from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

((Okay. I'm all for drama, but wouldn't her attacking someone just get her stuck in her room and out of the rp like List and Marylin? Lol))


I finished a few rounds and had a short break, so I took that time to go and see if Cyrus was in his office. We hadn't even had our first date yet and we were spending as much time around each other as we could. Maybe this was progressing just a bit too quickly. Shaking my head, I knocked and then just entered without waiting for a reply. He was going to be grumpily doing paperwork again, wasn't he?
(Yeah but like... she starts going abit..... weird..... if you know what i mean.))))))


I just lay there, squished right into the wall, under my bed. I was sobbing quietly to myself. The tears dripped onto Robbie- who was still in my grip of death. As i wept, i spoke quietly...
((Sorry. A few things to do))


I shook my head, smiling slightly, and just closed the door behind me, walking over to straighten up his desk. "You have an imprint of the desk on your face, Cyrus. This isn't what working should look like."
i looked at him... putting my hand to my face.. "oh right, im sorry, i havent been getting alot of sleep lately.." i wanted to tell nich why, but it was slightly embarrassing.. 
(yes ma

I frowned a little, concerned. "Oh?" I took a seat on a corner of his desk to be closer, fixing his hair a bit. "Why not?" I'd noticed him being a little haggard lately but hadn't guessed that he wasn't sleeping.

I paused, surprised. "Oh. . ." He . . . He'd never told me this before. "You, ah . . . Have you seen a doctor about it?"

((agh. cat on arms. gtg))
(Lol, yeah no problem)

I shuddered, " know this is stupid.. B..but scares me a little, I don't like the pills.. They.. Um.. Make me worse, last time I took some, I had Fit.. And really hurt myself.."


I had taken Crane back to his room, and tried comforting him. Then I took Luna back. I was beyond exhausted from the chaos today. But, I worked the night shift tonight so if I can get through this, I can get through tonight. I let out a tired and slightly annoying sigh as I walked in Cyrus's office to ask a question.

"Hey Cyr-" I stop myself finally realizing I must have interrupted something. "Oh, I'm sorry. Should I come back?"
"YES!!!" I screamed.. "AND F*CKING KNOCK NEXT TIME!!!!!" Tears sprung from my eyes..





And nich.

She'd found out.


I hurriedly shut the door. He used to always tell me to not knock... They were just conversing! Jesus christ. What was up with him lately? I walked away and headed to the Nurse's lounge. Maybe I could get some sleep there and not be grabbed out, screamed out, cried on, bled on, etc.


I fell asleep.

I frowned when the door closed, having removed my hand from his hair when it opened, and shook my head. "It's okay, Cy." I said gently, getting down to stand next to him and put my arms around him, fingers in his hair as I pulled his head gently to my chest. "It's okay. You want me to talk to her or you want me to stay? It's all right. I don't mind if anyone finds out, I just don't want anyone thing you're playing favorites, that's all." I wasn't sure what to do after that, so just stayed there and cooed softly to him, fingers running through his hair. I didn't want him to be upset.

((Just a quick reply or two. Helping babysit))
I hugged back.. "Stay.., please" I cried.. I don't know why this was effecting me so bad.. I was just in a really stupid mood lately, probably because I never actually sleep anymore.. I buried my head in nichs shirt.. Blackeyeliner..Tears still running down my face.. I pulled him close.. Screaming inside..

I held him close and let him squeeze, let him cry if he wanted. "It's okay, Cyrus. You'll get through it. Maybe you can try the pills again. Ill even sit up with you and make sure youre okay."
(hai nala, me and theprophet need ya in the other rp:))


I sighed, closing my eyes, squeezing Robbie tight. I was shaking a little.
(Okay nala :)

I stopped crying, and looked up a little.. " would do that?.. F..for me?"I asked meekly.. I loosened my grip on his waist, aware of the expression on his face.. I loved nich, with all of my heart, and jeez, I know we only just started dating, but I'd loved him when we were friends, loved the way he stuck by me, his caring nature, and now.. Just now.. I told him I was an insomniac and he didn't give a damn, just now I'd broken down in tears infront of katie and nich, but he's here with his arms around me, his hands in my hair.., looking after me.. And I couldn't wish for anybody better..

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