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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

"It's Rowan!" She shouted after Ice as he left with Taylor. She turned back to Alisa. "It's perfectly fine. It happened to me all of the time when I was in the circus so don't worry." She smiled a bit then had an idea. "Hey, so since I got to come and have a look at your house, do you want to come and see mine?"

Puggie said:
"It's Rowan!" She shouted after Ice as he left with Taylor. She turned back to Alisa. "It's perfectly fine. It happened to me all of the time when I was in the circus so don't worry." She smiled a bit then had an idea. "Hey, so since I got to come and have a look at your house, do you want to come and see mine?"
Alisa Ann

Alisa turned to Rowan when she addressed her and nodded after a minute or so of thought. Taylor would be fine with Ice, she trusted him. "Da. If vy wants to show ya, ya would be glad to go." She replied before standing. "Lead the way?" She asked.
Cadence gave herself a highfive in her head,'Good job Cadence' she thought,"Don't worry I wasn't going to hug you.Besides if two zodiacs of the opposite gender hug they won't turn into their animal. I wasn't sure if it was gonna work so I just did it. So your a rat. Nice. I'm a ram. Cadence said as the white puff of smoke cleared and she saw the small purplish rodent,"By the way I'm going to never let you live this down. So. Is Rico a zodiac too,or does he just know?" Cadence asked wondering if Rico actually was a zodiac.
WoodenZebra said:
Cadence gave herself a highfive in her head,'Good job Cadence' she thought,"Don't worry I wasn't going to hug you.Besides if two zodiacs of the opposite gender hug they won't turn into their animal. I wasn't sure if it was gonna work so I just did it. So your a rat. Nice. I'm a ram. Cadence said as the white puff of smoke cleared and she saw the small purplish rodent,"By the way I'm going to never let you live this down. So. Is Rico a zodiac too,or does he just know?" Cadence asked wondering if Rico actually was a zodiac.
Sun glared looking away with a twitch of his tail, he knew he'd be the laughing stock of the Zodiacs now for sure, he looked back at Candence and nods "Rico is the Dog. Big fool he is though." Sun said crossing his tiny arms "Is anyone one in your family a Zodiac aside from you?" He asked crawling closer to Cadence. He wondered who else she met and worked them up until they transformed.
"Oh yeah.Gabby. She's a sheep,but she hasn't gotten to her form yet,but once she does I'm gonna scare her so hard she's gonna pee her pants before she even turns into her animal.Ha. Just joking.Or am I " Cadence said staring sun righting in the eye waiting for him to turn back,"So.Can you do anything other than scaring ladies and elephants alike?" Cadence asked being full of questions.

@Creepypasta Hound
Sun smirked "I am able to chew through anything, and I mean anything. And the more obvious one is fitting onto small spaces, I haven't figured out any special talents like that copy thing you do." A mischievous look crossed his face as he remembers Rico mentioning a 'twin'. "My brother only other special talent is nearly burning down houses while he cooks...." He says standing on his hind leg with his tail supporting him.

Sun was about to say something more before he once again found himself in a plume of smoke, he was back to normal gave a girly yelp as he fell backwards landing hard on his back. He grabbed his pants and quickly yanked on his pants not bothering to put on his prosthetic leg.

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Cadence quickly turned around,"Ha. My clone thing isn't part of my abilities at all. It's magic" Cadence said turning back around to see sun was missing a leg,"Hey I didn't know you had a prostetic leg. Cool" Cadence said grabbing it and tossing it in the air,"Light. Wait. Everything is light for me. Super strength and I can eat just about anything too." Cadence said thinking about trash. Ahh the food that actually makes a difference when she eats it. Recycling.

@Creepypasta Hound @Mitchs98 (do it now. send her in)
@WoodenZebra @Creepypasta Hound

Lucy Red

Lucy had been watching the three talk for quite some time, watching and seeing what Zodiac they were if they were at all. Of course, in the end, they'd oh so foolishly both announced and one confirmed their status through transformation. Both guns drawn Lucy stepped forward in one fluid motion, shooting the prosthetic and aiming the other at the back of Cadence's head. Unbeknownst to them it was currently loaded with rubber rounds and couldn't exactly kill.

"Well, what do we have here? Two Zodiacs for the price of one?" Lucy asked, though moreso stated, a dark chuckle escaping her lips. "Tell me kid, how old is your sister?" She asked genuinely this time.
"Oh I don't know. I think she's idiot." Cadence said before the other her tackled the hunter. Once up both Cadence's fist bumped each other,"So you wanna pull an ambush do you." Cadence said using her magic to summon a gun also,but the gun was full of tic taks and the only thing it could do is make your breath smell good. The other Cadence turned to Sun,"You okay" She asked going to him only to find out the ammo was rubber bullets. Really. She could do better than that.

@Mitchs98 @Creepypasta Hound
Gabby went to get her parents" mommy mommy hunter outside i'm scared mommy" she say holding to her pants @WoodenZebra

Yukki heard something she just tranform into her tiger zodiac she found the commecin growling at the hunter @Mitchs98
WoodenZebra said:
"Oh I don't know. I think she's idiot." Cadence said before the other her tackled the hunter. Once up both Cadence's fist bumped each other,"So you wanna pull an ambush do you." Cadence said using her magic to summon a gun also,but the gun was full of tic taks and the only thing it could do is make your breath smell good. The other Cadence turned to Sun,"You okay" She asked going to him only to find out the ammo was rubber bullets. Really. She could do better than that.
@Mitchs98 @Creepypasta Hound
Zeldafangirl said:
Gabby went to get her parents" mommy mommy hunter outside i'm scared mommy" she say holding to her pants @WoodenZebra
Yukki heard something she just tranform into her tiger zodiac she found the commecin growling at the hunter @Mitchs98
@Creepypasta Hound

Lucy Red

Lucy held onto her guns tightly as she was tackled, wincing slightly from the amount of force Cadence put behind it. It was easy to tell she was either a ox, ram, or dragon Zodiac from the strength alone so this confirmed her words of her being a ram. She only smirked when the girl summoned a gun of her own. "
Interesting. I must admit..I've never seen an ability like that before." She commented. "You'll be worth a fortune.." She added, though mostly to herself.

Soon after that a Tiger zodiac appeared. Oh even better, three Zodiacs for her to capture. She only chuckled at them both. Almost immediately she registered the Tiger as the greater threat, however, for obvious reason. Though, she didn't take her eye off of Cadence. Wordlessly she opened fire at the Tiger, shooting 5 rounds aimed in a straight line down its body from its head to its hind leg.
Yukki try to dodge the attack but got hit but didn't give up she needed to help this girl she just growl at her about to attack
She nodded, smiling now. "Nice to meet you." Riku said happily. Behind her, her tail swayed side to side and her eyes twitched slightly.
Rowan smiled brightly and bounced around. "Yeah, let's go!" She skipped out the door and they started off, pausing to examine trees. This when on for about 10 minutes until she reached a tree had a carving of mountain on it. She basically walked straight up and motioned for her to come up. Up there, Rowan had a small treehouse-like place. It was made with green, brown, and yellow planks. Inside was a beanbag with a blanket, as well as various other living needs. "So, what do you think?"

"I-I'm okay...thanks..." Sun said dazed, he wasn't expecting the sudden ambush but quickly recovered remembering his leg had shot "Whats the big idea! I need that to walk! Who are you anyway!?" He growls as he tries to come off as intimidating as possible. But when Candence attacked along with someone else who showed up he couldn't help but feel useless. What good was he to them? He glanced over at him leg and made a move to pick it up and put it on.

@Mitchs98 @WoodenZebra


Rico chuckled "So, I think ya ears and tail are cute." He admitted noticing the cat ears and tail that Riku had he was about to say something more when he noticed the tail twitching. "Whoa, your kitty ear they're real!? Could I pet your ears? I mean if it's okay." He added quickly hoping he wasn't being weird.

Belle walked through the forest, searching for a target. She was already pretty giddy, this was her first real mission and rumor had it that the town was filled with zodiacs. The girl dug through the purse she had slung around her shoulder, it was filled with small portions of poisons.

Maurice froze his emerald eyes scanning the area of the forest he wasn't sure what he was hearing, was it a human? Maybe another Zodiac? He didn't know but he knew he had to make sure Riku was safe, he raised a hand to signal to Riku not to speak yet.

@Ballerina @NightCasterZ
Kendell got separated with her siblings she was crying she ran into a boy and saw a cat zodiac she fell down she had her bookbag on she was scared the seven year old hid behind a tree @Creepypasta Hound

Taylor was smiling as she was playing with toys in the car she was having fun with ice" so how is the girl who going to help me make me see again is it some type of power or something" she asked feeling the material of toy that she can see them she smell the ocean" that's the beach ice" she say to him @Leo Radomir
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Riku opened her mother, speaking without noticing the hand gesture. "Sure." She blushed lightly. "J-Just be careful. They're sensitive." She finished. Then, she heard things with her ears. She heard someone nearby messing with the some bottles and a fight happening.
Rico who was being defensive at first quickly changed to thrilled when he heard he could pet Riku's ears, he nods agreeing to be gentle and went to gently stroke the soft cat ears "This is so cool!" He squeals softly he wanted to continue to petting Riku but having excellent hearing Rico quickly stopped once he heard the sobs of a child.

Being the Dog his emotions quickly went to sadness and the urge to comfort gripped him "I'll be right back, there's someone o it here who's in distress." he told Riku, he was about to leave when he heard the voice of someone come up from behind. He glanced over at the tree and growls slightly for having to wait to help.

"Allo there love, me names Maurice."

@Ballerina @NightCasterZ @Zeldafangirl
Kendell was hiding behind a tree as her brother and sister was taken by hunters they were a zodiac she didn't know why she was human she just sniff looking around
Watching the newcomer, Rico backed away his instincts telling him to be careful of Bella. He inches backwards until the scent of the little girl was strong he looked down at her and gave her a warm smile "Its going to be okay." He whispers to her "I'll make sure nothing happens to you or Riku." He said holding out his hand hoping she'd trust him enough.

Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell was hiding behind a tree as her brother and sister was taken by hunters they were a zodiac she didn't know why she was human she just sniff looking around
Bella overheard him. "That's really a lovely name." She said to him. "Why are you two so afraid? I plan on doing nothing to you." Bella said softly, her hand lied behind her, fingers crossed.
Kendell looked at him as she grabbed his hand" i'm kendell i'm 7" she say holding his hand as she smiled looking at the scary lady she hated hunters looking at him smiling trusting him

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