from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

((Ick, Saw XP Layla was knocked out and we let another nurse give her a bath. Cyrus just went to help Crane since Crane was throwing a fit after being seperate from List so long. That's all that's happened))


I watched, carefully, as Crane finally started to peek out of his little ball. He looked at Cyrus first, then looked in my direction, and I smiled a little to show him I was okay. No one had hurt me. He just flopped over and grabbed onto Cyrus after that, eyes still wet and red-rimmed. I wanted to be with him, but for now Cyrus would do.
I smiled a little, wrapping my arms around cranes shoulders and pulling him onto my lap, I ran my hand through his hair and whsipered into his ear "I'm breaking the rules here, so.. As long as you don't tell anyone, imma let you see list for a while" I smiled down at him, wiping away his tears with the pad of my thumb

I held on tight, looking up at him with my eyes a little wide, and shook my head quickly, careful not to hit my eye on his thumb. "I-I won't tell! I won't tell!" I wanted to see List. I wanted to see him for myself, without doors and windows in the way. I wanted to know he was okay.

I nodded quickly and pressed my head into his shoulder so I wouldn't cry again, arms curled tight around his neck and shoulders. "W-What? I'll h-help. I will." Anything. I just wanted to see List.
I took a little slip of paper out of my back pocket, with one arm still wrapped him.. There were two different rabbits on it, I needed to pick one out for layla, couldn't break a promise now could I?, I gently lifted his head off my shoulder and showed it to him, "she's 12, and I promised her.. But I can't decide wich, I know you're good with things like this"

I freed a hand just enough to rub my eyes dry on a sleeve, blinking a few times before I tried to bring the picture into focus. I looked at them for a while, thinking hard so I could help, and finally pointed to one of the pictures. "That one. . ." I looked at him, even though I just wanted to hide again. "Girls like pink, and it has a pretty dress."

((Not much to do right now MA. After a little of this we can skip to giving Layla the bunny, though))
"Thanks crane!" I beamed.. Stroking his hair.. Feeling too mean to pry him away from me.. But if he wanted list, hed have to let go soon enough.. Ah well, I hugged him close all the same "so helpful"

I curled up against him and stayed there for a while, just breathing and calming down. I didn't like being bad, it - sometimes it just happened and I couldn't stop it. After we'd sat there for a while, I finally shifted a little, tucking my head under his chin. ". . . C-Can I see List now?" He promised. . .

I nodded and eased carefully away from him, until I was sitting by myself on the bed and feeling a little cold. I rested my arms around my legs, hands hooked over my feet, and just waited. I'd be okay for a minute or two. I could even see List from here, mostly.
((. . . I don't remember Marilyn? Oh, wait, is she the one that stabbed him in the other RP? Is she the one that kicked Crane? Was that this RP? So confused @.@))
(Nah, marilyn was in the other, you have layla and kasabian in this one, and kasabian and marilyn in the other xD )

I smiled at crane before letting myself out and walking to list's cell.. "Would you liked to come see crane?" I asked slowly.. Looking down at him.. He looked pretty shaken up from that whole thing with crane just now,

I nodded, not trusting my own words at this point, and let myself be led out. When I got to Crane's cell, he just looked at me. Ribs were our father's favorite place, easy to bruise and tender for long periods of time, so I pulled my shirt up enough to show him and spun in a circle before putting it down again. "See?" I said, and waited for him to finally put his legs down and make grabby hands for me. I stepped closer and just hugged him, letting him lean on me and listening to the quiet sigh he made. He would be better now.
I looked down at them both.. I couldn't keep them from each other, not like this.. It made them worse, and I had to consider what was best for them.. I wanted them to be together.. These brothers, they belonged together.. Crane needed list, list needed crane.. Simple really.

(Gtg, night ^_^ )
((Night. This is super late for you O_O))


I held Crane for a long time, just closing my eyes, but eventually opened them to glance at Cyrus. I didn't care that he was watching, but had a feeling there was something he wanted to say. I didn't ask. "Can I stay?" I asked, quietly. "Just for a little while?" Less than an hour. Twenty minutes, at least. I just needed to be sure he was calm.
((It was for me too, so no worries. And I was gone all day anyway lol about to leave again, too -_- got called in to work))


I nodded a little. "Alone or with company. I don't mind." It wasn't like we had any secrets from him, and it wasn't as if I was unused to being watched.

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