from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


Crane started to stir when the new girl shouted and I finally had to turn and look at her, holding back a glare. I tried saying "excuse me," twice, and then just gave a single sharp whistle in her direction. "Please keep your arguments to yourself." I said, loud enough for her to hear. "Other people are trying to watch the tv."

The pain stopped and I relaxed a little. My face showed hurt and sadness all over. I still remained in the and position just less tense. A single tear trickled down my cheek as the images from the brain explosion replayed.

Just memories. Sad memories that make me... Make me... I'm not even sure.

I looked to were the voice was coming from.

"I dont care if other people are trying to watch to tv, im trying to talk to my friend!!" I growled. My voice was so deep and manly it was unreal..

The other girls sudden screaming made me sit up. My cheeks streaked with a few tears. I looked at her then looked at the television, sadly. I was no longer in he mood for it.

I couldn't see anyone but that was hardly the strangest thing to occur in this place so I just shook my head. "Then kindly do so more quietly. If you want to argue loudly, do it in your room." 

I just smiled and stayed there for a while, only moving away when the kettle started to whistle. "Here we are." I poured the steaming water into two mugs and presented a small box of tea bags for him to look through. "Which flavor?" For my part, I took the strawberry flavor and dropped it into my own mug.
i sighed, taking the peppermint and dropping it into my mug.. it always calmed me down.. "thanks" i said he past me a spoon, stirred it for a while, watching the little bag create a small green whirlpool at the center of my mug..

I smiled a little and just waited with him while the tea steaped. When mine was dark enough, I took the tea bag out and wrapped the string around it, giving it a little toss into the trash can. I grinned and pumped a fist in the air when it went in without touching the edges. "Three points!"
Ooh why couldn't he see?))))


I looked back and forth to the two arguing. If they kept it up I would for sure have another explosion. And trust me, I'm not looking forward to another one. My fists clenched and unclenched as I calmed myself. A few tears escaping.

"I will do what i want. And if you have a problem with it, dealt with it!" I sneered, keeping my head down. I kicked out for him. 
(yes, thats right:))
"silly boy" i smiled.. i walked over to the trash can, putting my tea-bag in there, i sat down on the sofa.. patting the spot next to me..

I looked down at my leg when her foot hit me in the ankle, without a wince or a cringe. Pain was nothing. I was too used to it, enough so that I hardly had to notice anymore. The only thing that mattered was that Crane was safely tucked in a ball next to me, his limbs all on the couch and safely out of her reach. I just ignored her after that and went back to my book. If Crane started getting upset I'd take him back to his room or just to a different part of the rec room.


I just grinned and followed after, refusing the urge to flop next to him because I would probably just spill hot tea on myself. "Boy?" I said, laughing a little as I sat. "I don't think you get to call me that when I'm the older one of us."

"It evens out, though, I think," I said, taking a small, careful sip and just leaning back against the couch, his arm warm around my shoulders. "I'm older, but you're my boss." That kind of leveled the playing field, I supposed.
I began talking again. My conversation was extremly loud.. I leapt mention how I wanted to kill everyone here.. Mckayla told me stop, I ignored her.

My jaw dropped when she kicked him. I immediately looked down and a year fell onto my lap

"Please stop fighting." I whispered. No one could hear me probably. I said it too quietly. But I didn't want I repeat myself.

I glanced down and then just raised an eyebrow at him when he put a hand on my leg, shifting forward to set my mug down so I wouldn't still someone burn myself. "Might we be planning something?" I asked, flashing a small, playful smile and leaving his hand alone when I leaned back against his other arm again. We were friends, so we'd touched before - a hand on a shoulder or a knee - but this was different. Too different, probably. He wasn't taking the change very well, was he? He was still nervous. 

I swore mentally after a while and finally just gave Crane's shoulder a pat, getting him to sit up. I picked up my book and his, dropped the remote on the couch where it could be retrieved by anyone that wanted it, and pulled Crane to his feet and away from the couch. "Come on, Crane," I said, softly and soothingly to him as we walked since he was still a little out of it. "Let's go sit over there. I'll read your book to you."
((Moving in for a kiss? xD I don't know))


I tried not to laugh and just patted the hand that rested near my knee on my thigh. "You're very handsy all of a sudden. An hour ago you were tripping over your own tongue."
I stopped, looking at them.

"Yeah go read to your little retard friend. You two have fun over there!" I called, a smirk on my face. I always liked winding others up.

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