from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

"Alone, I know you don't mind, but I don't mind if there's things you wanna talk about while I'm not here, because it must get reallly annoying being watched all the time, especially by me, and you know, alone time with you're brother is just as important here as it is anywhere else" I sighed, I knew he wanted to be alone with crane, he just wouldn't say it, or rather didn't know how

Contrary to popular belief, I didn't truly care if we were watched. I didn't even mind that we were here, so long as I could be with him. I just nodded to Cyrus and watched as he left, giving a quiet thank you. When he was gone, I got Crane up and washed his face so he wouldn't feel sticky from tears, then took him back to his bed and laid us both down, lying on our sides facing each other, my fingers twined through his. "It's all right, Crane." I said softly. "I'm here. No ones going to hurt me anymore. When I'm done being in trouble, we'll be together all the time again, don't you worry about that. We just have to wait a little while, so I need you to be brave and wait for me. Can you do that?" He didn't seem happy about it, but he nodded, so I just sighed and rested my forehead against his, content for now.
I locked the door behind me and walked off, I would come back a little later, but I couldn't bring myself to seperate them again, if crane weren't in such a bad mood, it wouldn't be as bad for him, but he was, so I left them a little longer than I shouldve done..

My steps began to get shaky as I reached solitary.. I gripped the pink rabbit that crane had chosen in my hands.. But there was something wrong, layla was crying.. My steps broke into a run and I looked down at her.. She was holding robbie.. In two halves, I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing..
(im really sorry about not posting, but i had my phone taken off me at school, and im not getting it back until friday and i do most of my rp'ing on my phone, so i will be on tonight but after tonight im unsure of when i will be posting, im sorry for any inconveniences caused)


"l..layla?? w-what happened?"
(i dont think my neighbors appreciate my screams for their loudness,... but appreciate the quality)

"GO AWAY!!!" I screamed, holding robbie close.

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