from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


It was never a good thing when new patients were brought in, because it meant another person needed help, but that was what were here for. "Hello." I said gently as I closed the door behind me, giving a small smile. She looked scared so I sat in the chair, made myself smaller that way because I knew I was taller than most. "My name is Nicolai. I'm a nurse here. Can I ask your name?" I knew it already, but it was always better for the patient to tell me.

My face was wet and streaky with tears. When he spoke to me, i wrapped my arms around Robbie, holding him close to my chest.

"L....Layla...." I muttered. My voice was gentle and quiet. I didnt like meeting new people. I was allways so scared of what they would do to me. Especially here, i was scared of what people would think of me, because of my age... I was shaking with fear.

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Layla. It was very nice of you to tell me. . . It's all right to be afraid, you know. Everything is new and different here. But it's okay. We're here to help you." I didn't attempt at all to ask if I could see her rabbit. She hadn't released it at all, not when she was detained and not when shed been brought in here and gotten changed. That suggested a dangerous attachment. It was rumored in her file that it was the reason shed become violent. "That's a very nice bunny you have. Dose he have a name?" I'd let her keep it and just show a friendly interest for now. Talking about the familiar would help, but I didn't want to upset her.

I looked up at him, my eyes were big an frightened.

Robbie was litterally falling apart. Rips and stains covered its body. One of its eyes were missing and in patches all of the fur had fallen out.

"R..Rabbit...... Called.... R..Robbie...." I mumbled. I never went to school, meaning i couldnt really talk as well as most people. If i could help it, i didnt talk at all. This person seemed to be nice though, so i would try my best,

I nodded and looked him over, considering. "Would you like me to help you fix him? I won't take him from you, I promise. I'll just tell you what to do and you can do it yourself, or you can hold him and I'll stitch the tears." I smiled. "He'll feel better after that, I think."

I thought for a minuite.

"Me... ask...... Robbie..." I smiled a little, turning my back on him. I loosened my grip on him and looked down at the tattered teddy.

"Man fix you...?" I asked, tilting my head. Robbie said yes.. Nothing more, nothing less.

I waited quietly, stayed still until she turned around to face me again and only nodded, then smiled again. "Oh, good. I'm glad he seems to like me. What about you, Layla? Will you be all right if I fix him for you? We'll do it a little at a time, and you can hold onto one of his arms the whole time."

I gave a slight shrug. "Some time after you're settled in. When you feel a little better about being here, you can tell me, and I'll find some time for us."

I nodded, putting one of Robbie's ears in the corner of my mouth. I began chewing at it gently. I didnt really want him to touch robbie, but it would be better for Robbie if he was in tact.

"Does he taste good?" I asked, laughing softly. "I don't think he likes getting his ears chewed on. He might rip again. . . Tell you what. How about I try and get you another bunny, to keep Robbie company?" Maybe it would help diffuse the violence over the first one. Or maybe it would just make her smile. Either way I would be happy.
"Hmmm......... 'nother rabbit?" I asked, looking at the man. Was he really offering to get me another rabbit!? I would love a friend for Robbie. Could i trust him though?

I nodded, smiling slightly still. "Sort of a small one, probably, so it'll be easier to carry around. I'll see if I can get it cleared today, and then maybe I can get it to you by tomorrow or the next day." I'd have to go to a toy store and look. I was sure Cyrus wouldn't mind.

I grinned, nodded

"YES!" I exclaimed, hugging Robbie tight. I giggled, exited. "Friend Robbie!!" I keapt saying at the rabbit.

I couldn't help smiling, glad that she was happy now and seemed to have forgotten that she was afraid. "Are you hungry?" I asked when she'd calmed down a little. "Lunch will be soon, and I can go with you if you'd like."

"Yes, hungry!" I nodded, still smiling. My greasy blonde hair fell infront of my face. I didnt normally like eye contact, but this person was differant. I shook my dirty hair off my face. I hadnt washed for ages so i smelt pretty bad.

I nodded and smiled. "All right, then. We have a little bit of time until the food will be ready, okay? So, in the meantime . . . a shower?" I wasn't sure how that worked with the rabbit, but perhaps if I guarded the door to her cell she would feel confident enough leaving it sitting nearby where no one could take it.
(she takes a little convincing to shower xD )


My smiled faded...

"!" I had had many bad experiances with water... I just didnt like them. I allways fealt so exposed and vunerable.
((Haha, nice xD ))


I blinked, surprised, and held a hand up to try and placate her. "Layla, it's all right. Calm down, sweetheart. What's wrong? You don't like the shower?"

Oh. . . Oh, lord. I took a careful breath, kept calm, and just gave a small, understanding nod. "It's scary, then? But you can't be dirty all the time, or you'll get sick. I'll wait outside the door for you and make sure nobody gets in." I glanced at the stuffed toy in her arms. "And if you put Robbie in the bed or the chair, he can keep watch and make doublely sure no one gets in." No, 'doublely' was not a word. Yes, I'd used it anyway.
I looked at him, scared again...

"No leave Robbie!!" I stated firmly. I wasnt leaving him, no matter what. He had only left my arms the one time mummy tryed to take him and clean him.

I shook my head quickly. "N-No, no, no one's taking him from you. If you set him down to shower, he wouldn't get wet, that's all." I paused, considered. "Maybe you can wash him while you're there? I'll make sure no one comes in. I promise."

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