from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

(oh yes, i was doing that in form, but its not quite the same when i ask Mr Massey to change my name on the register to grell.i was also shouting a lot i was so hyper yesterday)

"ill just go then" i smiled, snatching the rabbit back and turning on my heal
(im never hyper in lessons. im allways the quiet one sitting right at the back, being alone.)))

"W....what...!?" I looked at him, standing up...
i snatched if from him, growling.


i think my saw obsession has grown
(stupid alert system,well... um not much really, cy went to give layla a new bunny, she got pissed with him and kicked him. but meh.. if you wanna throw crane and list back in then go ahead because theyre so cute xD

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