from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


Crane grinned when she laughed, pretending to take a sip and setting his cup aside. "List?" I looked at him when he asked for me, just waiting. "Come here, List. Come read to us." I glanced at the girl, then just shrugged and got up to walk closer. If he insisted.

I glared at the girl and frowned then looked down at my tea cup. I smiled again.

"I like books." I said quietly still smiling and looking down at my teacup.

I curled my fingers into a tight fist when I sat on my knees between them, setting the book on the table. Crane was frowning, starting to look like he might get the 'I'm almost going to cry' face, even if he rarely ever cried. "Focus," I said, putting a hand on his head and directing him towards me. "Let's read your new book." She didn't matter. He only needed to focus on me.

I looked at the book and smiled. I just sat quietly with my hands in my lap. The one reading to us didn't seem to care for my presence and Ill admit it felt saddening to know that he's over here and doesn't even like me but only his brother. But whatever I don't mind. I just looked at the book and remained quiet.

I kept part of my attention on the hallucinator standing nearby, but shifted back a little when Crane reached across me. He grabbed the other girl's hand and pulled it over to the book to set it on one of the patches of different texture. "It's soft." He said, smiling. "Here, feel."

I smiled then giggled.

"It is soft... Do you like the comfort?" I asked. The softness reminded me of a fuzzy blanket that warmed my thoughts.
I suddenly kicked the table let hard, laughing a little... One of the main reasons I was still friends with 'mkayla' was because I could blame her for things that I had done..

"It just feels nice." Crane said, before the girl kicked the table. I snapped my arm down a bit, my hand already on the table, so my elbow kept it from jolting into either of them.

I looked up at the girl, holding back a glare for now, and just raised an eyebrow. "I think you'd better leave now."

I nodded in understanding. The girl kicked the table ruining my mood. I let out a small shriek of terror but the reading boy slammed his hand down. He table didnt move but jostled a some of the tea ups, the tea pot and plates. I immediately bent down an starting to pick them up.

My arm would probably bruise, but I ignored it, slamming the table back down onto its legs when it popped up a little with the force of it. "We'll move, then." I closed Crane's book, handed it to him, and got him to his feet. "Come on," I waved his new friend with us and moved back a step, waiting for her. "Let's go somewhere else." If she followed and caused trouble again, I was going to position us next to something useful as a weapon. Anything heavy would probably do.

I hated messes and it was a little strange considering I caused most of the ones I cleaned.

"I'll follow you in a moment." I said cleaning everything up and beginning to place everything perfectly back on the table.

"We're not having fun." I said, looking at her. "You're walking on thin ice." I took Crane with me to another corner of the rec room to wait for his new friend, deciding on the one with lots of pillows because he sometimes liked to try and stack them and they were good for sitting. I wouldn't need a weapon as long as she had nothing hard to work with.
(Can Marilyn kick Crane or something :)

I followed.

"Well I am...!" I sounded like a child. My deep voice was really begging to get on my nerves now.

After cleaning everything up and putting it back, I pushed in the chairs and angled the table. Then I headed back to the corner with them and sat next to the nice boy.

"I'm Luna." I smiled at him and held out my hand to shake.
((If she does List'll break her leg...))


I set up a little spot to sit with the pillows for Crane to sit and sat him down with his book, pulling some more pillows closer for myself and the other girl. "I don't care. Have fun by yourself." 
((That was for Marylin, just so you know))


Crane looked at her hand, hesitated, then just shook it like I'd taught him. "My name is Crane."

I glanced at her and shrugged. "No, that's not what our parents named him. He's just always been Crane. I'm List."

I smiled. "I like those names. They're unique." I said to both of them. I turned to Crane. "Your name is like my favorite bird! I like birds. Do you like birds?" I giggled, embarrassed at my sudden talkative outburst.

Crane nodded, grinning, and held his book up to her. "They're like dinosaurs!" Well, at least he got that right. Even if the monster book wasn't all about dinosaurs.

"You're right!" I exclaimed, a large goofy smile on my face. I named various birds that looked like some of the monsters and dinosaurs in the book.

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