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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

AC: :| | < i dont really understand it honestly

AC: :| | < all i know is that the universe we created was just fine without us interacting with it

AC: :| | < until the game happened in it of course

JF: Hon3stly, ! would try to mak3 sur3 th3 gam3 n3fur happ3ns. !t's awful....

JF: You 3!th3r choos3 l!f3 and l3av3 3furyon3 b3h!nd or you choos3 to d!3 w!th 3furyon3, but what would that accompl!sh?



Shadow giggled as she rested her head on his chest. "...What will you do after we finish this game?" She asked, closing her eyes for a minute. "Will you act like the gods of human mythology?" She questioned with a giggle. From what she had read, some of them were really looked up to while some were despised. She wondered why that was.....she made a mental note to read more on them later.

@Midnight Phantom
AC: :| | < sollux says that the game is realitys means of reproduction

AC: :| | < without the game universes would die out and reality would slowly vanish

AC: :| | < so the game is a necessary evil kinda

Kersin: think

You sit on the roof having one of those thoughtful moments, you and the team were just a few actions away from completing this wretched game. Although living out the rest of your life like a normal troll would be... boring, you kinda hoped it would stay that way, if not temporarily.

Kersin: look up

You look at the stars, millions of gaseous balls of fire all burning at different ages. Was there nothing more to their existence than just burn... These thoughts were beginning to depress you mildly, dang it...you and your thoughts... mischievous mischievous thoughts.
JF: But you can't tak3 anyon3 3ls3 w!th you? Why ar3 th3 on3s who play th3 gam3 th3 only on3s who g3t to surv!v3?

JF: Th3r3 ar3 far mor3 qual!f!3d than a bunch of k!ds and al!3ns runn!ng a whol3 sp3c!3s....

Amanda: Have A Realization

Did the cases that held the games ever actually tell you who made it? Or at least, what company? She narrowed her eyes in disgust as she thought about it. Did the actual gods become bored just ending up being myths and legends and started this stupid game? And, just to have a laugh about it, make themselves gods yet again in the other worlds and universes?

JF: ......! just had a d!sgust!ng thought......

JF: What !f the gam3 fur us humans was start3d by th3 gods m3nt!on3d in th3 myths and the trolls gam3 was mad3 by what3fur !t !s you b3l!3v3 !n....? And, just to hav3 a laugh, th3y mak3 sur3 th3y ar3 st!ll known as gods as 3ach world, un!v3rs3, and sp3c!3s !s mad3?

Aura: Do nothing

Since you weren't into deep thinking, you stare out at the sky. Pretty. That's as far as your thoughts would normally get you. And, well, as far as they were getting you now. You were glad you didn't think so deeply though, it kept your head in the game. You smile to yourself as you zone out.

Lyssa: Sigh

Well, you were out of ideas. Not like you had any ideas to begin with, but whatever.
AC: maybe

AC: who knows?



Ken: Explore

You continue flying around Skaia, looking around. Man, this place is pretty...

Ken: Notice

You see something moving down on the ground. You fly down to take a closer look. It looks like a Dersite, except its skin is pearly white. Could it be a Prospitian?


Charlotte: Be bored

You lay down on the ground and sigh. You know this stuff is important, but it's so boring! You want to go do something, anything!
Ken: Converse

You fly down to the white-skinned being.


It jumps and turns to face you.


"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"


It appears to calm down, and looks you over.

"Uhh... My name's Ken."

The being's eyes widen, and it reaches behind it, into a bag you didn't see at first. It pulls out a letter and hands it to you.

"Uh... Thanks...?"

The being gives you a pleased look and runs off. That was... weird.
Duke: Cast vote

You raise your hand for Charlotte's suggestion of performing some adventuring and whatnot, some exploration would be a great way to past the time.

Ken: Read letter

You open the letter and read it. It's written in a very light ink that you can just barely make out.


We hope this letter finds you well. We have entrusted the Parcel Mistress with its care. We would like to thank you personally for your assistance in defeating the Dersite threat. Without you and your allies, Prospit would have been destroyed, and Skaia not long after.

We would like to request you and your allies' presence in Our royal court. We hope to see you soon.

Respectfully yours,

QA: Indeed, I did.

QA: I spent most of my life on a lunar outpost, all funded by NASA.

QA: It was quiet, but I had Pal to keep me company.

Duke: Notice

Speaking of which, where is Palesprite. You were sure you left him/her in charge of your base while you were gone, bringing into question why he/she didn't stop it from collapsing. It was not like him/her to...


Duke: Notice again

You really got to figure out what gender Pal was.

QA: Something like that.

QA: A relative of mine was in charge of a series of lunar missions for NASA's Lunar campaign.

QA: After my several...

QA: Um, "Outburst's"

QA: ...

QA: Yeah, let's go with that.

QA: My parent worked a deal with him and I started training for space life.

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