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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : Collect Blood

You pull the Lerna's cut open, and blood pours into the Chalice.

"Its customary for the fighter to collect blood for not only themselves, but also their Matesprit. Now that that is done with, we can go back."

Shadow watched Ken take a chalice then leave...really? She sat back down and sighed, patting Faust on the head as an apology for dropping him. She was gonna kill them both when they got back...wait...she knew Afrien would drink the beast's blood, but Ken wouldn't...right? She shuddered at the thought.
Shadow smiled with relief when she saw Afrien. So he was okay. Thank gog. She walked over and hugged him. "I'm going to kill you later." She said, pulling back to look at him. "Who gave you such a stupid idea to go after that thing? And you," she turned to Ken. "What kind of idiot are you, going along with it? Please tell me you at least said no to the blood drinking. You aren't a troll so it wouldn't have done you any good."

@Midnight Phantom @electroShogun
Aura: Be relieved

You see Ken after hearing the voices of both him and Afrien. Rushing over, you hug him meekly.

".. Hey... How was the... The fight? You... You scared me..."

You didn't feel very good, but you were glad Ken was back.
Shadow's eyes widened in shock before sighing. They were boys, so what was she going to do? At least they didn't get burned alive or eaten. That would have been awful...and she would have never known. The depressing thoughts showed on her face but she shook them away. "For trolls, yes. What if it was poisonous to humans? Their bodies are different from ours." She said, blushing as Afrien put his arm around her. This...was going to take some getting used to....

@Midnight Phantom @electroShogun
Aura: Notice

As your Rage slowly returned, you noticed Ken's arm. Your eyes widen.

"Wait... Whats that? Its not... Its not fatal, right!?"
Her blush deepened as she took the chalice. "Th-thanks." She said before drinking it. She felt a surge of power run through her and rush up to her head. Her irises turned a cobalt blue.

"I'm The Healer" She said with a smile.

Shadow: Be The Healer

She had a title...she was an adult now. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about it. Her title sounded so much like how she's lived until now it was scary. But she was okay with it.

@Midnight Phantom
You stare at him defiantly, but stay quiet. You notice Shadow and Afrien, specifically Shadow's new irises.

"Whoa, what happened to you?"
"When a troll drinks the blood of a Lerna, it means they have reached adulthood and their eyes change to the color of the troll's blood. And usually, titles are eight letters, but mine seems to be a special case. Kind of creepy." She said with a smile. It was creepy, but not like she could do anything about it. "And Ken, you should have told me if you were hurt." She said with a frown as she healed his burn.

@MoltenLightning @electroShogun
Deust : Wake Up

You snap awake in your seat and yawn. Shit, how long have you been out? You overhear Ken's comment and speak.

"I think we all see you as our leader."


Afrien : Ask for Healing


You lift your leg in the air, pointing to your mangled foot.


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