from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

II looked up at the pager, distracted from my task, and took the notes..oh.. I smiled as I read it, I loved luna too.. She was basicly the same as crane..I stood up," boys".. I'll be back in five minutes, I'm going to see luna.. I smiled, I'll leave you two in peace and you to get dressed list.. 
(Sorry didn't read, leave the bit out about getting changed, he comes back in a minute to eat with them)

I was seated in the cafeteria at the purple table. My usual seat. One seat away from the seat next to the head of the table seat. I sat there and tapped my fingers on the table as I waited. Katie looked anxious and hopeful.

Crane was still grinning at me and for the few minutes we had to wait we just sat and I listened to him mumbling quietly to himself about favorite colors and sitting together. He tugged at my sleeve but I let him, smiling a little to myself. Finally. I'd been working towards this for a long time. It was just fortunate for us that Crane had endeared himself to most of the staff, including the man in charge. When a nurse came to escort us, we followed her to the cafeteria, Crane clinging tightly to my hand. Now that we were together, I doubted he would let me leave his side for the rest of the day.
:'( aww okay x

After talking to the girls, and getting luna her tea.. I walked back to crane and list.. I smiled down at them.. I took a seat next to crane..

Crane was swinging his feet a bit beneath the table when Cyrus came and sat down. I glanced at him but otherwise kept my attention on Crane, working on the sometimes difficult task of making him eat when his mind was stuck on something else. Spooning the food into his mouth usually worked well enough, but I liked having his attention so he wouldn't just choke on it. He was doing surprisingly well, so far, so I focused on him in a good moment and just neglected my own food. It wasn't the first time I'd skipped meals, here or otherwise, and it wouldn't be the last. Crane came first, always.
I started eating, in need of food.. I'd been up 3 nights on the go, and hadn't eaten at all.. I turned to face list.." Need any help?" I mouthed, hed know what I meant, I just didn't want his brother to hear.. Incase craned got the wrong end of the stick..

I just shook my head when Cyrus spoke silently to me, putting the fork in Crane's hand and directing him to cut the pancake into little pieces before eating. He was all right for now and I was fine on my own. I'd been taking care of him long before we got shipped to this place and, no offense to him, but I could handle it on my own better than I probably could with Cyrus' help. I knew my brother.
I'm heree :}


My tea. Where has it gone? I finally look up from the table. Many familiar faces, but one different one. I knew no one's name. Cyrus was seated here as well. It's a party at the purple table! I smiled.

My mind started roaring up thoughts

"Have you ever thought about trying to be a normal 17 year old girl?"

No. I don't think about these things. I thought. My mood started changing, and my face contorted with a mixture of sadness and anger.

"Will I switch therapy groups?" I asked, because Crane was focused enough on his food now and probably wouldn't be listening to us. I didn't want him getting his hopes up, but it made sense, even if leaving my usual therapist was generally a bad thing. If I was purple now, I couldn't be among the reds.

I took deep breaths, pulling at my hair.

Stop it.

Who are you!?

Stop it.

It was a voice. What kind of voice? It didn't answer me. I started hyperventilating and my eyes darted around from nearly every object, to every person at the purple table.
Yes!! Everything will be different!! I will be back in a minute

I looked over at luna..I got up.. Walking to her.. Luna?!.. Are you okay?!. I asked..

I rushed back over.

"Do you think we could get her more tea?" I asked hurriedly to Cyrus.

I grabbed Luna's hands before she could hurt herself or anyone. A single tear leaked down her cheek as she squeezed her eyes tight as if fighting an internal battle.
Yes.. I said coldly.. But.. Katie you go! I need to talk to her..

I took over from katie, but I was a lot calmer, not grabbing her hands, but simply holding then, cradling them.. Would you like to go out?!.. I asked calmly, then kate will bring you tea?..

I nodded hurrying off to get the tea.


I shook my head clearing my thoughts. My cheeks were wet from the salty water of my tears. Cyrus was holding my hands comfortingly. He was as old as Katie. 21 or something. I shrugged, before whispering quietly.

"I want friends." It was forbidden for us to have contact with other inmates, or even go out so this is a large offer.
I smiled.. Stroking luna's hands.. I could be your friend?.. You see how I sit with list and crane, they're my friends.. And you could be too!!

Crane was getting bored, and sometimes when he got bored he got that look in his eyes, like he did now. "Crane," I said warningly, watching him to try and figure out what he might do before he actually did it. His hand strayed towards his plate, nudging around a sausage near his pancakes. "Crane. . . Don't you dare-" Too late. He picked up the butter leftover from his pancakes - he'd never liked having much of it on them - and splatted it firmly against my cheek. I rolled my eyes and swatted his hand playfully away, picking up my napkin and his to clean it off but otherwise not chastising him. He was laughing too hard for that.

I gave him a look.

"Frie-friends... my-my..." I paused, struggling to get each word out. It was awful when I got like this. I would choke up and could never say anything. "Age." I finally finished.

Have you ever thought about trying to be a normal 17 year old girl?

I contorted my face again, gripping his hand and squeezing it in a death grip. My left hand remained in my lap, clutching itself.

I shook my head, getting my auburn hair out of my eyes. Silly bangs. I looked back at Cyrus and crossed my arms.

"Go where?" I said cautiously.


I returned with the tea, and handed it to Luna. She took it and gratefully drank it all up.

I shook my hair back in my face. Katie gave me a stern look and I mocked it. Outside? Where the free roam? Where the lions and bears and tigers are? I reluctantly follow him.

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