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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda: Become Annoyed

No, she wouldn't do that. She had to stay calm. She didn't want another episode like back at their old base. But she wouldn't take any crap from the little princess either.....maybe she could work off this off as she fought Derse. "Sure! I'm sure we'd all be happy to help." She said with an excited tone.


Shadow: Be Nervous

Fighting? Again? Well....she could follow, but she didn't want to hurt anyone....she could make sure no one got themselves hurt....but she doubted Derse would stand much of a chance without their nobility.....how did they even get organized enough to plan and launch an attack?....she guessed she didn't give them enough credit.
"Anything to help your majesty."

"There is some time before they arrive. Please take this time to prepare. Ρυθμιστής, παρακαλούμε να οδηγήσει τους ήρωες στο οπλοστάσιο."

"Ναι, Μεγαλειότατε."

The Prospitian gestures to you, and you all follow him... or maybe her? You still haven't worked out the difference.

Eventually, you come upon a large armory, stocked with all manner of equipment. Weapons line the walls, magic stones sit in large chests, and a gilded Alchemiter stands in the center of the room.


@MoltenLightning @Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami @Nawmoo
Ken: Take inventory

You examine the armory closely. There are countless different types of weapons hanging from the wall: swords, glaives, maces, bows, axes, staves, and many, many more. Beneath the weapon racks, many chests sit open, filled with all manner of magic stones. Sitting in a large case at the far end of the room are several Fraymotifs. You walk over to the Fraymotifs and examine them.

"Hey, guys, check these out!"

@MoltenLightning @Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami @Nawmoo
Amanda looks at the magic stones and compared them to the ones she combined with her arrows. They seemed to be about the same, but of higher quality...she guessed. She wasn't going to think on it though for fear that all the thinking might cause her head to hurt more. She's just use them to make more arrows.


Shadow looked around with a queasy feeling. There were a lot of different weapons....it was kind of scary that such a peaceful looking race had this much artillery. She just stayed near the door, not really wanting to go anywhere near the weapons...she was fine with what she had. It was useful enough if she ever got into a position where she did have to fight.
Charlotte: Look

You look at the Fraymotifs. You read their labels carefully.

"Elpis' Aria... Perfect!"

You equip the Fraymotif, then keep looking. You stop at a shining sapphire box.

"Hey, Shadow! Come look at this one! It's perfect for you!"



Ken: Examine

You notice a strange Fraymotif, larger than the others. You pick it up and look at it carefully. Noticing a seam down the middle, you give it a pull, and it comes apart. Within the seam, there is an engraving.

ΗεαΓτζτΓιηφ ξγμΡΗοηγ

ΤΗε ροωεΓ οξ τωο ζουιζ μαγ βε οηε

"Interesting... Hey, Aura, look at this."

Shadow walks over to Charlotte and looks at the shining blue box. "I don't know....I don't plan on fighting unless I absolutely have to..." She said, her eyes never leaving the box. It was really pretty and she did try to consider what was inside.

"...But that's only for myself...right? I don't need this...I'm not the one fighting..." She said, setting the pretty box back down. She didn't want to be protected if it meant others were being hurt...but, remembering when Aura attacked her, she couldn't heal herself, so she couldn't remove her hand from the top of the box.

She frowned before picking it back up. "...Alright..." She stole a glance at Aura, a look of worry and fear flickering in her cobalt eyes. She didn't want to be scared of her, but she did attack her. And only because she was trying to subdue Ken. She bit her lip and looked back at the box. She took the fraymotif out and put it in her strife deck...just to be safe... "Charlotte...is it bad that I'm scared of Aura...I know I shouldn't be, but..."

"Shadow... It was all a misunderstanding. Aura had lost her memory from a hard hit to the head, and she didn't know that Ken was possessed. She was just trying to defend her boyfriend from 'strangers' that were attacking him. Aura's not a bad person."

"....I know....but this isn't the first time she's snapped....I....I can't help it. I....I seem to be shaking everytime she gets in one of her moods....I know it's wrong. She's a friend! But...." She teared up and bit her bottom lip. Why was she scared? Aura was her friend! She wouldn't purposely hurt her....but this also wasn't the first time she attacked, or tried to attack, one of the others.... "Am I bad person....for not trusting Aura like I do everyone else....?"

You hug Shadow reassuringly.

"Listen, Shadow... Every time Aura's attacked us, she's either been possessed by the Rage, or it's been a misunderstanding. Once this game ends, I'm sure that the Rage will calm down. Plus, Ken is here to snap her out of the Rage. We just have to believe in them."

She nodded as she mentally scolded herself. She shouldn't be afraid of her friend...even if she only seemed to trust Ken instead of everyone else...and didn't listen when she was mad...she sighed. She was starting to go through all of her faults. Why?...she wouldn't say them out loud. That would be bad... "...I feel awful...but at least I don't have a hatred for her. Amanda seems to hate her. Do you know why?" She asked as she pulled away, wiping the tears from her eyes. She could feel it almost radiating off of her and that scared her just as much as Aura did.

"She does? She seemed pretty nice to me." She said, her face showing her confusion. "Though I do sense that she is more distant than everyone else. Like she's scared to let anyone in...." She shrugged. "Could just be me. That's how the few who I saw on Alternia too. Could just be what I projected myself...." She let out a giggle as she thought about it.

Shadow giggled again. "Charlotte, here's something I learned since I met all of you. If you don't fight, then nothing is real. You grow closer when you argue, no matter how small. But you also need to make sure you don't leave any sour feelings afterword...at least, that's what I believe." She said with a gentle smile. "Besides, I would feel pretty uncomfortable if no one fought. Not only would that mean we're all hiding our feelings, but trolls also have a quadrant that is based around hate. It's natural for me to hear and see fighting, even if I grew up on my own."

"Yeah... You're right. Before we win the game, we should clear the air between all of us. That way, if what Ken said is true, and we all get to live together and watch the new universe, we can all get along a little better."

"And some prefer being alone than being with people. You can't fix all our problems Charlotte. Just let it play out how it will."

She said, looking around at everyone.



Amanda finished what she was doing and leaned against the wall. She was done...and it did seem like an upgrade. Nobles really did get the best stuff. She slid down the wall and put her head in her knees. The light was starting to get to her. Stupid headache....
You sigh again.

"All I'm saying is, if we're all living together, it'll be kinda hard to be alone."

You glance over at Amanda. She looks like she's in pain. Her head might still hurt from that hit she took.

"Uh, Shadow? I think Amanda's hurt..."


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