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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Shadow follows Afrien and looks around. This...this would take awhile. She took out her sword and began slashing at the Derseians, flinching each time one fell. This was awful.

@Midnight Phantom


Amanda shrugged and kept shooting. That made her job easier.
Ken: Regret

You realize too late that you never upgraded your weapon. Shoot.

Ken: Strife!

You take out your sword and look at Aura.

"Let's do this."



Charlotte: Fly

You and Duke fly off to the east. God, there's so many of them! This is gonna take forever!

Aura: Spin

You spin through some of the hordes, causing some damage. Oh jeez, you and Ken must have gotten the more concentrated forces. This was NOT going to be easy, especially with your weapon. You then realize you have a Fraymotif to try. You turn to face him, VOLCOMET in hand.

"Hey Ken? Now might be a good time to try that Fraymotif out!"
Afrien : Feed

You feel your stomach rumble a bit, and grow hungry. It hadn't been 24 hours yet, but something smelt delicious! You blast over to one of the Dersites, and grab him by the face...





Afrien : Relief

You suck out all the Dersite's blood and grin. Tastes like cherries!

Afrien : Rampage

You pull some EXPLOSIVE STONES from your SYLLADEX and use them as hockey pucks, knocking them into crowds of Dersites. The stones explode, killing hordes quickly.


"I don't know your stance on the matter, but I think it's quite nice to have a body after being dead for so long."

You look around and stab a few more.

"Is this it? Is this REALLY it?"


You twirl through the air and swing the Infinity Gear upwards, send out a column of light. All the Dersites hit by the attack age rapidly and their old and decrepit corpses plummet to the ground, turning to dust as the land. Creepy.

@Kurai Okami
"Yeah, well. Being stuck in a 15 year old's body does get old after a while. Kinda like being a ghost, sticking around and yet not being able to do anything. She did give me something that I've never been able to have before, though. I guess that's nice. I's always been a bloody thirst monster, never thinking of my actions. But she gave me humanity."

You drift off, then look away quickly.

"But you know, n-not like it really matters. I'd probably kill all of you if I could! L-like a real Lady of Rage!"

You were lying, b-but he didn't need to know that!



You were glowing, along with Ken. What on EARTH was happening?!

Ken: Realize

You're suddenly hit with the knowledge of what's going on. You run over to Aura and take her hands.

"Don't worry, Aura. Everything's okay. We'll do this... together."

You kiss Aura, and the two of you disappear in a flash of light.


???: Emerge

You appear from the flash of light and stretch.

"Nnnh... Ahh, what a beautiful day."

You look at the Dersites surrounding you and grin wickedly.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun."

You draw your sword and mace and get to work slaughtering the Dersites.

Kersin: follow

You follow deust unsure of where you were heading due to spacing out for a moment, you do however remember that 1) your deusts partner and 2 you were stopping the dersites

You look up at the sky.

"Though, I'm much different from all of you. I was a denizen. An entity of the game. And, well... I don't know what I'm doing here. I feel moderately lost."


Aura: ?!?!?!?!?!

WHAT WAS HAPPENING?! You feel really weird, and extremely confused. WHERE'D KEN GO?! You start to freak out while in the meantime half of you instinctively fights. You think something frantically.

'Ken!? Um, whats going ON!?'
"I was a mere tactician. I didn't expect to be dragged into this game. We are both in strange positions it seems."


Afrien : See




Fojis breaks apart

"Who the fuck? What the fuck? Who is that!?"


Afrien : Fly

You blast over to where Ken and Aura had been and...


@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
'AGH I DIDN'T EXPECT A REPLY! What on Earth do you mean!?... Fused?? Is that why I feel like I'm fighting with another being in me?'

After a second of silence, you follow it up

'Ya know, Lyssa was here and stuff. Anyway, THIS IS REALLY COOL AND YET WEIRD. How did you know what to do?! I thought we almost exploded.'


Lyssa: Agree

"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Now that you mention it... Yeah, it is! Let's go-... Oh. Is that Afrien? Well. He certainly seems surprised... What do we even look like anyway??!"

Aura: Imagine

NO, NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR IMAGINING! You keep looking at Afrien, though.

@Midnight Phantom

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