from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

((Weren't we going to let her out to meet the boys?))


I laughed a little at the way he looked at me, trailing behind like a lost puppy. "Put your eyes back inside your head, Cyrus. We're still at work, you know." Even if he did run the place.
I dunno. I just know we agreed on Luna meeting them.


I looked at the obnoxious clock. Rec time? Might as well go down.

As usual, I waved goodbye to my bedroom. "Good bye. Ill be back soon." I said and then shut the door it clicked, the sound of the lock. Whoops forgot about that. I shrugged it off and headed down to the re room waving at things. I started feeling a little better and I started smiling and humming as I walked and waved.
(meh.. would you all like marilyn to come to the rec room?)

I sighed, leaning back. I began talking to Mkayla(he imaginary friend) about weather i should go to the rec room or not.

I walked with him to the break room, let him in first and shut the door quietly behind us so no patients could wander in. They did that sometimes, mostly on accident. "There we are. A little more private in here, so you may stare as you please. But if I catch you looking at my a** too long I reserve the right to charge you."

((Why am I picturing Nico like half a head taller than Cyrus? I have no idea...))


I glanced up when someone walked by, though I didn't lift my head, and curled my fingers a little tighter around Crane's shoulder. A new one. I was going to have to keep an eye on her for a while and see if she was dangerous.

Mkayla told me i should go... I didnt normally listen to her.. but today i was going to. I did my best to stand up. Standing in a straight jacket was easier said than done.

I shook my auburn bangs out of my gray eyes. It got annoying sometimes but I thought it was cute how they just went straight across my forehead. I bit a little piece then spit it back put. I reached the rec room and waves at every object. The clock told me it likes my presence.
i laughed nervously, not sure if he was joking.. "tea?!" i asked suddenly, trying to chance the subject from nics arse, as nice as it was..

I smiled, pleased with myself once i had managed to stand up AND catch my balance. I went to the door, kicking it open. I sighed happily, walking down the long hallway, to the rec room. I keapt my head down, not wanting anyone to talk to me. I knew that wasnt going to happen, me being in a straigh jacket and all.

I watched as the girl moved around, waving at things like they could wave back. She was either hallucinating or actually thinking they could. I wasn't quite sure who she was, thinking I hadn't seen her before lunch the previous day, but that was probably because I'd been red then. 
((I just keep wanting to picture Nico hugging Cyrus from behind and Nico putting his chin on top of Cyrus' head or something :3 Adorable height differences lol))


I laughed and just pulled a couple of mugs from the cupboard. "If you'd like. You're so jumpy, Cyrus. What's got you riled up still?" I thought we'd solved this whole 'dating' issue. He could stop acting strange now.

I soon reached the rec room. I was muttering away to Mkayla, not knowing the rec room would be so busy. Without even knowing, my voice was getting louder and louder. I stopped in the doorway, still talking to Mkayla.
(what case notes did he read :3))))

I stepped abit further into the room.. I was shaking a little from getting so wound up before. Not only that, the straps on this jacket were far too tight for me.


"That's never good." I tutted softly. I walked over to him as he set the kettle on to boil, draping my arms over his shoulders and resting my cheek on top of his head so I could still speak. "Want to talk about it?" I was a doctor here, so the whole doctor-patient confidentiality thing didn't quite apply.

After starin at the clock I noticed the other people. A girl in a straight jacket, two boys and- ooh television! I walked over then took a seat on the ground. I put my hair behind my ears and say cross-legged, my hands folded nearly in my lap. I smiled, feeling slightly happy for once.
I walked into one of the corneres, leaning back against the wall. I slid down to the floor. Since i entered the room, i hadnt stopped talking. It sounded just like i was having conversation with myself.

I glanced at the girl when she sat down nearby the couch on the floor, switching my book to my other hand just long enough to settle the remote between my leg and the arm of the couch. Even if he wasn't paying much attention, Crane would be upset if someone changed the channel.


"Not at dinner." I chided, even though I was only half-serious and our date wasn't until tomorrow. "Keep work at work and all that." There was a short silence following and I hummed softly to myself. "I like this," I said with a small, amused smile, giving his shoulders a little squeeze with my arms without pulling my hands from his grip. "You fit well." He wasn't . . . small, exactly, but I was taller, and I liked the way we fit together. It was nice.

I carried on, deep in the conversation i was having with myself... To me, the whole conversation was between me and Mkayla.. not just myself.

Those few minutes of happiness did not end well. I gripped my head as it burst. I felt like several bombs were exploding in my head. Gripping my head made me feel secure as if I was holding my head together and not letting it fall apart into tiny pieces. As I gripped my head, I squeezed my eyes shut and fell onto my side. I took deep breaths.

I frowned when I realized how much the new girl was talking and how long it seemed she might go on. I could tune it out or just ignore it, but if it brought Crane back from wherever it was he went he would probably be bothered by it. When the other girl fell to the ground and held her head, I tried to ignore it. If it was really a problem, a nurse would come and handle her. They were always watching.

Then, Mkayla said something i didnt like... I began screaming at her... I liked our conversations, until they went wrong- which they often did...

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