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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Rowan sighed in relief when Alisa said she's a zodiac. She felt like she wanted to keep the game up just to see what would happen, but she didn't. "Yeah, so you'd be cat, and that makes me the monkey." She felt relieved as dropped her arms down and quickly scaled the tree. Then she came out of nowhere, hanging upside down on one of the lower branches. "I'd love to come. I got nothin' better to do at the moment."

Rex and cinla watch them from the bench and say" So their part of the circle now as well, it makes one wonder just how many new people have been added to the circle since a few years back".

anyone near by
Riku finished and rested her guitar on her back, smiling happily. Her tail swayed behind her gently as she headed into the forest. She always visited the animals there. @Anyone
Taylor couldn't sense the girl" i'm a tiger" she say as her stomach growling again she was very hungry" sorry i thought you were a hunter i just ran away from them" she say calming down @Mitchs98 @Puggie
Puggie said:
Rowan sighed in relief when Alisa said she's a zodiac. She felt like she wanted to keep the game up just to see what would happen, but she didn't. "Yeah, so you'd be cat, and that makes me the monkey." She felt relieved as dropped her arms down and quickly scaled the tree. Then she came out of nowhere, hanging upside down on one of the lower branches. "I'd love to come. I got nothin' better to do at the moment."
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor couldn't sense the girl" i'm a tiger" she say as her stomach growling again she was very hungry" sorry i thought you were a hunter i just ran away from them" she say calming down @Mitchs98 @Puggie
Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded and released her protective hold on Taylor, opting to gently grab her hand again so as to lead her to her house. "Ya see. Follow ya then. House not far." She replied. "Ya is glad for the company. It gets lonely living alone." She commented. Soon the three reached her house, a small white house deep in the forest. It was perfect away from the hunters, really. After unlocking the door she lead them inside. "Make selfs at home. Ya will make vy both some food." She told them before walking off into the kitchen, she had no clue what they liked..so hopefully chicken lo mein would be fine.
Rex comes into the kitchen and sees Alisa and says" It's good you've got company but i must ask you not mess up the house i just finished cleaning the place about thirty minutes ago". Rex then goes into the fridge and get's some tropical fruit juice he made then closes the fridge then goes to the cupboard and gets a two glasses out in case alisa wants some. ' I swear almost all of the zodiac women have big knockers and it's sometimes hard to know where to look' Rex's body smells of a sweet lemonish scent from working in the gardens with the lemons and limes'.
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@Leo Radomir[/URL] @Puggie @Mitchs98

Alisa Ann

Alisa rolled her eyes at Rex, the guy acted like he owned the place at times. It was her house, he was lucky she let him stay in it. Though in reality her kind nature prevented her from doing or saying much adverse to him. "
Please. Ya know what ya is doing. Ya isn't going to mess anything up." She replied. "Why don't vy go see if Taylor needs help? Or at-least introduce self to her since she will be staying here for a while." She told him while chopping up the various vegetables.

He couldn't really say much against her staying, considering he himself was practically freeloading.
Taylor tripped over the chair" gah" she say she is pout she really didn't like being blind she didn't know what her friends look like she just sat up while rubbing her face since she hurt herself with the chair banging her face on a wooden table" owie that hurts" she grumble
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann

Alisa rolled her eyes at Rex, the guy acted like he owned the place at times. It was her house, he was lucky she let him stay in it. Though in reality her kind nature prevented her from doing or saying much adverse to him. "
Please. Ya know what ya is doing. Ya isn't going to mess anything up." She replied. "Why don't vy go see if Taylor needs help? Or at-least introduce self to her since she will be staying here for a while." She told him while chopping up the various vegetables.

He couldn't really say much against her staying, considering he himself was practically freeloading.
Rex decided not say anything this time, but it did slightly annoy him that she treats him like a free loader when that's clearly not the case compared to the rat and so many others. He then goes over to the girl helps her on to the chair and then says with a hint of warmth" I'm rex i'm told you're going to be staying here for a little taylor nice to meet you". ' You're so easy to fool and your too kind sometimes when you shouldn't be i get worried you'll do something really stupid and i'll have to come and get you out of trouble'.

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Taylor just reach out to him as touch his face" soft" she giggle" yup i'm taylor i 13 nice to meet you" she say she bite her lip she didn't want to be alone again or to be hunted again her hand was shaking a bit
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just reach out to him as touch his face" soft" she giggle" yup i'm taylor i 13 nice to meet you" she say she bite her lip she didn't want to be alone again or to be hunted again her hand was shaking a bit
Ice smiled softly and says with his normal hint of warmth tone he gave with most" Soft huh well i did shave and i'm nineteen, but that aside i'll stay with you for a little while, i'm not sure what your story is but i won't ask you to tell after all everyone has their reasons for why they seek something in this world we live in".

Ice gently pulls away and then sits on the other side of taylor and puts his hand where she can grab it. ' when i first awakened to my powers i was scared because my brother has been dead for longest time since the car accident i'm grateful he left me the music stable so i can drown my sorrows, so i won't let taylor feel the pain i had to feel for the longest time'.
Taylor grab his hand" hunters killed my family and experiment on my eyes they were trying to make mee see night vision as human" she say as she senesed something was wrong with him she held onto his shirt" what wrong" she asked" i don't know what my purpose in life i'm nothing" she cried hungry' j wonder what he thinks about me a blind will he like me as a girlfriend or sister i don't know' she thought" Alisa you done with food sorry i'm just hungry" she told her while she smiled sitting on the chair swinging her legs
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just reach out to him as touch his face" soft" she giggle" yup i'm taylor i 13 nice to meet you" she say she bite her lip she didn't want to be alone again or to be hunted again her hand was shaking a bit

Alisa Ann

Meanwhile while the two were talking Alisa listened to the two talk with a smile on her face, glad to see they were getting along. The poor girl needed all the friends she could get at this point, at-least Alisa thought so. As if on cue Alisa was done with the food as soon as Taylor asked, "
Ya just finished it, actually." She replied while plating the food. She got four plates, one for each of them, pretty much assuming Rex and Rowan would be hungry. After that she got them all silverware and a glass of water, she wasn't sure what they wanted to drink, so if they wanted something else they could ask.

There vy go. If vy wants more tell ya, ya made plenty just incase." She told them.
Taylor just smiled as she start eating as she was hungry" thank you" she say as she smiled eating as she was feeling around where the cup was so she could drink something" thanks again Alisa for taking me in i don't have no one but i hope we can become friends" she say as she smiled happily as she put the down her cup as she continue eating the chicken the food

Gabby just looked at her as it was lunch time for her as she smiled" i gotta go but i see you later" she say going back to her house as she saw her sister" hiya Candy" she say smiling she was very happy she made a friend
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Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann

Meanwhile while the two were talking Alisa listened to the two talk with a smile on her face, glad to see they were getting along. The poor girl needed all the friends she could get at this point, at-least Alisa thought so. As if on cue Alisa was done with the food as soon as Taylor asked, "
Ya just finished it, actually." She replied while plating the food. She got four plates, one for each of them, pretty much assuming Rex and Rowan would be hungry. After that she got them all silverware and a glass of water, she wasn't sure what they wanted to drink, so if they wanted something else they could ask.

There vy go. If vy wants more tell ya, ya made plenty just incase." She told them.
Ice starts to eat his food and teases alisa and says" If i was to ask you to be my girlfriend i wouldn't have to about not eating well that's for sures, the music board are slaying me at the moments so i'm hungrier than normal". "As for friends well not sure but that doesn't mean i won't look out for taylor when i can after all, i'm a grump but i'm not heartless and selfish unlike some i know".

Ice gets up walks over to where he was then grabs his cup of homemade juice and the jug and then brings it back to the table and after minute says" Would you like some of the juice i made you can have some from my cup if you like it i'll get you some of your own".

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Taylor just nodded as she smiled" yes please" she say as she smiled" food is great right you don't have to look after me trust me i been through a lot" she say as she smiled eating the food she didn't really use the silverware she wasn't used to it she just eat the food with her hands' wait same cup as him no i can't do that' she thought blushing" no i can't drink from the same cup from you" she say to him @Leo Radomir
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just nodded as she smiled" yes please" she say as she smiled" food is great right you don't have to look after me trust me i been through a lot" she say as she smiled eating the food she didn't really use the silverware she wasn't used to it she just eat the food with her hands' wait same cup as him no i can't do that' she thought blushing" no i can't drink from the same cup from you" she say to him @Leo Radomir
Ice smiles and says" I see that's fine i'll go and grab you a new cup and yes even though you have that doesn't mean, you should over do it speaking of which maybe i should get an assistant, i sure as hell can't do another one hundred hour plus week my brain will shut down". Ice got up and goes and gets a new cup and pours the juice in the gently places it taylor's hand his rough skin gently passing over her hand as he moves his hand back 'she really is pure hearted i wonder if i'm the first guy that's ever been kind to her'. 'also sometimes i wish Alisa wouldn't wear such a revealing top even though i'm a gentleman i'm still a guy and get dirty thoughts from time to time but maybe she wants me to come on her it's a little hard to tell sometimes'.
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Taylor gasp as her hand was on the cup she felt his hand he was the first guy that was nice to her" thank you" she say as she drink the juice as she smiled" where i sleep i can sleep on couch i don't mind" she say as she just eat the chicken she sometimes feels bad about herslef she never been loved like this @Leo Radomir
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just smiled as she start eating as she was hungry" thank you" she say as she smiled eating as she was feeling around where the cup was so she could drink something" thanks again Alisa for taking me in i don't have no one but i hope we can become friends" she say as she smiled happily as she put the down her cup as she continue eating the chicken the food
Gabby just looked at her as it was lunch time for her as she smiled" i gotta go but i see you later" she say going back to her house as she saw her sister" hiya Candy" she say smiling she was very happy she made a friend
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just nodded as she smiled" yes please" she say as she smiled" food is great right you don't have to look after me trust me i been through a lot" she say as she smiled eating the food she didn't really use the silverware she wasn't used to it she just eat the food with her hands' wait same cup as him no i can't do that' she thought blushing" no i can't drink from the same cup from you" she say to him @Leo Radomir
@Leo Radomir[/URL]

Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled and nodded at Taylor, giggling in response to Ice(I thought he was Rex?..). She liked being complimented on her cooking, it made her feel useful after all. She listened to the two talk with a small grin on her face, it seemed Taylor liked it here, at-least she thought so. "Ya has a spare bed in ya room. Vy can use it if vy doesn't mind sharing a room. Much more comfortable than couch." She told her. "It is up to vy if vy would prefer couch though." She added.
Taylor was confused" whats a bed" she asked as she was confused about the term" i can sleep with your room i don't mind" she say as she smiled to her" how old is Alisa" she say as she finished the food" thank you it was very good Alisa the food was so good" she say glad to be here" i know i just met you but i feel this like home i don't know where i will go after this so um.... can i stay with you" she say rubbing her eyes as it was itching
Rico rubbed the back of his neck he didn't like the sound of that at all. He watched as Sun shifted his weight onto his right leg, being his good leg. "I guess we will be extra careful then." Rico said joking as he nudged his brother.

Sun looked a his brother he could see something in his eyes that he wasn't speaking. Rico sighed and nods "Well how would ya like to come over sometime?" He asked Candence curiously "I'm sure you and Sun here would like to spend time together you two look about the same age."

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Kendell was humming as she smiled looking around the forest she was seven she was a little jealous of her sister she didn't know why she was human unlike her sister that she was a tiger zodiac

Gabby walked back to the house trying to sneak back without being noticed by her sister she wasn't supposed to wander off on her own she was scared if she was in trouble or not' don't notice' she thought as she stepped on a stick' uh oh' she thought


@anyone in frost
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor was confused" whats a bed" she asked as she was confused about the term" i can sleep with your room i don't mind" she say as she smiled to her" how old is Alisa" she say as she finished the food" thank you it was very good Alisa the food was so good" she say glad to be here" i know i just met you but i feel this like home i don't know where i will go after this so um.... can i stay with you" she say rubbing her eyes as it was itching
@Leo Radomir @Puggie

Alisa Ann

Alisa frowned ever so slightly, though it probably wasn't noticeable, when Taylor asked what a bed was. Those hunters better hope Alisa never came across them, she'd beat the crap out of them for what they put the poor girl through. "
Ya is 16, and of course vy can stay here. Ya would never make someone as young as vy leave alone, especially since vy is being chased." She replied. "Vy can stay too if vy wants." She told Rowan. Of course..she'd probably have to take up a little extra work, but it'd be worth it. Taylor deserved to have a normal life after what she's been put through, after all.

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