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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda stopped and turned to Ken, her pupils slanted as she glared at Ken. "Then tell me why you think it's going to work. If not, I'm out. I'm not getting hurt again because someone pussyfooted around the problem."


Shadow drowned as she watched If she could get through Amanda, then maybe Aura will calm down.
"What do you mean get hurt? Amanda, what happened?"

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
"Then I'm out. I'm...I'm not dealing with this shit again." She walked out, feeling as if her scars were starting to burn. They could figure it out, and they could be as kindhearted about it as they wanted, but she didn't think it was going to work. And she wasn't adding to the scars and bruises she had because they didn't want to try something harder.


Shadow sighed. Oh boy. She stood up and looked at Aura. Poor girl.
"Aura, can we talk? Just you and me, and maybe Ken if that makes you comfortable? Maybe we could find some even ground; and talk about what's bothering you?" She asked, looking at her with kind and caring eyes. "Please?"

@MoltenLightning @electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
Duke: Arm yourself

Trying your hardest, you stubble back onto your feet. You hold out your right hand, starting to glow with the essence of dark magic, calling for your FURTHEST DISC. The FURTHEST DISC starts to move, entering through the dream bubble to your very spot.


Chelon: Retaliate

You chuck a TC-BOMBSHELL at the FURTHEST DISC, before it reaches Duke. As it hits, it lets out an explosion that sends the FURTHEST DISC back to the transportalizer at your base.

Chelon: Sorry, dude, buuuut I can't let you have that.
"Aura's like this because she thinks you guys don't care about her. She thinks that she doesn't belong in this group. We need to show her that she does!"

@Midnight Phantom


Charlotte: Block

You block Amanda from leaving.

"No! You are not leaving! Can't you see they need you?!"


In your half control over your body, you stare viciously at Amanda.



Aura: See Ken

Your anger ebs just a bit as he comes into your sight. Your eyes soften as you stare up at him.

"Ken. I'm going to do something you might not like. But its for us, okay? Your the only thing I can hold onto anymore... But..! THESE FUDGERS HAVE TO PAY FOR TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME. ITS THE ONLY WAY TO REDEEM MYSELF!"

You start trying to get up on your feet, teeth clenching.

"Aura... I can't pretend that I know what you're feeling. But I will not let you hurt our allies!"

You steel yourself, then do the only thing you can do.


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"Move Charlotte. I'm not doing this crap again. If he's going to pussyfoot around the problem, fine, but I've learned that doesn't work. It only holds it off temporarily. This will happen again and again and soon, it won't help and she'll erupt. I'm getting out of here before that happens. I can't get hurt again because no one wants to take the harder, yet safer, way to calm the raging girl down. And I do not deal with self pity when it really only looks like she wants attention by only getting mad and not willing to talk about it first before jumping to conclusions. Everyone is important here, except me because all I can do is read minds. She has to learn to get over herself. I'm not doing it and I would love to see you try to make me." She said, glaring at the girl. She didn't want to hurt her, but she wasn't staying.


Shadow looked at Afrien in disbelief. Did he just....
"Afrien! Let me out!"

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning

You feel something snap inside of you. You've had enough of Amanda's selfishness and pessimism.

"Quit being such a jerk, would you?! Why can't you believe in Ken?! Has he ever let us down before?! No! So believe in him, and believe in his plan, instead of being such a massive

You gasp for breath, glaring at Amanda.

Amanda smirked at the little display Charlotte made. That was bold for such a small girl. "You don't know the half of what I am, so don't act like you do. Yeah, I may seem like a bitch, but that's because I lived through this." She looked around, making sure no one else was looking before rolling up her sleeve and showing Charlotte a scar that reached from her shoulder to her elbow. "This is what happens when you dance around the problem. I could have lost an eye in that god forsaken place if I hadn't been smiling and being a good girl at all hours of the day. Almost lost an arm." She rolled her sleeve back down. "Something tells me she didn't have to live in the same hell I did, but that's what I learned to survive. I tried to appease my parents, and that's where it got me. What do you think will happen if all you try to do is appease her?"



"Afrien, please!" Shadow begged, watching everyone with worried eyes. She hated being so useless!

@Midnight Phantom
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Duke: Panic

What the fuck, where did the FURTHEST DISC go? D-did he just vaporize it? Just like that, boom, gone? You're very confused and don't know what to make of your current predicament.

Duke: Converse

Duke: ...

You cannot converse because you can't talk, and frankly, you really don't want to talk with him. You don't think you'd ever want to talk with some evil guy that just sneak attacked you and blew up your best weapon.


Chelon: Converse

Chelon: Soooo are you gonna say anything oooor...Oh yeah, you're the mute one. Right, you don' really talk or something? Well, aaaanyways, I'm Chelon, Lord of Time and the troll that's currently assaulting you...But I guess you knew that last part, right?


Duke: ...

You begin to hate this guy even more so that you did before.


Chelon: ...Ooooh yeah, you still can't talk. Well, guess this is gonna be a one-sided conversation. Don' worry, I think I can speak for the both of us. I'm guessin' you'd wanna say that you're pissed at me, right?


Duke: ...


Chelon: ...


Duke: ...


Chelon: ...Oh yeah-


Duke: Get pissed

OH FOR FUCK SAKE!!! You pull out your MINDFUCKER and start charge at this guy with all the intention to shut him up.
Aura: Stare

You stare at Ken in befuddlement as he comes to strike you. You can't move... What was he doing..?

"Ken, what are you doing?!"

You dodge, feeling a strange memory trying to resurface. Why did this seem so familiar..?
"Then calm her down your way. See what happens. She's just going to get mad again because she knows everyone's eyes will be on her." She gently moved past Charlotte, again not wanting to hurt her despite the rare anger she was feeling, and walked out with Rosalie on her heels. "Message me if you need anything." She said in a gentler tone before flying off.


Amanda: Hurt

The memories of the past were rushing at her and she hated it. She knew it was wrong to run, but it seemed the most logical out of all the other options. She refused to let herself get hurt for something that wouldn't work full time. Her scars started to sting and she growled in pain, lightly squeezing the cat she had picked up before taking off. Her head was pounding and she just wanted everything to stop. She wanted everything to go back when she was alone and depended on no one but herself. Why...why had she let herself get so attached like this?

Aura: Break

Your heart was terribly close to breaking.

"You... You want to... Kill me..?"

You can't move, and try to keep your emotions from spiraling out of control. You felt tears brimming your eyes.
Aura: Blink

He was trying to beat the rage out of you..? What did that mean?!

"Ken... I'm just doing this for us..! Why don't you understand that!?"

You get out your Volcomet.

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Aura: Be stricken

You were too confused and grief ridden that the swing strikes you across your arm. You scream, collapsing onto the ground. You clutch your amr to stop the bleeding. He... He just hurt you... You slowly get up again, your face shadowed over.

"Ken. You don't understand, they don't CARE about us. Don't you see it? They just want to survive. They only care about themselves..."

You look at him, eyes glassy.

"But your one of the only ones whose different. You've saved me because you cared about me Ken. I don't want to kill you for that."

Your attention turned to the others, a new feral anger in your eyes.


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