from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

I was lost in the angular corridors, only high enough to feel as though it was proportionally built to make it feel as though I was about to be crushed by the ceiling descending.

"Look at him, he can't even find his way in a hospital, worthless." A voice from inside a room, a voice belonging to one of my accursed roommates. Those accursed roommates who knew of my future were sent by manipulators to crush it.

I heard a boy and a woman, not a voice I recognized, they weren't talking about me, good. I followed their voices, I needed to get out of this labyrinth.

I shook my head and just twirled my sucker back and forth between my fingers by the stick. ". . . I want List. . ." I said, quiet and shaky. He was going to be gone for a long time. I didn't want him to be gone so long. I didn't want him to be gone at all.


I listened to her patiently, stepped inside when she opened the door, and turned enough to look at her before she could close it, expression completely serious. "If she touches him again, I'll break her other leg." And her arm if she did it again, and then the other. And if she kept persisting even when crippled, I would break her spine, and ensure that she had a long, long time motionless but alive to think over her mistakes. "But if she's kept in check, ma'am, no one will have to worry."

I just sighed. "We try to keep everyone in check, List." I said then I shut he door and locked it. As I turned to go down the hall I saw a young man wandering. He was not familiar so he must be the new guy we were getting.

"Isaac Webber! Correct?" I said as I shuffled over to him. "The guards should have kept you. Ugh ill chastise them later. Come with me." I said as I turned back around and walked down the hall, checking back every so often to make sure he was following me.


My heart cripples and I hugged him.

"Don't worry. You'll see him soon. I promise." I crossed my heart and smiled at him, beaming.
I heard footsteps running and a hellish scream from behind me, I turned, fists raised in a stance taught well to me, nothing and no one along the ever stretching corridor, playing with my head.

I heard a voice, a woman's from behind me I jumped. I turned and looked at her, as she came towards me, she looked like a doctor, maybe I could trust her. She asked me to follow her, I followed her.

"I'm Katie." I said. "I'm a nurse here by the way. In your too there is a bed a chair and a wardrobe for your clothes."

Brb for an hour or so

I closed my eyes and just leaned against her, feeling a little better being held but not too much. "F-Four weeks is forever. . ." I'd only get to see him once for group therapy, all month. That was no time at all! Who would read to me?
((Happened to me when I was in hosptial))

"Hello, Katie." I said warmly. "I know, I taken to my room and told to find a therapist." I said after that, hoping to express my concern at being lost. I could hear a little girl, screaming for me not to trust her, the same one who tried to convince me to eat a .308 round in the woods, I ignored the little bitch. I followed Kate, the nurse. I felt a lot of anxiety at the prospect of interacting with people in a social situation for months, the trial was horrible, they were inches away from drawing and quartering me.

In reality Issac sounding similar to what a member of the living dead would, he spoke with a constant droning monotone.

I stopped talking for a minute, thinking about the punishment they had given me. I blamed Mckayla for this... She told me to do... I pushed my thoughts aside, focusing on the pain, pulsing through my whole leg. I couldn't wait to get my hands on those two idiots.

"Ill read to you. I love to read." I smiled and put a thumbs up as I giggled. Reading was all I ever did in the attic. My parents threw many parties. They claimed that it was no kids allowed but once and a whole I heard a child giggle or laugh and I would just hope and pray it was my imagination. That also tended to run wild while stick up there for hours on end.


"We have to get you situated first. Then you get to meet the therapist. She also does the group therapy. Do you need me to recite the rules or have the guards told you them?" I asked marking things down on the clipboard.
"So you're going to give me a tour?" I joked. I felt very confused, were they supposed to give me rules. "The guards just well, left me in my room." I said bemused. I hate it when they screw up like this. I could hear that hellish choir of voices, of deep booming male voices and whispering female voices, they were telling me to submit with my discord and use the pen of the clipboard to stab into my own brain through my eye.

To Katie, he was speaking as ineffectualy as he had earlier, he seemed agitated by something. His right arm was picking at his bandages on his left arm, seemingly unconsciously.

"You have got to be joking." I muttered, more to myself.

"I don't give you a your except how to get to the main desk. Only some members that are log term and given an okay get to roam the halls and that's who we give a green card to. Since youre new and we still need to figure out yoù status, when it's time to go somewhere different, a nurse will come and get you." I explained.
I stared at her... I knew I was in for it now, I knew it. They would strip my bones of flesh, vivisect me while I was awake and in agony. Yes, yes, they will, they were right. "What do I do now?" I ask, feeling afraid for my safety. Act like it was their fault, yes, then you might be spared an agonizing torturous death.

Now they were mocking me, all those voices, about what it is I'll do, they heckled and heckled. I felt defeated. "I don't know what I'll do." I murmured and they then cheered. "Don't be so sure I'm broken." They were telling me I were. "You're words are going to loose all their impact if you keep blabbering on."

I nodded a little and just sighed quietly. "I miss him already. . ." But it would be nice to have someone to read to me, I guess. Usually List did it. Cyrus had, once or twice, and Nicolai a couple times. But I was used to my brother. I wanted him back.

((I feel like he should be more unstable with List out of the picture so long :( ))
Oops sorry got distracted


"I promised you would see him soon." I looked at him full on honesty in my eyes. "Let's go to a happy subject to cheer you up!" I chirped. "What books do you like?"


"Take this paper," I hand him the paper. "And read it over as I go get your clothes and bed sheets." I instructed.

I shifted a little, looked at the book still sitting in my lap. "I like books with pictures. . ." Words and pictures were both good, but I liked pictures most. I reached over to the little table next to the bed, setting my sucket there on its wrapper. ". . . I don't want it anymore."
I took the paper, god, I was sick of reading the same junk in jail. I read it, drowning out what the walls were threatening me with. The words wouldn't stay still on the paper. So I sat down, cross legged, the position I was best at concentration in, something to do with my humors and various spiritual/physical energies.

Oh jesus christ, this was an order for my execution. I looked up in sheer terror, sure that a sword would swing at my neck... Nothing was there, but they were now howling with delight about how I'm finally gonna join them in hell. Back down, look at it, read it. It's the rules, no running in the halls, designated smoking area, attend appointments, okay basic stuff. Had worse stuff in Mackingly academy, I can deal with this, hell I'll love this.
"So I see!!" That's for being such a brave boy!!!" "- have somerthing to tell you . Crane" 
Today I'm out with some friends so I won't be on untill later

Name: Layla Vorhees

Age: 12

Role: Inmate



Layla was abandoned at just 5 years of age. She was too scared to get help from anyone, so she tryed to live alone. She managed to keep going strong, on her own until she was 8. She was doing great until she has a traumatic experiance and got hit by a car while trying to cross the road. She suffered serious injuries to her head. About a year later, the hospital she had been help in released her and set her up with a foster family. They thought she had fully recorved, but no...

When she had hit her head, things got messed up... She began to see things- some, were horrible things that a girl of her age should never have to see. She would also sit for hours talking talking to inanimate objects. It keapt getting worst and worst until she got violent. Amongst the things she had gotten very attached to was a small teddy of a rabbit she has found in the street one day. She speant all night talking to it. One day when he mother tryed to take it off her to wash it, she attacked her mother and killed her.... He farther turned her in... However, she still takes the teddy everywere she does. anyone who touches her rabbit will regret it.


Layla is very quiet. She likes to be alone with Robbie (he rabbit). However, if you say or do the wrong thing to her, she gets extremely upset. Not only is she easily upset, she gets violent too. She can be very dangerous, which is why she is in black. She enjoys watching tv, drawing or having 'tea partys' with robbie.

(is this okay?)

Ill be on again the same time as yesterday.


I went into the nurse's station and got his white slacks, loafers and socks, and a purple shirt signifying he's in the purple ward. Then I get white bed sheets and a simple red blanket. Then I grab six more days worth of the clothes. I put them on a cart along with a blueberry muffin and a styrofoam cup of water.


I look at Cyrus talk to Crane. I think that wa a signal. I smiled again at Crane and have him a thumbs up before walking out of ear who of his bed. I was going to go study the poster again but I yawned. Instead I took refugee on a chair. I curled up into a little ball and nearly immediately fell asleep.
When Katie the nurse came back with the clothes she also brought food and a drink. They were on a cart that squeaked it's wheels aggressively. I stood up from my sitting position. I focused on the muffin and the water, my stomach growled loudly, screaming voices and pounding fists were coming from the doors. Poison they said, don't, it'll kill you. They continued screaming, I tried to drown them out by singing a nursery rhyme from my childhood.
(thanks )))))


I just lay there, talking, trying to ignore the pain of my leg. Without knowing i began talking about how i wanted to kill both of them....


I looked up at the gaurd with wet eyes as they locked my cell... I clutched Robby tight in my hands. He was the other thing i had... Warm tears dripped down my cheeks as the thought of being trapped here forever took over my whole mind. Everyone here was so big and scary compared to me- i was tiny!

I frowned a little when Luna left, then just looked at Yrus, rubbing one of my eyes with a hand. "tell me?" What was it?

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