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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Auren: Finish the job

You take down the last Giclops, and the area is still. Mountains of grist line the streets. You put away your weapons and catch your breath.

"Phew... What a workout... Just gotta... catch my breath... then I'll go help the others..."

You sit down and lay back, closing your eyes.


Auren: Break apart

You are engulfed in a flash of light, and when it fades, Ken and Aura lay where you were, unconscious.

Aura: Be unconscious

Already taken care of. You snooze on the ground, cuddling up next to Ken in your knocked out state.

Aura: Dream?

Sure. You dream about... STUFF. It had something to do with a black hole. Eh, who knew anymore. Dreams were never your thing.
Fox: Worry

You're beyond worry. Fury would be a better word to describe your mood. You slam on the table.

Hummingbird: Stop napping

You jump at the sudden slam on the table. Normally, you don't snooze. But you got bored. Of course, something happened while you were out. You should have expected it. You look at him, rubbing your eyes.

"Huh? Whats going on? What happened this time."
"I believe it happens when a Fraymotif is designed to work together That is how I believe it works Says Melissa" Wolf said as she walked in. She had put Duke's things in her room for now. She sat down at her chair and brought her legs up so she could rest her head on her knees. "Though I don't think that's the case Melissa Says me"

"It's ridiculous... They turn into some freakish amalgam of their features. Just look at this!"

You bring up an image you took of this... Auren.


"It apparently makes them super-strong, too. They took out a quarter of the Dersite army on their own."

@MoltenLightning @ShadowHuntress
Wolf narrowed her eyes but then closed them to make it look like she was just doing that, closing them. She didn't want the oh so perfect 'leader' getting mad at her for glaring at his 'beautiful' and 'perfect' face. "If they don't kill us with that form first" She muttered. Not like he would listen anyways...

"No need to worry about that. We've got luck on our side, remember?"

You say that with an air of pride. Having total control of luck is certainly one of the best powers you can imagine. You like to think that you're the strongest of everyone... but you know they could fairly easily overpower you, if they ever challenged your authority.

"Okay, why can't WE fuse!? Seriously, doesn't seem like they should be able to do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!"

You feel vwry cheated. They should NOT be able to get the upper hand on you!
"And how pray tell are you going to make her Asks Melissa Will pretty boy actually do something besides complain Mocks Francisca Doubt it He can't really do anything Says me" She said with a visible eye roll. Yeah, she was letting her friends get to her, but at least she knew they cared. She'd trust them over the rest of this pathetic lot.

"She won't kill you Said Francisca She hates killing those she's close to Says Melissa But that doesn't mean I won't tear a hole in that pretty face of yours Says me" She said with a mix of a scowl and a smirk.


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