from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

(what I mean is I will exam it in character)

I stayed watching the man and the girl. He was saying something to her.
(Oh right, and M.A. Won't be a minute, she's installing a new router as her internet is crappy)

I looked at her.. My knees were beggining to hurt.. If she didn't make a decision then I'd have to go in anyway.. Weather her and her rabbit thing liked it or not, she was getting in that shower..

I sighed, taking them both... Robbie was in the same hand i was using to take them... When i tryed to take them, i dropped robbie on the floor.... I squealed as he hit the floor.

"NO!!" I cried. "Robbie okay!?"
Now I had trouble keeping it together, I didn't know what he was doing. The heckling choir was back, they were telling me to bash his brains in on the bar. I whimpered unintentionally.
"NO! GO AWAY!!" I yelled, tears dripping from my blue eyes. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself, still holding Robbie.
I sighed heaviy... That's a great start cyrus.. I resorted to sitting down in front of her cell, and trying to be a little more like nicho..

" I love your bunny, layla... And I told nico, the other nice man.. We can definately get him a friend!"
"You want me to go, huh?" I sighed.. This was slightly disheartening, because I'd really hoped I could get her to talk, other than saying go away..

I sniffed a little, lifting my head up slightly. I pulled Robbie closer, putting one of his ears in my mouth again. I began chewing at it, like I had before.
I was starting to believe the man by the cell was not another inmate, but a doctor or something. Perhaps a medical practitioner who fancies himself a judge, jury and executioner all in one. I was still unsure of his motives. I started to move forwards, the floor cold on my bare feet.

I flopped over onto the floor. Without even knowing, I began having another conversation with Robbie. My words were muffled by Robbies ear, which was still handing put of my mouth.
(yaayayayayayayayayayayayay it worked) 
i sighed.. walking back to my office..i slumped down in my chair.. hoping nich would stop by, i hated paperwork.. hated hated hated it... i picked up my pen and put on my glasses..

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