from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~



It was back. The explosions in my head. The pictures. The memories. It was awful. I could see a cramped attic, many books, my adoptive parents. They were yelling. At me and at each other. My brain screamed and I clutched my head as if it would piece it back together. My eyes were squeezed shut but some tears managed to escape. I snuffled my nose and then waited as the pain slowly left, taking the images with it. I loosened up when it was fully gone and stopped clutching my head. I slowly picked the book back up and wiped the tears away. I dusted the book off and stood up.
" Yeah!!" I smiled, passing the splint to nich..

"I'd better check on luna.." I sighed..

I walked back to the rec. Room, there she was, shaking like a leaf..

"Luna?" I held a hand out to her "come on, we'd better get you back hon"

I ripped my hand out of his.

"No." I said firmly, holding the book tight in both hands. I didn't want tea.


I was in Marilyn's room getting her files together and putting some clothes in the wardrobe provided as she was currently in the clinic.

I simply followed him still clutching the book. I think I finally had a new friend. My favorite animal is a sheep.
((No you won't! xD ))


When I gave a firm tug to snap the bone back into place, the only reaction I got was a slight tightening around the eyes, and I'd only noticed because I'd been looking for some sort of sign that he actually felt this. He did, of course, but there was something that kept him from caring much, and after reading his file I already knew. He'd been beaten by his father for who knew how long before he'd come here - as scary as it was seeing it in someone so young, pain was nothing to this kid.

I sighed softly when everything was done. "That should do it. Ty to keep it immobile and we'll check on it once a week." Cyrus walked in with another patient after that, but that was all right. We were done here.

I smiled at the nurses and waved then wave to the room. I looked around and saw various patients. When I spotted Crane I hesitantly walked over to his bed. List was sitting at the end of it. I smiled at him and then turned to Crane. I handed him his book.

Crane got a big smile on his face, taking the sucker out of his mouth and taking the book from her. He looked at it, then me, then his sucker, then back to her and finally at me again. Shrugging, I got down from the bed and got another sucker from where I'd seen Nicolai grab the first, handing it to Crane. He grinned and held it out to Luna in turn. "Thank you!" There. Now he had a gift to give her like he wanted.

I giggled and took it.

"Thank you." I said smiling genuinely. I took a seat on the floor where I liked it best. "Is your knee okay?" I asked.
Probably death. Just kidding ;)

Can Katie be in charge of punishments?


I walked in the clinic, clipboard in hand. Punishment was obvious for these two.
((Could skip to another 'yard time'-type thing))


I sat next to Crane again while he looked thoughtfully at his own leg. ". . . It's okay." He said, perfectly fine until the moment he looked up and saw the silver clasp around one of my fingers. Then he finally started getting all worried. "List, y-your hand. . ."

I shook my head, moving my hand where he couldn't see anymore. "It's all right, Crane. It doesn't hurt very much."


I raised an eyebrow, surprised, and glanced at Cyrus when he all but purred in my ear. "Just doing my job, boss man." What had I said about 'in private'? He might run the place but there were still other people around to see.

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