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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Sure. It's sounds wonderful to meet royalty that isn't trying to kill us." Shadow said with a smile.


"Oh ha ha Shadow. You are an absolute riot." Amanda said as she held her head. It still hurt, but quite less thanks to Nepeta.

Aura: Scowl

God, what was Amanda's PROBLEM?! IF A RAGE PLAYER LIKE YOU COULD BE BRIGHT, WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO BE SUCH A GOOD MOOD KILLER?! You huff and look away. It seemed like she was just a brat. You were sure you wouldn't be able to make friends with her, even if she TRIED letting you.


Lyssa: Sigh

You'd probably just be kicked out, since you did not have a right to be here. You couldn't even defeat a candy maniac! Well, sorta. They were super over powered, but you still should have been able to do something. But, eh. You were stuck with it, so there was really nothing you could do.


Hummingbird: AGH!

"Okay, this is getting booooooooooooring faaaaaaast. What are we gonna doooooooo? Seriously, I'm getting bored, at thats not good for anyone. Not like that matters, I just don't like this waaaaaaiiiiiiting."
Aura: Stop zoning out

You do just that, noticing Ken above you. Oh. Yeah. You fly up to him, floating at his side.


Lyssa: Fly!

You... Can't. Uh... Everyone here was able to fly EXCEPT you and Chyrom, which ticked you off. You looked at Ken in a frustrated manor.


Aura: Remember

Oh yeah, Lyssa! You fly down to meet her. You were still keeping a reign on her Rage, but she didn't know that. Unless she did... Anyway, you extend your hand out.

"Let's get going, Lyssa!"

"Eh, I'm good."

"What do you mean!? You've gotta go, cause you're here now!"

"Yeah, well... I can't exactly fly. I don't even think you could take me."

"Then what do you suggest we do?!"

"Oh, yeah. I have an idea. Stop lowering my Rage, just a little bit."

"I'm not sure I can trust you to-"

"Just do it."

You hesitate, but soon heighten her Rage levels a bit. Just a bit. She smiles, then concentrates. Bat wings burst from her back quite suddenly, so suddenly in fact you falter backwards. She smirks, her fangs a little bit more prominent.

"What, scared?"


"Well I OBVIOUSLY used the Rage to spark a small portion of my actual form. Since I'm able to do that with the more Rage I have... Don't you know that?!"

"DID YOU EXPECT ME TO KNOW THAT?! You were stuck in my body the entire time!"

"So that's new? Well, at least you know now. Let's go."

You blink a few times in befuddlement as she soars up into the air, beating her large wings. That was really.... Weird. You slowly float back up to Ken's side, disoriented a tad.

"Um... Wow."
"It'll be okay. I've got her Rage under control, and that's what powers her powers... Er, abilities."

You stare at her as well.


Lyssa: Notice

"Hey, you guys have a problem!? Let's go! Geez."

You weren't THAT much of a freak, god! You were, well, a monstrous god! AND THAT WASN'T THE SAME.
The others all catch up, and you all fly to Prospit. Upon landing, you locate the castle with your mind's eye, then lead everyone there.


"I wonder what the White Queen is like... I hope she's nice!"
Shadow smiled as she looked around. Prospit was so much more prettier than Derse. She followed Ken as they headed to the castle. "I hope so. Though, since she invited us so kindly I'm sure she is. Right?"


Amanda followed Ken, her hand still on her head. She reached into her pocket and took two more pills. It was the best thing she could do at the moment until this was over with.....ugh, why was her head hurting this bad? She didn't understand....

"Yeah. She seems like a very nice person."

You reach the castle. Two armored guards block the entrance with spears as you approach.

"Ηαλτ! Νονε μαψ εντερ!"

"Um... We've been invited by the Queen..."

"Α λικελψ στορψ! Λεαϖε νοω!"

You step back and look at the others.

"Um... Did anyone take Gift of Gab, by any chance?"

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