from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I 'oof'ed when Crane dropped his weight onto my back, dangling his arms over my shoulders and pressing his head against mine. ". . . Crane?" I asked, tolerant of his need for physical contact but curious still. "What are you doing?"

He wriggled around until he could look over my shoulder. "What are you reading? Will you read to me?"

I sighed, then smiled faintly and just closed my book. "Not mine. Where's yours?"
um hi. sorry i've been gone.

obviously list's punishment is over lol. let's say Katie was just working and Luna had left the place because she was doing well (a.k.a not talking or doing much she was battling internally now) and then they found out once they released her she went bonkers and now she's back.


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