from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

I stood up.. Putting my arms around him and rubbing his back.. "Don't get so upset over it baby,I wouldn't ask you to.. I suppose I should try again with her.." I smiled..running my hand through his hair..

I shook my head quickly, leaning into him. ""No. No, she'll try to hurt you again. I . . . We . . . We could go together. . ." Maybe. . . Maybe if he was there, we could both keep ourselves in check better.
"Uh-uh.. I won't have it nic, if you're scared then you're scared, then I'd be putting you in danger, that wouldn't be fair on you, ill be fine, she just caught me off gaurd, that's all" I murmered..playing with a little strand of his hair..

I made a sort of scoff-ish sound and just closed my eyes. "You have a hole in your lip. How is that just being caught off guard? You can't *be* off guard around these patients, Cy. You've been administrating too long. They're not all like your favorites." List and Crane were his golden children, so long as List wasnt provoked into breaking someone for hurting his brother.
"I..I know that nic, I just think,'d be better off without having to see her, because I know you're scared, but if you want to come, that's fine"

I nodded slowly but didn't sit up, just leaned on him because it was nice to be supported every once in a while. "I want to come." I was more scared of him being hurt than I was of getting hurt myself. I wasn't even afraid of her hurting me. I could hold her down if I had to. I just . . . couldn't stop seeing death all around her.

I nodded slightly. "I'll be fine." Probably not okay, but fine. I'd hold it together until I could leave and go hyperventilate somewhere private until I calmed down again. Until I could stop seeing blood and open, unseeing eyes again.
"Alright, are you ready now?, I'd like to try with her now" I smiled.. Taking his hand.. "Just.. Hold on to my hand, and if you need to leave, leave.. Okay?" I knew he wouldn't be fine. He was lying, but it was to help me out, so I chose not to bring it up..

I got down and let him pull me to the door, nodding a little and just following him as he went. I didn't want to do it now, not with him so hurt, but I would anyway. "If I leave, I'm dragging you out with me." I wasn't going anywhere without him.

((gtg in a sec. Will probably disappear after this))

"Okay okay" I smiled up at him.. Squeezing his hand "I't'll be okay you know, I'm here for you, I will make sure nothing happens to any of us"

I nodded again, squeezing back as we walked. "I can help too, you know. I'm not helpless." I was suffering from PTSD, not helpless.
I sighed heavily "yes I know" I said slowly.. I smiled wryly, leading nic down the corridor.. When we got to the stairs that led down to solitary, I turned to him.. "You sure you're okay?"
((. . . *choosing not to comment*))


I rolled my eyes and just moved ahead of him, pulling him down the stairs with him. "Stop treating me like a spooked horse, Cy. I said I'm coming so I'm coming." He didn't have to ask if I was okay every three seconds.
I nodded but didn't reply.. Letting him pull me with him.. He hadn't see lay since she was put down here.. So I steped infront of him and led him to her cell.. Even I was shaking now.. I gripped his hand tightly.. "H..hey layla.. L..look who I brought.." I whispered.. Trying to stay focused..

It was more difficult than I'd thought it would be, not to retch at the sight of her, but I managed it, if only barely. "Layla-" My voice caught a little, but I just cleared my throat quietly and continued. "Why haven't you cleaned up yet? You'll get sick." It shouldn't be this hard to feel concern.

This was exactly what I hadn't noted to do, but I was able to keep my hands form forming fists. "I've had enough of that," I said, barely able to keep from sounding angry. "I'm going to give you two hours to clean up yourself. After that time, someone will come to sedate you and do it for you." Several someones, actually, with padding. This one was a fighter.
I looked at nic and squeezed his hand.. There wasn't much I could do to help him out on this one, other thatn what I'd already said.. "You're gone have to soon enough layla, or we will have to sedate you, like I said before"

"Don't take that tone with me, young lady." I retorted, firmly but still just barely without angry. "You will do as I say or you will be strapped into a straight jacket again. Then how will you hold Robbie?" I didn't want to be cruel, but I had to. Nothing would reason with her, and I couldn't be so forgiving anymore.

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