from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I settled a hand at the back of Layla's shoulders and just shook my head. "It's fine. It's already working." She was slowing down, even as she tried to fight it.

When she was out cold, I checked her pulse to be sure, then just sighed and shook my head. "She's out. Let's go call in the nurse." She would be asleep for a few hours. Plenty of time for someone to get her clean.

I let him help me up and followed him out. We sent a nurse in after us, then just walked away. ". . . She'll feel better when she's clean." Maybe. Most people did, but no one here could be considered 'most people'.
((Yes :3 were they separated in this one? I can't remember))


I shook my head, sighed, and just kept walking, intent on taking a very short break to gather myself, maybe splash water on my face. "Time will tell." In the meantime, I was going to need some serious de-stressing techniques, and possibly a therapist. Therapist needing a therapist; it wasn't as funny as I'd expected it to be.
(Yuss, you wanna start by cy seeing them both seperatley or?)

"I suppose.. N..nic.. What are we going to do with her after this.. I.. I mean.. Well, you know what I mean" I muttered.. I remembered I needed to sort this whole mess with list and crane, yes.. That would relax me a little

I straightened up a little, trying not to be stiff but doing so anyway. "She *killed* someone, Cyrus. She's going to be in solitary for the duration of her stay, and if she's ever fit enough to be considered a normal human being, she'll be let out." That was a big 'if'.

((We can do separately if you want. Maybe Crane's just throwing a fit? Lol)) 
((I gtg to sleep. It's almost midnight and I've been up since 530. Night!))
(Would you preffer to do it by yourself?, I just like the interaction between cy and crane xD )

I snorted. "She's never going to be let out, OR be considered normal nic"
((Hm? By myself? I was suggesting maybe Crane's throwing a fit so Cyrus has to go calm I'm down and then afterwards maybe let List be with him for a while))


"Then she stays there for the rest of her life." I felt a little sorry for her, but not nearly as much as I should have.

((Moms taking our cat that we've had since I was five to be put down today, so this will probably be my only post for the day, unless I feel the need to be distracted later))
(OOOOOH!! Right yeah that's fine xD )

"Yes, she will" I said quietly, I felt no remorse at all for layla, none.. Because she had killed somebody, we would do all we could to help her while she was here, but.. That's all we could do

(Aaw, well.. I hope you don't get too upset, sorry about that :'( and its fine)

We walked in silence for a few hundred feet or so before a nurse came up to inform Cryus of a 'disturbance'. Crane was making a ruckus, and I just forced a small smile and gave Cyrus a little shove. "Go on. I'm fine."

((Well, it's over and everything of his is gone. . . My eyes hurt.))
M*(Aw, don't be upset:'(<3)

I nodded and didn't bother making sure that he was fine, he was a grown man and he could look after himself, it must get annoying, me being so protective of him all the time, I wfound crane'.. Oh sht.. "OCrane!!, what's up?!?," I hissed, before unlocking the door and letting myself in.. He was kicking and screaming, I put a hand on his shoulder a looked down at him "crane!, this isn't like you!"

I didn't like this, being separate from him but still able to hear him scream. He'd been pitching a fit for twenty minutes now, crying, sobbing and shouting at anyone that came close and occasionally throwing desperate looks my way - those were the worst, made it feel like my heart was getting torn out with a spoon and stomped on with cleats.

"Go away!" Crane shouted, flailing his arms even though it was Cyrus and he liked Cyrus. He didn't want to be caught or held down, didn't want to be touched. "No! Go away go away go away!" He was just in one of his moods, one he hadn't had in a while. He would calm down eventually, but until then it still hurt. "I don't want to - go away!" I forced myself not to cover my ears. I had to pay attention, just in case. I had to let him know I was here and I was listening. He was safe.

((Sorry this is my only post. It's late for me and I have to get up early tomorrow))
I stood back and looked down at crane, he hadn't been like this in a long time, and I can't even remember the last time he was this way.. "C-crane, you have to tell me what's wrong, I won't go away untill you tell me" I said calmly, he would calm down, but I was staying until he did.. I thought about getting list, but I needed to know why he was like this first, deep down I knew, he wanted his brother, he wanted list, he needed list.. I sat down next to him.. A questioning look on my face.. "What don't you want to do crane, come on, its me, you can tell me"

Crane shook his head, sobbing only once but so hard he stopped breathing for a few seconds. I held my breath with him without much thought, and gritted my teeth. "Don't w-want to see." He went on, voice shaking and catching every time he had to take those quick little breaths pele did when they cried. He closed his eyes. "Don't want t-to hear." He covered his ears, curling up tight and pressing his head into his knees. I knew the posturing. He had done that every time I took a beating.
"What don't you want to hear?!, crane?!.. What's wrong?!" I had only known him do this once before.. And list had sorted had sorted him then.. I considered geting him. "Crane, you want me to get list?!"
(sorry to hear about you cat Nala. I know how it feels. Ive lost loads in my life. Just remeber the good times. if you never need to talk, message me, im allways here. Best of luck nala.()
((Thanks, MA. I'm cool now, but thanks anyway))


"Don't yell at him," I called at Cyrus, frowning. He was letting himself get upset because Crane was upset. "Speak softly to him." Crane was nodding, wanting me, but it was possible he could work it out on his own. "Tell him I'm fine. Tell him I'm here." He was just afraid. He hadn't really been able to see me for a while.
I nodded in thanks towards list, and got down to cranes level.. "Crane, look, see.. List is right over there, he's not gonna go anywhere, now.. Please try to calm down crane, I know its hard, but you have to try, I don't care how long it takes, but I need to know what's wrong"

Crane was nodding a little but kept curled up and continued sobbing into his knees for a while, but I could tell he was trying to stop. He was just . . . He was like a little kid sometimes, and he just needed to be reassured and needed time. It wasn't his fault. When he finally stopped and was just sitting there, breathing nice and slow even if he did sniffle evy once in a while, I felt better. I was glad Cyrus had come, since he was one of the few that would get close. Crane tended to flail around like a two-year-old sometimes when he had these fits, and he'd accidentally hit people before doing it. He was always sorry after he realized and I knew he felt guilty whenever it happened.
"See, that's it.. That took no time at all did it?" I reached out and patted his shoulder, still the tinest be wary in case he started flailing around again.. "Its okay.. See.. List is still here, I promise you crane, we will never take him away from you, not again"
(whats happening so far then guys. sorry i havent been on much, i went to get Saw.

Tonight at about 8, ill disapear again to go and accually watch saw.))

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