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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

She smiled and nodded. Forgetting to check might come in handy if they needed something. "Alright. Though I have to thank you for reminding me about it too. I completely forgot about it." She said with a giggle.

"Έχετε απόδειξη; Δεν μπορούμε να σας επιτρέψει αν δεν έχετε απόδειξη."

@Midnight Phantom


"The Parcel Mistress didn't have any trouble conversing with me... Then again, she didn't say a single word."
Amanda groaned and leaned against the wall. This was going to take forever....she felt her head pounding even more and she bit her lip. What was going on?


Shadow watched and wondered if it would be alright. The guards weren't as friendly as she would expect they would be...but she guessed that was their job, after all.
The guards look at each other, then back at Deust.

"Εμείς δεν μπορούμε να εγκαταλείψει τη θέση μας. Θα πρέπει να φύγουν τώρα."

Suddenly, a voice comes from inside.

"Φρουροί, τους επιτρέπει, σε."

"Αλλά, Μεγαλειότατε ..."

"Μιλούν την αλήθεια. Μπορούν να εισέλθουν."

The guards turn back to Deust.

"Μπορείτε να εισάγετε."

@Midnight Phantom
Shadow walked in, trying not to look around in awe. It was just as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside. "Hello your majesty." She said with a bright smile.


Amanda walked in, pushing the pain away as she put a smile on her face. It looked as natural as if she was truly happy despite the pain she was in. Didn't want to leave a bad impression on the only surviving royalty in this accursed game.

Chryom : Bow

You bow to the queen, as you are honor bound to do.

Afrien : Bow

You have a sudden urge to bow to the hopefully benevolent queen, and you do so. It must run in the family.

"It is an honor to meet you, White Queen of Prospit."

"We possess an Alchemiter within the armory as well. You may alchemize anything you require. All of Our resources are yours to use."

@Midnight Phantom



Years in the future, but not many...

On a dessicated planet named Earth...

A lone figure walks the barren wasteland.

His authority turned over, he seeks answers.

He is the Wasteland Scholar.
Aura: Listen

You do, but the Queen spoke so softly it was hard to hear. You had to strain yourself to hear that last part.

Lyssa: Yawn

You were sorta listening, yeah, but this was the normal cliche game shpeel you'd heard before. So you just sorta wait for it to be over.
Amanda: Pretend To Listen

She stopped listening when she told them they could use just about everything here. That was all she could put up with. Her head still pounding for some odd reason that she still wasn't aware of.

Amanda: Mentally Curse The Idiotic Couple

She bit her lip to stop from growling as she thought about the cause of this monster of a headache. If Aura hadn't made the damn lollipop and if Ken hadn't let her have free reign of what she could make because, apparently, this had happened before, then the sugar high bastards wouldn't have come out and made a mess of everything. They were probably the most idiotic pair she had ever seen. And, because of it, they could have lost their healer. And she was pretty sure the little princess wasn't even aware of it. Stupid Rage player.....


Shadow: Be Grateful

Shadow smiled and gave a small bow before standing straight again. "Thank you for your help and kindness your majesty." She said, feeling completely grateful but also a little scared about the armory at their disposal. She....she wasn't expected to pick anything out....right?
Suddenly, another Prospitian bursts through the doors in a panic.

"Συγγνώμη για την εισβολή, Μεγαλειότατε!"

"Τι είναι αυτό, ρυθμιστή;"

"Οι υπόλοιπες δυνάμεις του εχθρού έναρξη μια επίθεση σε μας!"

"Oh, my..."

The Queen turns to face you again.

"It appears that the remaining Dersites are mounting a desperate assault upon Prospit. We would request your assistance once again in defeating them."

"Of course, Your Majesty. We'll stop them."

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @ShadowHuntress @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami
Aura: Feel

You feel a really weird anger coming from somewhere. Directed at you... Huh... You shake it off and listen to the queen's pleas. Oh yeah, some ACTION! You silently celebrate in your head.

Aura: Also, be ignorant

You have no regrets about things anymore. It was in the past, so it didn't bother you.

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