about Aura? Do what you SHOULD, and kill her? Like you were planning to?"

You smirk. Since he was so persistent on keeping her, you could tick HER off instead...

"Kill me..?"

"Yeah, hes gonna kill you Aura. Just like he did before..."


She slams harder, staring daggers at Ken.


You sneer and look at Ken.
Ken: Strengthen

You strengthen the barrier around Aura.

"She's lying, Aura. She implanted that memory in you."

You glare at the Hummingbird.

"Hey. Think about this. I'm
not going to hurt Aura. If you don't fix her, and she ends up breaking out, I'm not fighting back. Then I'll be dead. And you'll be next."

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Ken: Answer Amanda

"This girl is the Muse of Mind. She messed with Aura's brain to make her think I'm gonna betray the team and kill everyone. And, if she knows what's good for her, she's gonna fix her."

"....the mind isn't that easy Ken. I don't completely agree with her tactics, but she might be unable to do anything." She said as she looked at Aura. Should she dare travel into....that? "I don't even think figuring out what's going on in that currently messed up head of hers will help either." She said as she made sure to stay behind Ken. If that thing broke, she didn't want to be the first target. "What do you plan to do with her?"

Deust : Search

You fly to the castle ruins and find the half destroyed kitchen.

Deust : Make Sandwich

You open the cupboard and begin making a sandwich. You find some leafy substance and meat, and begin throwing it onto bread.

Deust : Return

You fly back to Afrien with the sandwich and he snags it greedily.

"MOTherFUCkinG FInalLY!"

Afrien : Feast

You swallow the sandwich whole and belch loudly. Satisfying.

"AHHhh tHAT hit THE motHERfucKINg spOT!"

Theo sat dazed and confused, what was happening anymore! Castle collapses on top of them, whatever the heck happened with afrien and now crazy aura and hummingbird dealio. God this was just the average tuseday at the sburb house hold.

You fall backwards and lay on the ground, looking at the sky.


Deust : Listen to Others

You walk over and listen to Ken explaining the situation with Aura.

"If this memory will be detrimental to the session, why not have Kersin destroy it? He is the Prince of Doom, and can destroy destruction. He could merely erase the memory, right?"

@electroShogun @Kurai Okami
Ken: Get idea

"Theo. You're the Page of Blood. You can make her cooperate. Do it, quick."

@Kurai Okami

Alisprite: Explain

You pop out of your amulet for the first time in a while.

"If he were the Prince of Mind, he could do that. However, as the Prince of Doom, he can only undo destruction."

@Midnight Phantom
Amanda: Sigh

He wasn't going to listen, was he? Maybe she could pull something from the mind player. But she didn't know what to expect if she did. She could also try Aura, but that scared her more than the mind player. And then there was Ken. Was he really thinking rationally or was he just focused on that one simple but more than likely impossible idea? Or she could fly off and let him handle it, but she saw how well that was going. She looked between the three of them. She would try the mind player first. That way Ken can't say she didn't try.

Amanda: Be Relieved

Okay, she loved Deust. He just gave them another option. And something she was more comfortable with.


Shadow smiled as she sat beside him. He seemed happy, but it also scared her. He was never this happy....or open about anything. She began to wonder when this would wear off.

@Midnight Phantom
Oh sh*t did ken just put you on the spot! "Um, like, as in, use my magical powers?" 'god please say no' she thought in slight panic

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