from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I nodded slowly. "Okay. Okay, Layla, no shower. . . What if I brought a bucket? You could fill it with water and wash off that way?" Eventually if she didn't do it on her own she would have to be forced into it, and that was never good.

I shook my head..

"No water...!!" I growled, getting abit narked now.... I didnt wasnt to shower, and i wasnt leaving Robbie, that was it.!
(I'm still talking to crane?)

"Oh yeah, and me and nich won't be be on the night shift on friday crane,so if you need any help, just ask katie?"


I pouted at that, lip quivering a little, but nodded and didn't say anything about it. They were going to be gone? But then everyone would be gone. Katie wasn't as nice to me as Cyrus and Nicolai.


I winced slightly. "Layla. . . Layla, I'm sorry, but at some point you'll have to get clean. If you stay dirty too long, they'll want to make you do it. It'll be easier if you do it yourself, take it real nice and slow so it's not scary. Please?" I didn't want them traumatizing her again.
"Anyway crane, I have to go and help nich," I didn't stay long enough for him to question that " I'll be along later" I said ass I left the medical bay, skipping over to where nich had gone, I slowly came face to face with a tiny, blond girl, what the hell could she be doing down here, I interupted their convorsation about showers or something

"H..hey.. I'm cyrus" I said warily..

"Okay," I said gently, "Okay, we'll put it off for a while. But eventually you'll have to get clean. Do you understand, Layla?" She had to know.

I looked up when Cyrus came in and smiled a bit, glad for a change of subject. "Layla, this is my friend Cyrus." I was tempted to say boyfriend, but I wasn't quite sure how she would react to it or who she might tell. For now I thought we would keep it mostly off the radar.

I looked at him, shaking my head before looking across at the new person that had come... Too many people... I shuffled back, holding Robbie... I looked A LOT younger than i accually was...

"We'll let you get some rest, Layla, all right? In a little while, I'll come get you for lunch." I shooed Cyrus out of the room after that, closing the door behind us. "Cyrus," I admonished, tapping a finger against his forehead just to get his attention, "You can't walk in on a consultation like that. You made her too nervous." She'd already been nervous, but still. I could've calmed her down.

I Curled myself up into a ball, still gently chewing on robbie. I flopped over onto tge cold hard floor. I screamed before begging to talk to robbie.

Cyrus left and I went over to Crane.

"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing his expression. I frowned. When others were sad, I was sad.


"Hey Isaac." I greeted him with a smile. I unloaded the cart and folded the clothes neatly into the wardrobe. "You can eat the muffin!" I said after noticing the way he eyed the muffin. The poor guy must be starving.
I ripped open it's wrapping with my teeth, and shoved it all into my mouth, crumbling it to make it fit. I chewed twice and swallowed it. Poison when eaten quickly, dissipates from the body quickly.

"Thank you." I said, first person since all this began to show me kindness. Even my lawyer, who I believe to be one of the conspirators, was cruel to me. I was stuck on showing more gratitude, I didn't want to mess up any chance of friendship.

I shook my head, sighing softly. "It's all right. Just pop your head in and say something if you want to come in. I'll let you know if it's okay. . ." I smiled, hoping to cheer him up. "Come on. We have work to attend to."

I carried on, deep in conversation with Robbie. I didnt want a shower, but maybe i would have to have a shower soon.....

(at some point, can Layla meet Crane :) )
((If you'd like. He's gonna be a sadsack the entire time though since List's all locked up xD ))


I shook my head and looked around. "Can . . . Can I go back to my room now?" I didn't want to be here. It felt too big and scary when I was alone.
(ahahah okay xD )


I soon sat back up, sitting Robbie down infront of me. I really wanted some toys for me and Robbie to play with. I sighed, looking around a little.

"Oh!" I looked at him when I remembered, suddenly, even though I should never have forgotten. "I told Layla I would try and get her a new friend for her toy rabbit. Is that all right?"

I made the bed and showed him the bathroom then the call button.

"Lunch is in a few so ill come and get you to take you there." I gave him a reassuring smile. I noticed the still full cup of water. I placed it on his night stand then left his room.


My face saddened with my feelings. "I-I don't know how." Was all I managed to come up with.
((Just had a thought. She's black and he's purple, so the only time they could meet is during free time, not at like meals or anything))


I nodded a little and got down, reaching for her hand and then pulling her towards the nearest nurse. "Let's ask." I didn't like asking, but I wanted to go back.
"Thank you so much." I said. I didn't know how else to express my gratitude, it just felt like I was always coming up short.

I gulped down the water, feeling it moisten my throat, it cooling my overheating insides. I forgot how luxurious a glass of cold water could be. I fell backwards on his bed. Heard someone call me a lazy shit from out of the window, I raised my head, it was a crow, staring at me through the barred window. I gave it a salute with my middle finger and tried to rest.

I couldn't rest, there was this constant, barely audible electrical hum, mind numbing hum, coming from somewhere. It was giving me a headache, making my teeth vibrate in my head.
(Oh yeah... We could skip to another free time or something.))


I looked down at Robbie, stroking what was left of the fur on his ears.

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