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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor tilt her head as she was confused as she stood up bumping into ice " ag ewww" she say feeling his body she just moved away she thought of him like a brother she was scared confused what he was doing" what you doing is this Alisa room" she asked confused
Ice gently sighs and says gently" You knocked the door down and then started to crawling towards me while i'm in the bath in the uni sex bathroom and now you like eww after you were blushing yesterday after i touched your hand when i handed you the new cup, i swear you young girls blow hot and cold so fast sometimes it's awkward being the only guy in the house and with that said would you mind going back down stairs so i can properly change".
Taylor was pouting as she went downstairs as she fell over the couch feeling around the house she wasn't used to it yet she heard the tv on " what does Alisa and the others look like" she say to herself
@Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir

Alisa Ann

Alisa's ears twitched slightly as she heard the conversation upstairs, that upon thinking on it for a few moments, probably originated from the bathroom. "
Ya swears if that blyat trys anything on Taylor.." She muttered to herself before putting the last dish in the drainer. With that she walked out of the kitchen and was going to walk up the stairs when she caught Taylor walking down them looking kind of flustered. She gazed warily up to the bathroom door before following her over to the couch. "Taylor, are vy alright? Ice didn't do anything to vy, did he?" She asked her.

She honestly wouldn't put it past him to try something on Taylor, especially since she was blind.
Taylor just sighed" he didn't do anything i sorta accidentally stumble into the bathroom i was trying to find my way around" she say" why do i have to be blind" she say quietly she is pouting as she felt tears down her face trying not to cry in front of her friends" friend Alisa" she say
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just sighed" he didn't do anything i sorta accidentally stumble into the bathroom i was trying to find my way around" she say" why do i have to be blind" she say quietly she is pouting as she felt tears down her face trying not to cry in front of her friends" friend Alisa" she say
Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded, she'd thought as much but it didn't hurt to be sure. Annnd then she started crying. Alisa sighed and sat down beside her before bringing her into a hug. "
There there. It's okay. It's not vy's fault. Ya will be sure to make those hunters pay if ya sees them. Besides, vy might not be blind permanently. Could be temporary, da(yes)?" She told her.
Ice fuming as he heard Alisa's talking about him like some creep but then grunted and says" Stupid cat why would i hit on a girl that can't see and is brand new to the house, anyways i'll going to get ready in ten minutes i'll take you both to my work so i can show you what i do while i'm not helping around the house". 'I've lost count of the amount of times the stupid cat as almost put her self in compromising situation both because of her clothes and her lack of thought'. I'll get Cinla to drop by and fix this so i don't have to pay for any damages but i know i'll end up owning her a favor down the line gah why i'm in the only reliable guy in the house'.

' last of all maybe i can channel my ki into taylor and help her to see again'. Ice quickly goes into his room and quickly tidy's up then starts getting change into his work clothes. After about eight minutes he looks at himself in the mirror his clothes casual smart and then after another minute starts to head down the stairs.

@Zeldafangirl @Mitchs98
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Taylor just cried on her" no they did something they wanted me to see night vision and the experiment went wrong now i suffer from my blindness" she say" i don't want to be alone again" she say afraid
@Zeldafangirl[/URL] @Mitchs98
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just cried on her" no they did something they wanted me to see night vision and the experiment went wrong now i suffer from my blindness" she say" i don't want to be alone again" she say afraid
Alisa Ann

Alisa rolled her eyes at Ice, did he seriously not see Taylor crying?
Nechuvstvitel'nym mudak(insenstive asshole) She thought to herself before sighing. "Ya see...don't give up hope. There might still be something my can do do help vy. Vy doesn't have to worry about being alone anymore, vy can live with ya for as long as vy wants." She told her reassuringly. "Don't cry, it will be okay, da?" She added.
Taylor wipe her tears as she sniffed" i'm okay thank you" she say as she sat up again" sorry i worried you Alisa" she told her hiccuping" will you be like a big sister i'm still questioning ice since he didn't see me cry" she say
Riku smiled faintly. "I-I'm Riku." She introduced herself nervously. "I always c-come here. Just playing with the animals." Her smile was soft and sweet. "
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor wipe her tears as she sniffed" i'm okay thank you" she say as she sat up again" sorry i worried you Alisa" she told her hiccuping" will you be like a big sister i'm still questioning ice since he didn't see me cry" she say
Ice smirkes and towards the door and says" Come on taylor chan and you too boobs for brains i promised i'd show you my work and it's a great way for taylor to relax as she takes in the view along the way". ' It's her fault this happened i told her about the door yet i'm getting the eye rolling bullshit well i guess it wouldn't be natural if we didn't fight light this from time to time sometimes i do wonder though will it ever reach the point of sexual tension and then all night long'.
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor wipe her tears as she sniffed" i'm okay thank you" she say as she sat up again" sorry i worried you Alisa" she told her hiccuping" will you be like a big sister i'm still questioning ice since he didn't see me cry" she say
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice smirkes and towards the door and says" Come on taylor chan and you too boobs for brains i promised i'd show you my work and it's a great way for taylor to relax as she takes in the view along the way". ' It's her fault this happened i told her about the door yet i'm getting the eye rolling bullshit well i guess it wouldn't be natural if we didn't fight light this from time to time sometimes i do wonder though will it ever reach the point of sexual tension and then all night long'.

Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled warmly at Taylor before shaking her head, "
It's fine. Ya wouldn't be a good friend if ya didn't worry for vy, no?" She told her. She was slightly taken aback by her asking her to be her big sister, not that she was against it..it was just a bit of a shock. "If that's what vy wants, ya doesn't mind at all. Ya would be glad to have vy as ya little sister." She replied.

She glared up at Ice, not because he insulted her, but because she mentioned Taylor being able to enjoy the view. Did he seriously not understand she was blind? Sighing she shook her head to herself. "
Does vy still want to go? Ya is sure it will be fun." She asked Taylor.
Ice thought to himself,' That came out kinda wrong what i meant is she can still enjoy it through her other senses given their sharper since she's blind but i did somewhat stick foot in my mouth, oh if i remember right cinla is the daughter of a cutting edge laser and eye science yeah i moaned about the long hours of my other work but i want taylor to be able to see as soon as possible so i don't mind doing extra favors and i do feel some what bad about not noticing taylor's feeling but it erks the crap out of me been called a creep by a cat that barely thinks so often'.

(Extremely super sorry I have lots of work.)

Rowan smiled at Alisa after finishing her food. "Thanks! That was tasty. And I think I'm fine where I live, but I'll definitely see come and say hi every once in a while." She walked into the living room and looked around. Suddenly, Taylor tripped and fell onto the couch. "Are you alright?" She said as she walked over.

Rico nods he knew how it was to be in a place like this, he'd always escape to the park or somewhere quite to write and draw. Hearing her state her name he smiled "Me names Maurice but ya can call me Rico if ya want." He said in smiling. He wanted to approach but fear of becoming his Zodiac gripped him so he stayed put.

Taylor just sighed when she was insulted she was a little mad at him as she wasn't talking to him" i'll go with you Alisa" she say as she smiled" how come he say i enjoy the view hello i'm blind" she say as she was mad she felt around for her hand as she smiled she heard someone talking to her" oh i'm fine thanks you see i'm blind but i'm okay being blind that what makes me so special" she say to the girl

@Puggie @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just sighed when she was insulted she was a little mad at him as she wasn't talking to him" i'll go with you Alisa" she say as she smiled" how come he say i enjoy the view hello i'm blind" she say as she was mad she felt around for her hand as she smiled she heard someone talking to her" oh i'm fine thanks you see i'm blind but i'm okay being blind that what makes me so special" she say to the girl
@Puggie @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Ice sighs and then says" That came out very wrong i'm very sorry taylor but there is more than one way to see things and i know a few blind people and their other senses are much sharper than normal humans, i also happen to know a girl that can possibly help you i don't like the idea of people just rolling over and saying stuff like it's ok it makes me special it erks me my brother was special but that didn't stop fate from pissing on on him and dying and there was nothing i could do about it".
Taylor just sighed" i don't know if i want to see again yeah its sad at times but i be okay" she say as she was pouting as she sighed" why do you want to help my eyesight i mean we just met" she say holding her arm rubbing it not sure she wanted to see again she didn't know what to do
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just sighed" i don't know if i want to see again yeah its sad at times but i be okay" she say as she was pouting as she sighed" why do you want to help my eyesight i mean we just met" she say holding her arm rubbing it not sure she wanted to see again she didn't know what to do
Ice sighed and said" Because the story i told you about my brother is the truth and i don't want you to suffer when it's within my power to help you i'm kind like that despite being a grumpy and such last of all not trying to mean this time but even if you can't see the sadness and such will still be there it would unwise to throw away the chance you've been given the post man doesn't always knock twice as the saying goes".
Taylor tried to grab his hand but couldn't see so she stumble and fell " okay i'll do it i let you help me so i can see again" she say as she held his hand she was smiling happily" where do you wnt to take us and who will help me" she asked a lot of questions" will i get stuff so i can get enterain myself for now i'm bored" she say talking a lot
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just sighed when she was insulted she was a little mad at him as she wasn't talking to him" i'll go with you Alisa" she say as she smiled" how come he say i enjoy the view hello i'm blind" she say as she was mad she felt around for her hand as she smiled she heard someone talking to her" oh i'm fine thanks you see i'm blind but i'm okay being blind that what makes me so special" she say to the girl
@Puggie @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98

Alisa Ann

Alisa sighed inwardly, maybe she was a bit too quick to judge Ice. She watched the scene unfold before her in relative silence, she hoped Taylor would accept his offer for help and in the end she did. She nodded to herself, "Good." She told her in response to her getting help. She hummed in thought when she pretty much asked for toys, what could she get a blind girl to play with? A hard task for sure. A task she looked to Ice for an answer for.
(i'll go with the post but it's double niggies next time and sorry p for forgetting you i'll add you in now)

Ice's slight rough hand holding taylors and he says" See you around monkey girl since i don't know your name, and there's some toys in a blue box in the back seat of the car for blind people from kindergartens to taylor's age". " You're a strange one taylor you go from hitting on me to being like eww big brothers body but your a fair bit younger than me so i forgive ya". ' I won't let others suffer the same fate as you brother this will be her home from now on and i'll look out for her till the day i'm of no use to anyone'.
Puggie said:
(Extremely super sorry I have lots of work.)
Rowan smiled at Alisa after finishing her food. "Thanks! That was tasty. And I think I'm fine where I live, but I'll definitely see come and say hi every once in a while." She walked into the living room and looked around. Suddenly, Taylor tripped and fell onto the couch. "Are you alright?" She said as she walked over.

@Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir

(Sorry Puggie ;- ;)

Alisa Ann

It took a bit, but Alisa eventually noticed Rowan had spoken to them. For once she wasn't the only air head as it seemed Ice hadn't noticed either. It took her a few more minutes to process what she'd said. "Ah. Sorry for ignoring vy. Ya doesn't think at times. Vy is free to come over whenever vy wants." She told her. "Ya is glad vy like ya food too." She added quickly after. She hoped the girl wasn't mad at her..
Taylor smiled as she held his hand as she was smiling" i get toys" she say happily " how old are you" she asked him" come on lets go i'm excited i want to go" she say getting a litte impaitent she was pulling on his hand maybe she can see today or tomorrow she didn't know when the girl will let her see again her getting help

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