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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

CA: Uhhhh

CA: Alright I guess

CA: Shes a bit Nuts

CA: But one hell of A Fighter

CA: She compliments You well

CA: You cover each Others weaknesses


"I moved around a lot. Always staying in run down communal hives. I didnt have any reason to stay on Alternia."

She giggled as she thought about it. "Seems like something you would do. Alternia's government was really screwed up, now that I think about it. I didn't get involved though since I was technically in the forest."

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Observe

It still felt fake. You nodded, but kept quiet. A storm brewed deep within, and you kept unconsciously feeding it.

'Aura, you need to calm down. All these emotions being held in without calming is not good...'


'I can feel how angry you are right now, okay? You just need to-'

'..What? I need to what Lyssa?'

'Stop feeling sorry for yourself.'

'......... Say that again.'

'Stop feeling sorry for yourself...'



'...Oh. So I see you hate me too? Got it. Then I'll just let you take over for a bit, while I... Think.'

'...Wait, Aura, don't.'

'Too bad. I need to think, and Ken's not going to let me if I stay out.'

'... Aura, don't do this.'

'Do you think I'm your PAWN or something Lyssa?! I'm done with that. I need to THINK.'


Lyssa: Be shoved

You get shoved into control, feeling Aura slip away. Oh %$#&. You pull away from Ken, fangs coming out. How would you fix this!? You look Ken in the eyes with your snake ones.

"Uh, Ken? We have a bit of a situation."
"Hey, calm down! What happened out here?! Aura just shoved me out here, then left. She said she needed to think. All I know is at first her self pity grew. And then, well, she got really mad."

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"I CAN'T."

You stare at him in frustration.

"She SHOVED me out. I didn't come out willingly. And now, I need help getting her out. Because shes dwelling on her anger, and that only leads to more problems. I would know."


Aura: Dwell

You dwell on these thoughts, even though you know you shouldn't. It was like black magic... Evil. But you had to think about it, or else you might never get it off your chest. At least, that's what you told yourself....
Shadow looked up and had to suppress her laughter. That was so cute! She slowly sat up and used her wind to gently carry him inside. She carried him to a bed, laying him down and pulling the covers over him. "Good night Afrien." She said quietly as she kissed his forehead. He must have been exhausted.

@Midnight Phantom
Afrien : Sleep

You fall into a deep sleep, awaking in the streets of Alternia. You are wearing your red t-shirt and glasses from before you entered the session.

"Its that Jade Traitor!"

"Kill him!"

Afrien : Run

You sprint through the streets, the Indigo and Purple Bloods chasing you. Its been a while since this happened, You slide under a cart in the street, pulling off one of its legs. The Vendor collapses and stalls for some time. Unfortunately, a swarm of guards emerges in front of you.

Afrien : Strife

You punch one guard in the face, snatching his pike. You thrust the pike forwards, stabbing him through, before blocking an attack from another soldier. You swing the Pike around, its small but sharp blade tearing open the chest of a distant foe.

Afrien : Flee

You chuck the pike at another soldier, stabbing through his head. You leap up onto the steps of a nearby building, and run inside. You sprint up the stairs, getting onto the roof, before roof hopping away from the guards. No way for them to catch you now.

Afrien : Rest

God that was exhausting. Being in a mortal body sucks, even if its only a dream.
Duke: Wait

You've been waiting for a while, don't really need to state it....


Duke: Jam out on Ragnarockstar

You cannot jam out on your RAGNAROCKSTAR because you did not bring it with you. You can't remember why, guess you just didn't think about bringing it at the time, kind of strange of you to forget about it like that. You tend to make having your personally crafted thing on hand your first priority.

Duke: Get bored

You get bored, no surprise.
Lyssa: Explain

You can't explain because you have no clue how. You do, however, try.

"All I know is you have to do it. Really, your the only person holding her down from an all out rampage. I've seen her thoughts, and there are moments where she would have just decimated everyone. But, she had always remembered that you cared about her. It keeps her going in a positive way. Right now, she's only thinking of the bad. Like being a 'pawn' or being utterly useless. She's trying to figure out a way to prove she isn't. But in a bad, negative way... I won't go into detail, but... Lets just say its not good."

You explain in the best possible way, trying to see if he can figure it out. Whatever 'it' is.

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