from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

(meh its okay now ma)

they did.. strapping her into a straightjcket, a very rare precaution that sometimes had to be taken.. 
"whats wrong crane?!" i said.. worried
"NO!!!" I screamed, shaking my body, trying to make them get away from me. I had only been here afew minuites and i was allready off to a bad start.

I shook my head a little,uncurling my legs so I could see him better and so he wouldn't worry so much like List did. "Scared me. . ." I said, shrugging slightly. Bad. Bad. Surprise touching was bad today. I didn't want to go back to the away place. Cyrus was here to keep me company, so I wanted to stay.

I heard of the new girl, Marilyn. I decided to go check on her. Guards were already probably dealing with her. I looked up her name in the files then found her room number. I took a chocolate muffin and a foam cup of water as I headed down.


I curled up in a ball and rocked back and forth.
i looked at him.. "sorry mate"... "anyway, list will be along soon," i said as the door opened and list walked in, i looked up in shock.."hey list" 
they opened the door for katie.. marilyn was still strugling..

I shrugged a little when Cyrus looked at me like I'd sprouted a second head. "I was getting transferred. Someone let me in." I had to transition to my new room and it was time to come back out again anyway. I glanced at Crane when he sat up, frowned and walked over to him to put an arm around his shoulders. He just slumped against me. "Bad day." He wasn't going to focus much today, not even for me. But that's how it goes. He had his ups and downs.

((Should it just be rec time now? That way Luna (Marilyn?) can interact with List and Crane?))
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I screamed, trying to pull my arms free from the jacket. My voice was so deep and raspy i could have been a guy..

"Guards you may leave." I commanded. Once they were gone and the door was locked shut I unstrapped Marilyn then took a seat in the chair.

"I brought you water," I motioned toward the cup. "and a blueberry and chocolate muffin."


I rocked back and forth.
I looked at the women, still trying to get my arms out.

"I dont want it..!!" I growled. I kept my head down, my hair covering my face.

"Suit yourself." I left the water and muffins on her bed. I got up. "It's almost rec time. Ill come a d get you if you'd like to go."


I looked at the plain blank walls. I was sick of the plainness it made me deep very empty.
I looked across at them. Well that was thoughtfull... giving me food, even though im in a straightjacket... how nice!

I sighed angrily.

"I dont care...!" I hissed... I didnt want to go.. i didnt want to do anything, apart from drink and smoke.

"Well honey, we can't all have it our way. Can we?" I tell her before leaving. If she asked I would've take. Her out of the straight jacket, but she didn't so I won't.
((Sorry, got uber distracted))


I passed Cyrus on the way back from seeing a patient, thinking over the exchange, and smiled a bit when I saw him. "Well, hello again. I'm going on break. Want to join me?" We were well staffed enough for it.


I took Crane, and his new book plus one of my own, to the rec room with me and sat down on the couch with him. He curled up with his head resting on one of my legs, watching the cartoon playing on the tv while I just read one handed, the other resting on his shoulder to reassure him. He wasn't really watching, I knew, was too distant for that now. It was just something that drowned out the background noise.

I growled angrily as she left. I hated it here, so much! I got up, moving back into the shadows of my cell. I sat down, leaning back against the soft, white walls. Well done Marilyn, 10 minuites of being here and you've allready gotten yourself into a padded cell and a straight jacket.

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