from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I wanted to tell her I hated her to, but bit my tongue for a moment and held back. "To tell you the truth, Layla," I said, sadly but truthfully. "I don't care anymore. . . You have two hours. We'll leave you alone until that time is up." I gave Cyrus' hand a tug and moved back towards the door. Two hours, then we would have to come back and get her.
I nodded a little.. He was just so much better at this than me.. It was funny really.. I kept a tight hold of his hand..and led him from the room..

"Scream as much as you want." I said, pushing Cyrus at the door behind me. "No one will come until the two hours are up."
I unlocked the door, letting him out before me.. Once we were both out of the room, I looked up at nico.. "Thankyou, i-im.. Proud of you.. Nic" I smiled a little.. Running my fingers along his hand..

I nodded a little to show I'd heard him and freed my hand from his to run it carefully over my mouth and jaw. "Thank you. I'm going to go spend the next ten minutes trying not to throw up."

I shook my head, wondering if he realized I was serious or not. "Just - Just water for now." Coffee would unsettle my stomach too much. I couldn't risk that.

((Should we skip now?))

A glass of water and a hug later, we were sat curled up on the couch in the break room, my eyes kept flikering nervously towards the clock.. "N-nic.. We Go" I said.. Taking a sip of my coffee..

"Hm?" I opened my eyes, having closed them to rest a while. "Oh. That long already?" I pushed myself up, stretched and stood. "Might as well not waste time. Ill get the sedative."
"Yeah okay, want me to wait or? Get straight down there and strap her down and everything?" I asked.. Putting my coffee down and standing up beside him..

I shook my head. "I'm not letting you go down alone again. Wait for me." I walked away after that, and was glad he was waiting for me when I came back. "Let's go."

I sighed quietly. "Appropriate wording. I'm just going to tell her, and if she says no again, you and I are going to hold her down and jab her with a needle. Simple as that." Things were never that simple, but that was the plan.

I gave his hand a sharp squeeze to tell him not to laugh as we walked down, then had to let go so I could have my hands free for pinning and needle-jabbing. We went in together and closed the door behind us. I sighed when I realized she was hiding. "Come out, Layla. We'll pull you out ourselves if we have to." These beds were bolted to the floor so it wasn't like we could lift it off her,

She was actually making it easier, whether she believed so or not. I got the syringe out since her head was too far in for her to see that high up, and stepped forward. I crouched down and grabbed one of her ankles before she could pull it in, yanking it out into the open and just pulling enough that she held on tight to the bed. I didn't need the rest of her for this. I just pulled the cap of the syringe off with my teeth, pushed her pant leg up just a bit, and stuck her in the leg rather than the arm or neck. It was just as effective.

((Sorry I did that so quick. Gotta go help mom with shopping for a while))
I looked across at nic, yeah, he was okay.. I picked up the needle of the floor, and put it into the bio hazard bin in the corner of the room.. I wallked back over, crouching down beside them.. "Anything I can do?"

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