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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Afrien talked Ken into fighting a three headed fire breathing monster lizard thing that apparently can survive on both land and water?" She said as Rosalie purred as Charlotte petted her. "Hey Charlotte? Can you watch her as I set up her food, water, and litter box? I don't want her running off just yet." She asked, looking at her.


Shadow: Facepalm

Shadow facepalmed as she thought about it. But of course Afrien would do something that dangerous. But Ken? Oh boy.
"It's called a Lerna. Male trolls have to fight it in the coming of age test. But I didn't think he either remembered or even would think about doing it." She said with a sigh.

Charlotte: Worry

"Why would Ken do something so irrationally stupid?!"

You take the cat, shaking slightly. You hope Ken's okay...



Ken: Roll

You dodge to the side again, not noticing that you're at the edge of the Lerna's back. You fall off and land on your back.

@Midnight Phantom
"I'm sure he will be fine." She said as she went to a corner and took the litter and litter box out first. She set it up and smiled as she began setting up the food and water bowls. She filled the bowls, humming as she worked.


Rosalie: Lick the new girl

The girl who was holding you now was shaking. She reached her head up and licked the girl's cheek and mewed.


"I'm sure they'll be fine, but I can't help but think they're idiots. And thank you, Kersin. At least you can see reason." Shadow said with another sigh.

@electroShogun @Kurai Okami
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Aura: Wish

You wish... You wish you could give Ken some of your anger. Just a bit, maybe to help him... For some reason, you concentrate on that. You half wished it would happen, half wished it didn't... But if it helped him...

ES: Youre messing with me

ES: Fine

Ken: Drink blood

You gather some blood in your cupped hands, and slowly bring it to your mouth. You take a drink...


Good God! That tastes horrendous! It's worse than those beef nuggets he tried to feed you!

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Faint

You would, if you were a wimp! You do feel a part of you disappear momentarily, causing you to tremble. Maybe you had helped Ken? You get up on shaky legs, not used to having a loss of this anger. Well, it was for a good cause... Your apparent loss of anger is suddenly replaced with a horrible nagging fear. What if Ken is dead? What is he didn't make it?! WHAT IF HE GOT EATEN?!?!?! You start trembling more, unconsciously holding your head as these storming thoughts stir in your mind.


Hummingbird: Be bored

"Okay, what on Earth do we do now?!"

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