from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I glanced at the door, still a little lost, then looked at him again. "Oh. . . I-" I stopped myself from making jokes, shook my head and just held up a hand. "Okay, no. Sorry. This sounds serious. I'm listening." He wasn't kidding. I always knew when he was kidding.

I was silent for a moment, processing, wondering. When I regained the ability to speak I just reached out and flicked him on the shoulder, hard enough to feel it but not enough to leave a mark. "No? What makes you so sure I'd say no?" I shook my head and just planted my hands on my hips. "You're taking me to dinner after work this Friday. Marco's. Six o' clock. Don't worry," I put two fingers under his chin, pulled his head up so he would look at me and gave him a little wink, "We'll go dutch." 
((If no one knows what going dutch means anymore, it means they'll split the bill in half, or just pay for themselves))
My Charater

Luna Barrone

15 years old

History: Luna's farther was an alcoholic. As a result of that, she grew up with a taste for alcohol. Her cravings became so bad she would do anything to get hold of a drink- even kill. After so much, the the vodka she drank began messing with her head. She gained imaginary friends that would help her get vodka. As well as that, she developed a taste for Cigerettes. One night, while trying to get a drink from her dad, she got angry and killed him... She tried to run but was caught and turned into the police. she was keapt in prison until she began to get extreamly violent. She was sent here...

Personality: If you dont have something that luna wants, she doesnt like, simple as. She can come across as having a very simple mind. It's far from it. Luna is actually quiet intelligent. She knows she is very clever. But instead of using her intelligence for good, she uses it to plan escapes or her neck method of killing someone. Also, she can come across as very timid. Again, she is far from it. Once she is angry, thats it...

Looks: For her age, Luna is incredibly tall. She can be very intimidating. Her eyes are two differant colors: the left, green and the right, bright blue. Because she doesnt like her eyes, she allways covers them with her fringe. On her body and arms, she has many tattoos. She has snakebites, and her helix pierced 3 times. She is a very slim, pretty girl behind the eye line, tattoos and hair cuts. She also has red and purple steaks in her hair.

Why was she brought her: Luna became very agressive when she couldnt get what she wanted. Her anger issues kept getting worst until she killed her farther. She has imaginary friends in which she talks to very often.

How long as she been here: She has only just been brought here.

Room: padded cell.

I 'oof'ed quietly when he threw himself at me, then just patted his back, leaning a cheek against his head. "Calm down, calm down," I said gently, smiling a little. "Why are you so worried? It's okay, Cyrus. You can relax." He was so tense. I didn't know why it had gotten him so worked up. Was he afraid I wouldn't like him? We were already friends. It wasn't like I would hate him for asking - "Oh." It dawned on me and I just sort of stood there, still holding him and him clinging to me, then curled my fingers over his shoulder. "Did you think I was straight?"
i nodded.. happy tears rolling freely down my face.. "yes, yes i did" i said coldly..i held him close.. 
(cyrus is sorta busy at the mo, another nurse could tho?

I let him squeeze, just humming a quiet acknowledgement, and rubbed a little circle into the back of his shoulders. "I wouldn't have been mad." I reassured. Even if I had been straight, I wasn't that sort of person. I smiled a little. "But don't you worry - I swing both ways." Nothing to worry about there. Cyrus was my friend. I liked him, and if he wanted to try dating then I was up for it.
(yup me :3 ill just rp a random one for now)

"swing both ways.." i echoed.. laughing.. i sighed as he rubbed my back.. i loved that.. that felt nice, nobody had done that in a long time..
I looked around as i was pulled through the doors of the asylum... The last place i was in was bad enough, and apprently this was worst.... I began struggling, not caring if it would get me into trouble. I just wanted to be back home, and able to do whatever i wanted.

"What?" I said, laughing quietly and just glad I'd gotten him to stop being upset. He was relaxing, at least, so I kept up the repetitive motion, rubbing gentle circles on his back. "It's true!"
Yeaaaa ;D

Oh and theprophet I don't care lol!

Nala do you think we could get Luna to be friends with either crane or list?
((Sure :) But if she somehow hurts Crane, List will break open her skull. . . Just a warning)) 

I flinched when his hands moved lower. "Whoa, there!" I said, laughing and pulling his hands away, giving them a each a faint squeeze. "Save that for the second date, at least." I planted a quick kiss on his cheek, released him, and stepped back towards the door with a grin. "Back to work. Remember to finish that paperwork, boss man!" 
((I don't know why it keeps merging my posts :( )) 
((Where'd your post go?))
Lol it's ok. Luna is fragile too. Jut no one like list to care for her lol


I remained trapped in my room. I had mapped a couple times with delusional dreams like usual. I would wake up quickt sweating, and letting out a terrified scream. I hated sleeping but yet I still did it anyways.


In the nurses station I remained scared and pondering over Luna.
i rolled my eyes.. "okay okay" as much as i detest paperwork, i got on with it for the hour i had before i had to go back to crane..

(timeskip much?)

"crane?" i asked.. just so he was alert that i was going to come in
(IASAHSAsahsahsahjabascvjahbxajs iher name shall be Marilyn)))

"MAKE ME!!!" I screamed out, trying to punch one of them before they could strap my arms in

I remembered it this time, even though most times I didn't. I didn't hear the door or the person's voice, just felt the hand when it touched my shoulder and flinched so hard it almost hurt. I flailed and swatted the hand away, toppling onto my side in bed and kicking a little until I just lay there curled up in a ball, arms over my head. I came back after that, not sure if I'd screamed or not, and looked groggily at the person standing over me. "Cyrus?" I asked slowly, foggily. It was always hard coming back from the away place.

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