from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

I couldn't take the screaming anymore, I stood up, my knees about to buckle under me .. And ran off fown the corridor, my bottom lip was throbbing like hell and there was blood everywhere, I made my way into the loos and lent against the wall, trying to catch my breath, despite the blodd in my mouth, I filled up my bottle with water and swilled it around the inside of my mouth..jesus that hurt,and spat the blood out into the sink, my teethe were sharp, so the whole in my lip was pretty massive..
I moved away, breathing heavily. I looked back to robbie/ 
(im here. Long day shopping with mum >.>) 
(hey guys. Shall we start rping again?)_
((Lol at first I read that as Nic could cry xD I'm like,"wait, why - ohhhh."))


I was just taking a short bathroom break when I saw blood on the handle, and for a moment I couldn't breathe, thinking the worst, another death, another escapee. But I opened it, very cautiously, and instead found something that was almost worse. "Cyrus!" I hurried inside to him, moving his hands so I could look at the source of the bleeding and glanced around for anything to stem it but paper towels wouldn't work. "We have to get you to the infirmary, Cy. You could need stitches."
I just stood there, looking sad.. I needed to get out of here, this place wasnt helping, there was nothing wrong with me... I looked at the blood covering me and robbie....
I whipped around at the sound of his voice "N-Nicolai?!" As soon as I realised that it was him, I wrapped my arms around him, tears were forming, prickling my eyes, tears I didn't want him to see "I don't know what I can do with her?!, I'd put somebody else on the job, but.. That's just giving her to somebody else!, I can't deal with her anymore nico!, I just, can't!!" The taste of blood in my mouth was becomming unbearable, I could tell I was gonna throw up, so I had to pull away and bow my head over the sink again..

I 'oof'ed quietly when he latched on to me but just held him, heedless of how much he would bleed on my shirt. It didn't take a genius to know who he was talking about. When he pulled away I put a hand on his back and hoped he wouldn't actually throw up because I knew how much it would burn. "Lets deal with that later, Cy. I want to stop that bleeding."
After I'd spat more blood out into the sink and ran the tap to wash it away, I turned back to nico "s-sorry" I grabbed my bottle of water, finsihing it in one gulp, and then I stood up again, straightening my hunched form.. "Ugh.." I sighed, before following nic out of the bathroom

I took his hand and pulled him quickly out and down the halls to the infirmary. Once there I sat him up on a table and got a patch of gauze for him to hold on his lip. "Put a little pressure but not too much. Head wounds bleed a lot and your mouth is still part of your head."
I nodded, doing as he said.. I wasn't all that concerned about the bleeding, it just stung.. Like. A lot. I screwed my face up a little, looking over at nic..

It was just a waiting game now, so I stood near him with more gauze waiting just in case we needed it. I thatched him, sympathetic and worried. ". . . You okay?"
I nodded a little "yea, I'm fine" I tried to smile, to be honest, it looked more like another grimace, I just decided to put my head down after that.. After a little while I was able to take gauze away without my lip bleeding further "there, I think that's okay now'

I nodded and went to put gloves on since I'd already washed my hands. I took the gauze from him and out it in the biohazard bin, where all bloody cloths went, then took his chin in one hand to tilt it a bit and have a better look. "It's not all the way through, so that's good at least. I don't think we can put stitches there, Cy. You might just have to be real careful for a few weeks."

I tried not to react like I knew I shouldn't. I took a breath as I took off the gloves and rinsed my hands off, taking that time to consider it and keep my calm. ". . . I don't know, Cy. Someone new might scare her but . . ." I shook my head, helplessly. "I can't. Ill never look at her the same. Ill only see. . . Ill get angry with her, and ill shout, and ill be too afraid and act rashly." I sat up next to him and just dropped my head into my hands. "I can't help her anymore. . . Ill only make her upset."

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