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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"I could always remind her about how much I care for her, but that's only a temporary solution. So, what we do instead is have everyone tell her how much they care. Then she'll see that she's not a pawn, that everyone sees her as a valued ally, and she'll calm down and, hopefully, start to feel better about herself."

"Most of us are around the palace, I think. Wait here, and keep Aura from breaking out. I'll be back as fast as I can."

You run off to search the castle for everyone. The first person you spot is Charlotte.

"Hey, Ken! What's the rush?"

"Charlotte, I need your help. Aura's withdrawn into her mind and put Lyssa in control. She's thinking some really bad things. We need to remind her how much we all care about her. Find everyone you can, brief them, and tell them to meet outside the throne room."

"Got it."

You and Charlotte split up and search.

@MoltenLightning @Midnight Phantom @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami
Shadow: Play with Faust

After taking Afrien to the bedroom, she went back to the throne room and found Faust looking at Charlotte and the meowbeast. She smiled as she picked him up and began playing him and he seemed to love it. She laughed as he tried, yet only made garbled noises.


Amanda: Show Rosalie food

Amanda, once satisfied with how everything was set up, she headed back to Charlotte and took Rosalie, who seemed to mew in protest. She smiled and took her over to the food bowl and set her in front of it.


Rosalie: FOOD!!!!!

Rosalie was upset when she was taken from the nice girl but instantly forgot that when she was placed in front of food. She went for it and began eating.

Afrien : Wander Around

In your half asleep daze, you manage to get back to the throne room. Unfortunately, you forget to open the door, and hit it with a loud *THUNK*, before falling over.
Lyssa: Do nothing

You sit in the throne room, doing absolutely nothing. You could cause some chaos and never let Aura out again, but you weren't really in the mood. Besides, if she dwells on this she will probably find a way to kill you. *Sigh* You wish you could go back to the good old days, where you weren't in fear of a 15 year old. And where you could kill everyone. Aaaaand where you could rule over everyone as a god...
Shadow looked at her and a look of worry set in her features. "Again? She's been feeling like that for a while now right? What set her off this time?" She asked, setting Faust down to go play somewhere else.


Amanda looked up and sighed. Wonderful.
"So the rage player might rage? Wonderful...." She moved Rosalie to the litter box and she seemed to understand so she let her do her own thing. "Want me to keep an eye on her until you find everyone else?"

Shadow looked up and, upon seeing Afrien stumble in, rushed over and helped him stay up on his feet. "Are you feeling better?" She asked with a smile.


"Aura is hiding in her body while letting the god inside roam free. Average rage player stuff. Ken and Charlotte and, I think Shadow, are freaking out about it. Not sure why since this is something that happens usually, especially if you take in that I'm pretty sure Gamzee is a rage player too." Amanda said as she leaned against a wall.

@Midnight Phantom @electroShogun
Duke: Chill

As you daydream, you lay down on your FURTHEST DISC and continue waiting for Oglogoth to return with an answer.


Tortoise: Sleep

No need, you've been sleeping for quite some time. You've been practically doing it all day. However, you had too. As you've been submerging yourself in an overwhelming slumber, you've been waiting for someone. This particular person has been getting too close to a certain something that may interrupt your team's plan. Normally, you'd wait for orders to do something about it, but this time you think you'll just do it on your own.

Tortoise: Be you from a while ago

You are now you from a while ago. You got bored with having to listen to your other team members constant bickering so you decided you head back to your room. Since you're already there, how about we learn who you are.

Tortoise: Enter Name

Your name is Chelon Znappe. You're a bronze blood that prefers to sleep all day than to do anything else. You have a tendency to surround yourself with a wide collection of antique timepieces and preserved specimens, you find them to be very relaxing.

Chelon: Get busy

You grab a few things from your room, before setting your plan in motion. You're gonna need something special, if you want this plan to work. You captchalogue an EMPTY CAPTCHALOGUE CARD, that you had laying on the floor, in your sylladex. You also Captchalogue one of your many BOMBSHELLS into your sylladex.

Chelon: Go to Alchemiter

You go over to an alchemiter and start creating the tool you'll need to make this plan work

Chelon: Combined Bombshell with Empty Captchalogue Card

You made CC-BOMBSHELL...What, expected some crazy cool name? Eh, you're not really one for that kind of stuff, you prefer to just keep things simple.

Chelon: Set plan into motion

You head over to your STORAGE SARCOPHAGUS and place in it SEVERAL TYPES OF BOMBSHELLS. You then captchalogue it, saving it for later.

Chelon: Get outside

You get outside. You then summon Kapapasprite, from your pendant. You give him a TC-BOMBSHELL and tell him to send it flying. He's compliant and takes the explosive device out into space.

Chelon: Get inside

You get inside and head over to a transportalizer and wait a couple moments. You place the STORAGE SARCOPHAGUS on it and watch it teleport away.

Somewhere out in the Incipisphere, the TC-BOMBSHELL explodes. From the explosion appears a STORAGE SARCOPHAGUS. Kapapasprite starts to take it to god knows where...well, at least you do.

Chelon: Sleep

You head back to your room and hit the hay.

Chelon: Be current you

You are now current you. You have been inside a dream bubble, just buying your time. However, it's finally time to stop waiting around and actually do something.

Chelon: Leave dream bubble

You leave your dream bubble and wait for a moment, before Kapapasprite comes bearing the STORAGE SARCOPHAGUS that you sent into space. Everything seemed to be here, right on time. You empty out its contents and equip them to your dream self.

Now armed, you were all set for your plan. You thought this would be the best option in the first place. It you failed, no big deal, you'd just wake up like it was all a bad dream. No harm, no foul, no clean up. As if nothing ever happened, your team wouldn't even be the wiser.

Chelon: Mount up

You hop on Kapapasprite and proceed with the next step of your plan.

Chelon: Confront Duke

You lightly toss a AA-BOMBSHELL over to Duke's current location. You wait for it to reach him, before going any further with your plan.

Chelon: Be the other guy


You are now the other guy.

Duke: Stop daydreaming

You stop daydreaming, as you see watch a yellow turtle shell float right at you.

Duke: Be shocked

What the hell, why is there a turtle shell out here? Are there even suppose to be turtles in Sburb? You don't know, but this still makes no sense. You would question it further, but you cannot, the turtle shell explodes and amplifies the area with a shock wave of electricity. If you weren't currently in pain, and if you could still speak, you'd say that you've been...SHELL SHOCKED!
"But he is also a rage player, right? And what happened when he sobered up? He attacked everyone, even his friends. I guess this is normal rage player behavior, so we don't need her to feel secure, like Ken is planning. It'll only be temporary if what I collected is right. We need something that will force her to stay calm. Though what that would be, I don't know." Amanda said with a shrug. She didn't care if she sounded like an ass, she was only stating what she thought.


Shadow looked at Amanda with shock. What was she saying? That was awful! Aura wasn't a bad girl, she was just feeling down. Why....why would she say what Ken was planning wouldn't work?

@Midnight Phantom @electroShogun
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"Sorry, but I'm not standing behind a plan that I'm not sure is going to work one hundred percent. Especially when I'm not completely sure on how she's going to act in the long run. You tell me why you think it's going to work, and not because you know her or any of the lovey dovey shit that you pull, and I might help bring Aura out of whatever the hell she's doing. Come on Rosalie." She snapped her fingers and Rosalie was at her heels as Amanda went to walk away.


Shadow watched her walk away and shuddered. She got so cold all of a sudden. Why? She hugged herself and sat back down at the table. This was getting awful and she didn't know what to do.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
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Lyssa: Block

Aura seems to be rousing a bit at the sight of both Amanda and Afrien. Amanda seemed to just be blowing this off, while Afrien seems to just have totally forgotten his mistake. Aura was... Well, not happy at all. She was the complete opposite.

'God Aura, stay down! They'll help you, just-!!'

'Those sinners...'

'Okay, I know Amanda is...-'


'They are just confused by your behavior-!'

'Hahaha. You mean to tell me that they are confused by my behavior? My BEHAVIOR?! LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE DOING RIGHT NOW AND TELL ME ITS NOT SELFISH AND HORRIBLE.'

As Amanda walked away, Lyssa almost fainted as Aura tried shoving out again. She collapsed to the ground on her knees.

"%$#^! AURA STOP IT!"

Chelon: Strife

Riding Kapapasprite, you ram Duke right into a dream bubble. You needed a place where you could stand and floating around in the Furthest Ring on your ghost dad just wasn't going to work with you. You hopped off Kapapasprite and watch as Duke tried to get up.


Duke: Get up

You try to get up, but the best you could do right now was get on one knee. You felt like an overcharged computer, frying up on the inside.

Duke: Examine Assailant

You look up to see a lop-sided troll wearing a red attire with an overgrown ghost turtle...If you were to guess, this was the very same troll that Karkat mentioned was part of The Hex Society.
Ken: Panic

Shit, this is bad! You need to do something, quick!

Ken: Think

But what can you do?! Amanda's not going along with the plan, Aura's about to murder everyone... there's nothing you can do!

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