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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : Shit!

They broke apart already! Well that makes this more difficult. Wait! Charlotte has elemental control!

Afrien : Find Charlotte

You blast over to where Charlotte and Duke are.

"Charlotte! Can you create a giant gale to push all the Dersites into one place? We need to gather them to quickly dispatch them."

"If he wants a fight then he'll get a fight Just be a good little bird and make sure no one cheats Says Melissa" Wolf said with a cold tone. "And don't worry no one's gonna die because of his stupid ego"



Amanda hid behind a building as the few Derseians looked for her. She was getting exhausted and the pounding in her head was getting worse. She was feeling a little hot and cold too....what the hell? She shook it off before swinging around and kicking a Derseian in the head, causing two of them to crash head first into a wall.


Shadow looked around and saw that, despite being in the clear now there were about a hundred or more thousand coming....she was seriously getting frustrated with this. How many were there?!?!
"Alright. Hold them down while I got get Deust. Try and compact them into a big pile if you can."


Afrien : Find Deust

You fly over to Deust and Kersin.

"Deust! Lets go finish these bastards off!"

As theo fought the song lyrics were racing through her mind, causing the fight between several dersites to become sort of a dance. She spun and twisted whilst battling, most of the time with such grace that a few of the dersites became confused before being defeated.


Kersin shot all the dersites he could and eventually smacking them once and a while when they came too close.


"god this is SO d*mn stupid."
Charlotte: Hold them together

"Sovarótita, desmévoun tous mazí! Magnet Sphere!"

A black ball appears near the Dersites and draws them in, rolling them into a ball. You roll the ball around, capturing all of the Dersites. This seems kind of familiar... You hum a little tune as you roll.

@Midnight Phantom

You glare at Wolf, feeling your face heat up.


You spit out, then sit back in your chair. If things got out of hand, they'd better be prepared for what you'd do. Especially Wolf.

Hummingbird: Watch
Wolf, after receiving someone to watch, jumped back to give herself some room before she put a pistol in her holster and aimed the other at Fox. She fired at both his shoulders, but also made sure to keep an eye on his movements and surroundings, just in case he dodged so she could open fire right when he did.

Afrien : Return

You drag Deust back to the collection of all the Dersites.

"Lets go."




You extend your arm towards the Dersites, charging up much more energy in the Life Rune before you than normal. Deust places his hand on your shoulder, and the Life rune converts to a Life and Time Gear. The gear spins rapidly and a massive seed blasts from its center, piercing the Dersite horde. Vines burst from the surface of the moon, dragging the Dersites to the ground. The vines solidify into a shell as the black beings age rapidly, and a massive tree surrounds the shell as the Dersites are broken down into fertilizer.


Afrien : Gaze at Tree

With all that life energy you created a massive tree. And with that, the Dersites are gone.

Afrien : Pass Out

You lose consciousness and plummet headfirst to the paved ground, having expended all your strength.

Deust : Pass Out

The same happens to you, but you land softly on the grass beside Afrien.
Fox: Block

You just barely manage to block the bullets with your saber. The force of the bullets bends the metal, rendering the sword useless. You toss it aside and summon a lance, then stab it at Wolf.

She moves aside, receiving a hit on her side. She didn't let it faze her as she let another two shots fire, one aimed at his shoulder and another aimed at his knee before switching to her other pistol, putting the other in the reloading holster that she alchemized during her time in her session.

You try to dodge, but one of the bullets grazes your shoulder. You shrug off the pain and leap back. It suddenly strikes you how bad of an idea it is to fight a gun-wielder with melee weapons.

Fox: Change weapons

You switch to an ornate hunting rifle and let off a few shots at Wolf's joints.

Her eyes widen slightly as she ducked under the table and moved the chairs to shield her. Since when did he use guns? She held back a growl as she had a quick meeting with Melissa, the true gun fighter. It took a few minutes, but she had a plan. She held the pistol out and shot three bullets at him, though only one on target at his arm, the others on course with where he could move to avoid the first and only one that could hit him now. "This had better work Melissa" She said under her breath.

Fox: Dodge

You dodge to the right, not realizing that another bullet was there. You hurriedly backtrack, and miraculously manage to find yourself in between the bullets when they reach you. They graze the sides of your arms, causing you a surprising amount of pain. You ignore it and fire off another round at Wolf's hand.

She hissed in pain as the bullet hit and pulled her hand back. She listened to Melissa and pulled out her exploding and freezing bullets. She loaded the exploding into one and the freezing bullets into the other. She fired two rounds of each at him again only one on track for his arm, the other three in the possible escape routes.

You realize that you won't be able to get away with taking a glancing blow again. Desperately, you fall backwards, and the bullets just barely miss you. You aim your gun at Wolf and start to pull the trigger, when...


"Ah, dammit! Why now?!"

You toss your gun aside and rush to the computer.

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She smiled and shot another two regular bullets at his legs as the other three went off as they made contact with the wall. "You should never turn your back to the enemy Morty" She said as she stood up. She didn't care who was hacking them, probably the same person from before, but she didn't care. She always finishes something once she started it and nothing would get in her way of it.

"You know I never leave anything unfinished...at least an actual friend would" She said as she brushed herself off. "I guess I win then I'll be in my room" She said as she walked out, bickering with Melissa and Francisca on her way.

Hummingbird: Stand up

You casually stand up and walk over to Wolf calmly.

"Why did you ask me to WATCH if you're gonna FIGHT DIIIIIIIRTY?"

You scowl and narrow your eyes at her, then realize that a bullet is headed straight for you. Oh.

Hummingbird: Get shot

You get shot directly through the arm, and into your chest. You cry out in pain, collapsing onto the ground in a sudden fluid movement. You hold your arm and shout, eyes widening as you start losing consciousness. Your scream starts to fade in volume.
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