from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

Yes.. I smiled.. I sat down next to him.. Pointing to the room opposite, he'll be in there, you even be able you see him crane!!

Oh yea.. And I got you something! I sighed happily

I imagined a book I used to read sitting in the attic during their parties. It was about a boy and girl. They were best friends and then ended up being married. I sighed as the imagination blurred away and I was led with the blank white wall of my room

I clapped my hands and grinned at first, happy, then stopped and looked at him. "A present?" I asked, excited. I never got presents here! Not unless Mama sent List one of my books again. She'd only done that once.

I sat on the bed, legs crosses. My auburn hair covering my large grey eyes. My hands were folded in my lap as if I was praying. In a way I was. But instead I was dreaming.

I liked presents more than I liked surprises, but I nodded eventually and closed my eyes tight so I wouldn't peak. List was nice to Cyrus, so Cyrus wouldn't hurt me.
(Sorry, must have fallen asleep lastnight, I was so tired >< xx)

I got out a small book, a picture book, entitled 'that's not my monster' with textured pages, I know sometimes crane finds it hard to concentrate, but he enjoys this sort of thing, I took his hand and ran it across the fluffy monster on the front..

"Okay.. You can open them" 
(Oh ye, and burning rain, I had really good idea, katie already fancies cryrus, but in this RP, he's actually we could work with that?.

I frowned a little when he put my hand on something soft, wondering what it was, but only opened my eyes when he told me to. When I did, I stared down at the book and took it from him when he gave it to me, flipping a couple of pages and grinning widely when I saw that every one was different. "They feel funny!" I balanced the book carefully on my knees and leaned over enough to wrap my arms around Cyrus and give a quick squeeze. "Thank you, Cyrus." Maybe List would read it to me later.

((I could make Nico bi if you want. Somehow my characters always end up having no preference for gender. Leaves my options open lol))
(Okay :D maybe something could go on there ;)

I hugged back.. "I'm so glad you like it crane.." "You should ask list to read it later!!" I looked into the boys eyes.. Smiling wildly.. Something, had been sparked inside me, although I had no idea what this feeling was..

I just nodded and ran my hand over the front again, smiling at the soft feeling. "I'll wait for him." I didn't want to read it without him. I could just set it next to me so I could see it still, and I would wait until we could leave our rooms again and sit with each other.
(Should cy and nico be quite good friends already?) 
I smiled again.. "Okay crane.." "List will be about and hour and a half, I"ll be back for then, but I need to go see somebody (nico)" 
Brb, my phones dead.. 
(Nala I'm back ) 
((Sure, if you want :) ))


I nodded again and just laid down when he got up, setting my book safely next to me. I mumbled a quiet goodbye and waved slightly before the door opened and closed.


I walked down the hall, shuffling through a few papers, and very nearly ran into someone coming around the corner. I'd learned to have fast reflexes in this place, though, and so was able to step back in time. "Ah, Cyrus! Just the man I wanted to see." I smiled and held out the papers on a clipboard. "Just a few order forms to sign. Thought I'd get you to read it all over real quick."

((Sorry that took so long -_- Had to clean up cat throw up))

i sighed heavily.. "how can there possibly be anymore goddamn order forms? " i hissed, bu i was smiling, so nic would know i didnt really mean to be so angry..
((T-T It's not funny when you step in it with bare feet))


I shrugged, smiling a bit still, and just handed him a pen. "Well if you ran a tighter ship maybe we wouldn't have to keep ordering more sedatives." I gave a little wink, just to let him know I was joking, and patted his shoulder consolingly. "There will always be more paperwork. They reproduce when you leave them unwatched on your desk."
(you did that??)

i snorted with laughter.. "maybe if you took better care of the inmate- uh, patients, we wouldn't have to order more sedatives, either way..", i know there's always going to be more" i sighed.. i took the pen, "DAMN!", forgotten my f*cking contacts.. i read the form best i could, ugh expenses.. i muttered to myself.. when id done, i passed the forms back to nico.. a small grin, playing on lips.. i looked at him dreamily, wishing me and him would become ore than friends..
((,>_<, Yes. . .))


"Ah, ah, ah, Cyrus," I said, putting a mock-stern hand on my hip. "Don't swear where the patients can hear you." If they weren't already swearing at us, they picked it up real fast. "Can't see?" He was squinting at the paper, so I just sighed and gave him a little guiding push down the hall. "Let's go back to your office and get your backup glasses."

"ugh, they know worse words than me!!" i hissed.. "and take your hand off your hip you mong you look like a glamour model, a very hot one at that" the words rolled out of my mouth like honey, i regretted what id said instantly. but despite. i smiled.. and followed him down the hall..
((Yeah. Ew.))


I blinked, surprised, but managed to keep walking rather than just half-stopping and tripping myself. "Well, that's something to fall back on if my years and years of medical school turn out to be worthless, isn't it?" I flashed a grin at him over my shoulder. "And thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend."

((gtg back probably after lunch or something))
" problem", i grinned like a five year old..i definitely found nic attractive, but i was to afraid to say anything, he was also my friend, more like my brother, id be scared to ask him out.. in case it ruined our friendship.. but i decided to go ahead and fricking do it, i mean.. you only live once right? unless you come back as a ghost.. oh yeah, a gay ghost.. i could really imagine that..

"n..nich?.." i asked meekly.. knowing this wouldn't end well

im going for a shower
((Oh my gosh I told you I wouldn't be back until after lunch xD I JUST got home lol))


"Hm?" I hummed the question, just looking back at him over my shoulder. "What's up?" He had something to ask, seemed like. I couldn't understand why he would look so hesitant over some simple re-supply forms.
i shifted from one foot to another.. the question burning in my mind..

"" i couldnt get my words out at all, scared sh*tless

I stopped walking, frowning slightly and giving him a concerned look. "Cyrus? Is something wrong? Did you need me to do something?" Was it an errand? He needed me to go somewhere? Why was he shaking like that?
i rolled my eyes.. i grabbed his hand urgently.. leading him to my office, and slamming the door behind me, i let go go of him..

"look, nic.. i really.. really like you.."

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