from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I screamed as i hit the floor... A louder screamed escaped my mouth as i fealt my knee shift.

I began screaming for Mkayla to come and help me. She didnt.... Without thinking, i tryed to kick out for List with the other leg... I was still screaming.
My ears pricked up at the sound of alarms..

"List. New girl. Crane. Kick. Fight.." I said out loud..

"Nich hurry!!!" I cried, getting up I grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet and to the rec room, I burst in, running to the couple who were not brawling on the floor

"I've got list and crane, take her!!" I barked

I caught her other leg when she kicked it at me, grabbed her by the ankle and just started twisting her foot to the side. Slowly. So she could feel it, even if i wouldnt break it yet. I've been dealing with a heavyweight for over a decade," I hissed, voice low and dangerous, "What makes you think I can't handle a little girl that's out of her mind?"
"THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!!" I screamed, at the top of lungs. In my voice, was both anger and pain. I continued fighting and screaming. It only hurt more, but i was quiet used to pain. I soon realised i wasnt used to THIS much...
(Was that list AND nich? 
"GET HER!" I screamed in nichs face, I ran over grabbing list by the neck, instanltly, he foze.. "List, its okay!!, its cyrus, but we need to take you back!!"
((No, sorry, just List. I posted it before I saw your response))


I ran after Cyrus when he hurried into the hall, saying something about his favorite patients - we weren't supposed to have favorites, but there it was. When we got to the rec room, he ran for the poor boy whimpering on the pillows and I went for the two fighting on the ground. I shoved List away and he went, because he'd already hurt her, and after that I had to keep her from trying to get up and hurting herself more. "Somebody bring a gurney!" We had to get her to a medical office.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I keapt screaming and fighting. The straight jacket wasnt helping either... If i didnt have this this on, i probably would have hurt Crane alot more than i did.... My knee and ankle was really begging to get the better of me.

I hissed when Cyrus pulled me away, his fingers curled around the back of my neck in a way I didn't like but it didn't matter - hurting me didn't matter, only Crane. "I warned you, Cyrus," I hissed, "If anyone touches him, I'll break them." I'd do it again. I'd make her hurt more, just for touching him, but now wasn't the time. If she hadn't learned her lesson, I would do it again. "Let me go. I'm done." I wouldn't go after her again now, and I needed to see to Crane.


I managed to pin her very carefully to the ground, a shin braced across the top of her thighs so I wouldn't hurt her leg but could keep her from flailing and hurting it herself. "Hold still, Marilyn. Please. You'll make it worse." If she hadn't been in the straight jacket she might have already done so.
"Crane?!.." I screamed.. He was just sitting there, shaking 
"Did I even say a word?" "I know what you said, list" I let him slump to the ground, carefully picking his brother up, cradling him in my arms,

"No!!" i spat in his face. My eyes were wet bust i was strong enough to hold it back. I couldnt stop myself from struggling. I just lay, wriggling hopelessly.

I dropped when he released me, stayed there long enough to compose myself and check on my own hand. It was possible I'd broken a finger, but I'd have to get it looked at by someone that was actually a doctor. I moved over to where Cyrus and Crane were, not trying to take him because pulling on him would make it worse, just resting my good hand over the spot she'd kicked to try and reassure him. "It's all right, Crane. I've got you." It was what I'd told him when I'd killed our father. I would always be at his side, and I would always keep him safe. No matter what happened to me as a result.


I sighed when she spat at me, wiping my cheek on a shoulder so I wouldn't have to free a hand and just looking up when the guards arrived. With their help I managed to get her carefully up onto the gurney and strapped down to it so she couldn't hurt herself. "Take her to the doctor. I'll be there shortly."
I was breathing heavily. I just wanted to leave her, and kill those two boys on the way. I couldnt help but struggle against the restrains. This wasnt the first place i had been in. But no matter where i go, things allways go wrong, and its usually my fault.
I looked down at crane, then cast a sidelong glance at list, "he'll be okay, I'll take him over to the medical wing, and get him seen to, you'd better come too, so you can be with him and also get yourself seen to"

I stood back to wait for Cyrus, and when List nodded, they both stood, Cyrus cradling Crane in his arms. "I'll walk with you," I said, because if we were going to handle this with any kind of speed it would be useful to help the doctor. "Your hand?" I asked as we started walking, holding a hand out to List. He glanced at me, but obeyed and let me have a look at it. It was broken, but he didn't so much as flinch when I touched it. This boy was strong.
My knee was really begging to hurt, alot. I began screamed and shouting at Mkayla. This was her fault, she told me to do it! People would say im just as bad for listening. It wasnt my fault though, she forces me. If i dont do it, she threatens to leave. And she is the only person ive got.

I shook my head, just sitting List next to his brother at the foot of the bed. "All right, all right, let me wash my hands." I could take a look at Crane's leg, then List's hand. List was the one of the two more likely to be able to stand waiting.

I didnt stop screaming, not even too take a breath, or looked at were i was... I wasnt going to let this go easily. If i ever got out of this straight jacket, i would kill both of them.. (wb sorrrrry)

I dried my hands off and went back to them, shaking my head. "It's all right, Cyrus. It just needs to be set is all. You can hunt down a finger splint for me if you'd like."

List just shrugged where he sat and I knew he only cared about his brother. "Help him first. I'm fine."

I was shaking still from the scene that folded before me. One minute we were talking about birds, And the next the mean girl kicked Crane. He had toppled over onto me and I tried to help him up. But soon the place was flooded with workers and guards. It scared me to no end. I sat on the pillows still the book tossed to my side. I picked it up gently and brushed it off.

While he went off to do that, I checked on Crane's leg, prodding gently but wary of List. I needn't have worried - his attention was on Marylin, and even if it didn't show in his expression I had a feeling he felt satisfied for now. "There we are. You'll get a big, icky colored bruise there, but after a week or so you'll be just fine. Until then, if it hurts at all you can call us and we'll come help. Here," I went and retrieved a sucker from a nearby stash I kept to give to him, "For being so brave."

He got a big smile on his face when he saw the candy and for the most part ignored me when I put a little bit of salve on his leg to help it bruise less. "All right," I said, turning to List, "Your turn. Find that splint, Cyrus?" 
((I gtg take a shower. Back in probly 30 minutes))

I just watched them, muttering to myself. I hated this crane kid... He was just like a toddler- which wasnt good to me. I hated children. they were so stupid and annoying.

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