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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Afrien : Dodge

You rip your Foot out of the Middle Head's jaw, soaked in blood. That's gonna sting once you get feeling back in it. You flop on your back and ride down the beasts spine like a slide, before flipping off and landing on your good foot.

Afrien : Attack

You jump up once again, swinging your Glaive at the Left Head.

Afrien : Catch Fire

You would, if not for the handy layer of blubber inside the robe. Damn, Chryom worked Hard on this thing!

Afrien : Throw

You chuck your Glaive, and it goes spinning like a helicopter towards the Lerna's Right Neck.

Shadow: Wake up

Shadow sat up, shaking and sweating from that cursed dream. Why did she keep having it? Was it because she wasn't in her recuperacoon? Probably.

Shadow: Head to throne room

Shadow got up and headed to the throne room. She blinked as she walked in, yawning as she did so. "Morning everyone." She said, the sleep having yet left her voice.

@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
"Have I missed anything?" She asked as she sat down. Faust ran over to her and snuggled against her leg until she picked him up and pet his head. So he was here. That's good. Though...she didn't want to think what he was getting into.



Amanda: Head back

So....they were fighting so freaky three headed fire breathing monsters....boys. She walked out of the lab, deciding it would be best if she left and headed back to where she was originally. She wanted to introduce Rosalie! She giggled as she took off. She'd be there soon, but she didn't want to go too fast with her new kitty.
Afrien : Be Victorious

You walk over to the Lerna's Corpse, and rip Chryom's glaive from its throat.

Afrien : Drink

You walk to the main head and slit its throat, cupping your hands under the wound. Blood pours into your hands, and you slurp it up.




Afrien : !?

You feel power coursing through your body, flowing throughout until ti rushes back to your head. If you still had Troll Eyes, your Irises would have turned jade. But your eyes are already green, and these aren't even Troll Eyes. Too bad.

"I... I am The Mindseye."

Afrien : Be The Mindseye

You are now an adult, and you have a title. If people will call you by your title, that is debatable.

Afrien : Realize

You never brought a chalice to collect blood for your Matesprit.


Aura: Notice

You look behind you and notice Shadow has woken up. You smile.

"Hi! Looks like the guys have left us. That's okay, though I really have no clue what they are doing."

You use the badge to quickly unlock the cards, and find that they were punched already. Huh. Well, you'd try them later. Turning your attention back to Shadow, you inwardly sigh. Dang it, this badge sucked! WHAT WOULD YOU EVEN USE IT FOR!? DOORS?! YOU COULD SMASH THEM WITH YOUR HANDS!!! Fudge.
Shadow giggled as Faust nipped at her hand. "Sounds like them. I hope they come back safe." She said, starting to play with Faust.



Amanda: Land

Amanda landed in front of the castle and walked in, heading inside.
"Hey hey efuryone!" She said with a smile.

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The monster takes the unexpected hit in the upper part of its jaw. The axe head pierces its brain, and the right head's brain rolls into the back of its head. The left and center heads roar in anger and begin spitting fire at Ken.


"Okay, I want you to meet Rosalie." She said, gently holding the cat out. "Ken was showing us something that involved ectobiology and made this cute little girl." She said with a giggle.


"A meowbeast? How cute. But...where are the others, if you don't mind me asking?" Shadow asked, looking at the cat.

Ken: Move!

You roll to the side, narrowly avoiding the flames. Your arm gets slightly burned from the heat, but you're too full of adrenaline to notice.

Ken: Attack!

You jump up onto the Lerna's back and start hacking at it.

@Midnight Phantom


"Aww, a kitty!"

You reach out to pet the cat.

Aura: Back up

You back away slightly. Cats... No. You continue until you are probably at the back of the room, then take out Lewis. He kept a derpy expression as you watched him try and devour your finger, which was about his size. You were probably sticking out like a sore thumb, but you didn't want to deal with that cat...

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