from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I checked some things off on my clipboard.

"Okay Marilyn... For starting the fight and taunting... You get to eat oatmeal for every meal in your bedroom, you get free time, and tea time taken away. Also can't do many activities. You'll remain in a straight jacket till tomorrow." I said as I ticked things off and wrote things down on my clipboard.


I looked at List's hand. I stood up and walked over to him.

"May I see your finger?" I asked, holding out my hand.
((She's in the infirmary/clinic nearby, getting her leg seen to since List sort of maybe possibly broke her knee))


I gave Luna a look but held my hand out for her to see. "Just a break. It's nothing." I'd broken fingers before, and who knew how many other bones.


I listened with only half an ear to Katie listing out punishments, and thought to myself that the activity restriction s a little redundant since she wouldn't be walking on that leg for a while anyway. Shaking my head, I looked back at Cyrus and just gave a small, apologetic smile. "She'll come for List next." It's was why we weren't supposed to have favorites. Sometimes we had to do things we didn't like.

I shrugged a bit. "Just making sure." I'd wanted to warn him, just in case. He couldn't protect List, no matter how much he liked the twins. All fights and other violations had to have consequences or we would have chaos.

I very gently held his finger. My touch like a feather. I felt a slight bump and cringed. I placed his hand back down out of sight of Crane like List had done before. My mind whirred with problems and numbers.

Then I spoke. "I give it 4 weeks."


I headed over to List and Luna quickly scrambled away. She sat very carefully on the far edge of Crane's bed next to his side. The bed didnt even move as she sat.

I flipped the paper to List's file, "and for you List... No tea time or rec time. Also no going into the paddock. You will be served oatmeal for every meal in your room." I recited.

(Brb going to grandmas)

I wondered how she knew, but nodded because she was right. that was probably about how long it would take, and i would keep it in the splint so it healed properly. Having to rebreak bones was never fun. when the nurse gave off instructions, I listened and just nodded when she was done. "Yes, ma'am. For how long?" When she left I could explain it to Crane and make sure he didn't get too worried not seeing me for so long. At least I would still be in this room across from him, and I would get to see him at group therapy.


I stood back a bit with Cyrus so I could speak quietly to him and not be heard while Katie dealt with List. "Don't worry, Cyrus. Ill keep an eye on him." With his brother confined, Crane would need looking after.

I shook my head. "When they're done, ill take List back to his room." After he talked to Crane of course. He would want to say goodbye.
Name: Issac Webber

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Athletic build, short brown hair, glasses, mousy face

Personality: Mostly very calm and amicable, that comes from his flat affect. He could be telling you something he finds very interesting or terrifying but sound... numb. He is paranoid, eccentric, introverted, phlegmatic.

History: He had a very normal life, apart from some family arguments, his father used to get angry and sometimes hit him or his mother but it was rare. During his teens he was an avid outdoorsman and was in a military academy. When he turned 21, he developed Paranoid Schizophrenia, he never took any drugs, never drank, it just happened while he was studying at University. He began hearing things, suspecting things. One night he attempted to Bug Out with his kit, including an ALICE pack, a tactical vest and an M14 rifle, when his roomates stopped to question him, he threatened them with his rifle and fled to the woods, he was later apprehended after attempting to kill himself.

Reasons for being incarcerated: Severe paranoia, Schizophrenia, Suicidal Ideation, Delusions, Flat affect.

"A month." I told List. I motioned toward Crane as if allowing him to talk. Then I walked away.


I stood up from Crane's bed and walked over to a poster on the wall.
((Okay, thanks for letting me know. Sorry, I had a couple chores to do))


I cringed at the length of the punishment, but turned to Crane as Cyrus talked to him. Crane smiled around the sucker and said something unintelligible around it, so I just reached over and popped it out of his mouth. "Don't talk with your mouth full."

He frowned at me, but smiled again and looked at Cyrus. "I got candy!"
(Sorry guys, I cannot keep my eyes open a minute longer, so imma gone sleep now xx, g'night everyone,7 back tonorrow probably at some stupid time in the morn)
Ill be on tomorrow at the same time as I was today lol.


I went over to the counter and wrote more things down. In a couple minutes ill take Marilyn down to ernoom then come back and get List and then take Crane and Luna back to their rooms.


I tried understanding the poster but it was hard.
((Probably me too))


List and Crane talked a while, Crane looking progressively sadder the entire time, but eventually just nodding like he understood. He didn't have much of a choice, but it was hard seeing him look so dejected like that. List gave him one last hug, a kiss on his forehead, and got up when Katie walked back into the room. Time to go.
My hand, half awake and frantic was scratching at my bandages on the way to where they'll keep me. The driver is a small town sheriff, his eyes are telling me he thinks I'm so useless and that I should hang for what I did. I don't give him the satisfaction of hearing my voice, like Sun Tzu said, silence is a source of great strength. We arrive, the police car jerking forward as it braked, the sudden movement made me feel ill. I'm invited out of the car by a nurse who's smile threatens to break his head in two. I look at the building, Victorian in architecture but I can't focus on that, I'm too busy focusing on all the faces watching me, all appear human with inhuman traits, cheap imposters created and sent to our planet by Eldritch means. I loose track of time, I'm escorted into a room, a changing room. First I scan the room for cameras, climbing up on tables to try and find them. None, I get changed. Then I go to a room, my quarters.

I take my rucksack and put it under the bed. The overalls I have been given don't cover up the browned bandages on my left arm.

I exit, needing to go to a therapist, if I wish to avoid my fingernails extracted with pliers and lobotomies.
Just a random health poster lol


"Let's go List." I said motioning. I held my clipboard in my hand and headed to the door.

I held my hands up to show her I wasn't thinking of disobeying and just followed. "Coming. Look for me, Crane." Whenever he came back to his room, I would position myself well enough for him to see me. I wanted him to know I was still here.

I looked over at Crane. He looked sad. I frowned and walked over.

"Don't be sad." I said, sittin at the bottom of his bed. I didn't like when people were sad. It's not good to be sad. It's not happy.


"You won't be taken back to red." I told him as we walked down the hall way. "But if another thing like this happens, you will." I warn him. "I know it was for your brother, but just be the bigger person. Please." I sighed slightly and opened his door after unlocking it.

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