from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


My head snapped up. Something was about to go down. I say frozen in place. I wiped the remained tears from my cheeks. Please no fights... i prayed silently in my head.

I did my best to be polite, mostly to staff, but sometimes I made exceptions and this time I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. "Brother. We have the same face, a**hat." I said back at her over my shoulder, without much care for her opinion. "Who's the retard now?"


I laughed softly. "It's okay to be nervous, Cyrus, but you don't have to be. You don't have to try and impress me. I already know you."

"Mm-hm," I murmured to myself, then just nudged my head lightly against his since he wouldn't look at me. "Then what's the matter?"
okai burning rain)) 
"nothing.. just new to all much as people think i have,ive never actually dated before, while on the other hand, you have plenty of experience"
I have a minute or two lol


I bit my lip nervously. I took several deep breaths and looked down at the carpet. I was hopin this time would help me make friends. Guess not. Guess ill never make friends. Just witness more fights then needed.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing again. "You make me sound promiscuous." But he was being serious, so I did my best to be serious as well, just resting a hand over his. "It's not anything special, you know. We're just two friends, having a meal and talking like normal. You don't have to worry."

"Least he's got someone that cares," I said, glancing coldly back at her. "You ever get visitors?" Most people here didn't.

((What do you mean? Dating and going out are kind of the same thing?))


I patted his hand and reached for my tea again. "So relax. Dating's supposed to be fun." 
((Ooooh, do you mean are they a couple already, before the date? If so, sure. That's fine))
(yeah i know xD but are they or hasnt nic decided yet?))))

i smiled.. lifting up my head and putting it on nichs shoulder... i removed that awkward hand from his leg and ran my bony fingers through his hair.. 
i have to go everyone, im actually going to bed.. since i have to be up at 6 tomorrow
((Let's go with yes lol))


I closed my eyes and hummed a little, leaning into his hand. "See?" I mumbled. "More relaxed already."


I just smirked faintly, knowing I'd hit a nerve, and let her be after that. I sat Crane down somewhere else, sat next to him and opened the book in front of him. If he wouldn't read, he at least liked the way the pages felt different.

((Oo, that sucks. Bye!)) 
((What time is it for you? It's only 3:30 for me))
((I'm on California time, so it's currently 3:38 for me))


I sighed, sagging a little in my seat, and did my best not to just purr. "What'd I do to deserve this?"

I sighed out of sheer sadness and happiness. Sadness because rec time has turned to fighting and that made me want to... And then happiness because the fight is over. Hopefully. I looked down at my scrawny hands and picked at my nails. I got up and slowly walked over to the small play kitchen meant for littler kids. I sat at the table and chairs and played by myself. Per usual.

When Crane finally came back to himself, it was surprising. I hadn't expected him to, but his ups and downs were unpredictable. I picked up our books, followed him when he got up and walked away, and sat on the floor nearby when he did the same next to the girl playing there. He just looked at her for a minute, then picked up one of the play cups and held it out to her. This probably wasn't a good idea, but I would let it be for now. Maybe he would stay lucid if he had someone to play with.

I looked over at the boy and a small smile can onto my face. I took the teapot and poured some tea into the cup (ooc: imaginary lol) and then clinked my cup to his. I raised my pinky and surprised a giggle.

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